"Welcome Back, Dear Friends,
to the Show That Never Ends..."


The Doug & Julie Show!

And Now, We Welcome The Kate Show! -- Updates as of 12/18

Hello, good local time of day, and welcome to the Doug and Julie Show. We've updated the page - look around and enjoy!


"Meow, damnit."

Bailey and Remy are very proud of their home page - they think it has a lot of appeal! Take a paws in your web browsing and click on Bailey's nose to see what they've put together!


As with every other page on the Web, we're going to be under construction for the life of the site. The major difference is that we recognize this and admit it freely!



Also, we are happy to be a stop on the Internet Railroad. The tracks below are for a train called the People Mover. If you've stopped at the Doug & Julie Show from the Animal Car, you'll have to return to the Bailey and Remy Homepage to rejoin your train.

All Aboard!

The Rail


In the meantime, here are some of our favorite links! 

Friends and Family on the Web!

Business Links...

Education Links...

Reference Links...

Finding People...

Food, Food, Food!


Thanks for stopping by!

-dpl & jal

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