This page was set up to promote the desire to know more about family history. I have been researching for years and as they say I have the Genealogy Bug. Several neices and nephews have walked with me thru many cemeteries for those elusive relatives.
We have also viewed many museums, our favorite was "Strawbery Banke" in Portsmouth, NH. Strawbery Banke Museum
Caledonia County, Vermont Research
Vermont State Research
Vermont Local History Network
American History & Genealogy Project
Danvers,Ma. Genealogy
Rockingham Co., New Hampshire
Vermont Gateway
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet
WPA Life Histories -
Manuscripts from federal
writers project 1936-1940
Trivia de Famile
DAR-Fort Bowyer Chapter-Foley, AL.
Baby Doll Collection
This is for those who would like to share their thought's!