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Heaven’s Very Special Child
A meeting was held quite far from earth
“It’s time again for another birth”
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
“This special child will need much love”
His progress may seem very slow
And he'll require extra care
From the folks he meets way down there.
He may not run or laugh or play
His thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways he won't adapt
And he'll be known as handicapped.
So let's be careful where he's sent
We want his life to be content
Please, Lord, find the parents who
Will do a special job for you.
They will not realize right away
The leading role they're asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Come stronger faith and richer love.
And soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from heaven
Their precious charge, so meek and mild,
Is heaven's very special child.
Edna Massimilla

Hello everyone! My name is Aurelia, and I'm the Activity Catechist for St. Catherine SPRED #1, in Kansas City, MO.
Frank. What a sweetheart! Always wanting to help someone. Frank is in the "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS". Frank is a Lector and Eucharistic Minister for St. Catherine Parish. He takes his ministry very seriously and is an asset to the community. He enjoys working the annual Tootsie Roll Drive for the retarded each year.
Jonathon. He loves to go to World's of Fun! An amusement park with lots of rides. He likes music and going to movies.
Warren. Warren is real quiet. Much more of a watcher, than a doer. I'm trying really hard to get him to do an activity by himself. He loves to sing and has a wonderful time singing along.
Robert. Robert has a smile that will steal your heart! When he comes to SPRED, and I see that smile, no matter what went wrong during the day, he makes me feel wonderful inside. He may be non-verbal, but his eyes communicate beautifully. Robert also enjoys working the Tootsie Roll Drive. His smile is irresistible! When he was a baby, he developed an extremely high fever. The fever caused his disabilities. He wears RED SUSPENDERS. He is very proud of them. He looks very handsome in them too!
ReAnna. What a smile! She brings so much joy to our center. Loves to draw pictures for her mom.
Elizabeth. What a real little cutie! A real giggler!! She participates in Special Olympics and has a wonderful time.
My friends may be disabled, but it does not stop their LOVE from shining through. They are truely,"SPECIAL ANGELS OF GOD ON EARTH".
I would like to thank SAM SANTEE, Leader Catechist; and JUDY SHUTE, Parish Chairperson, helper catechist; for their love and support given to me in this MINISTRY.
My helper catechist's: PAT, JENNIFER, CAROL, Joe, and JEANNETTE. For it is the DEDICATION of these fine people that keep SPRED running so smoothly.
So, until another time...

Please visit my other site, OUR LADY OF PEACE CATHOLIC SCHOOL
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Catholic Goldmine
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So if you're in the neighborhood, be sure to say "Hi"!
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© 1997 aurelia@kc.rr.com
Raymond, Jennifer
Bob, Aurelia, Tayler


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