In case you didn't notice, I moved my homepage to geocities. Geocities gave me 15 MB of disk space for free. My email address remains the same. During the move I also updated my genealogy data. It had been about 2.5 years since the last time I did. I have over 1000 names. Check it out by clicking on SURNAMES above.
I have links to interesting places on my links page like GenWeb County pages and county cemeteries in the area where my family is from. I also have links to several Foreman web sites that my interested you even if we aren't related. It has locations of cemeteries and maps to help you find them. If you need to get to other areas drop me a line and I'll let you know how to get there.
I am happy to see people are using this site. The counter read 3573 when I reset it. Let me know if you find a bad link or if you see a way to improve it. Thanks.
The surnames I am most interested in are : Bertholf, Blaine, Casto, Foreman, Daigh, Kerr, Lee, Lewis, Stewart, and Worley. For a full list or if you want to see my family tree, click here.
My Picture Page (Pictures)
This is a copy of my Gedcom file. (Updated 1-10-00)
Genealogy links and pictures click here.
Created: 1/30/97 Updated: 1/10/00