Montgomery County Maryland REACT

Team # 2388

"Public Service & Disaster Communications At Its Best !"

Team Officers and Membership Roster

The 2001-2002 Team Officers are as follows:

OfficeMember NameUnit Number
PresidentJ. Donald Pruett 211
Vice PresidentMichael Harvey273
SecretaryNathan Maryn 202
TreasurerKen Knopp 234
Board Member at LargeKenny Titcomb 249
Communications OfficerMichael Harvey273
NCRI RepresentativeAlan Fields242
Maryland State Council RepresentativeEstelle Riemer285
WebmasterJames W. Spinks 261

In case your Web Browser doesn't handle tables Click Here for a "TEXT" listing of the team's officers.

The Team's Membership Roster is as follows:


EMG Radio Room (201)Don Pruett (211)
Nat Maryn (202)Esther Leimbach (248)
Sue Harvey (205)Ken Titcomb (249)
Don Ace (209) Rod Grantham (252)
Glenn Murphy (214)Jim Spinks (261)
Tito DeLeon (218)Bob Goley (264)
Gordon Underwood (220) Karl Kaufmann (266)
Jon Binstock (221) Gordon Leimbach(267)
James Baker (226)Barb Moyer (272)
Allan Moonbloode (228)Mike Harvey (273)
Ken Knopp (234)Patrick Brown (275)
Jimmy Peterson (237)*Dan Yastrov (279)*
Joseph Yao (238) Dick Tubbs(283)
Debbie Gerondakis (239) Estelle Riemer(285)
Jim Gerondakis (240)Steve Eisen (297)
Alan Fields (242)
Michael D. Krumlauf (243)
* denotes a Junior REACT Member
(###) denotes the Member's Unit Number
EMG denotes the base station in the Montgomery County
Government's Emergency Management Group's Radio Room

Retired Units

210 - Retired In Memory of Herb Miller
222 - Retired In Memory of Dan Lambert
235 - Retired In Memory of Joe Cochran
269 - Retired In Memory of Rev. Ray LeVan
280 - Retired In Memory of Don Premo
281 - Retired In Memory of Jim Dalton
292 - Retired In Memory of Gibson Davis
299 - Retired In Memory of Neil Winning

In case your Web Browser doesn't handle tables Click Here
for a "TEXT" listing of the team's members.

Montgomery County,Maryland REACT #2388
Voice Mail: (301) 277-2380 - 24 hours a day

The following Montgomery County MD REACT Team members
may be contacted via E-Mail:
In case your Web Browser doesn't handle tables Click Here
for a "TEXT" listing of the team members' E-Mail Addresses.

Here's a few of the team members in all their photographic glory!

Sorry you can't see the team photo !
Photo courtesy of: Tito De Leon, Unit 218 (far left, back row)

Hit Counter
Hits on this page since 02/27/1998

Created June 24, 1996 by: James W. Spinks,Team Webmaster .
Last update: February 7, 2002

Montgomery County REACT
c/o DFRS/Emergency Management
100 Maryland Ave. Room 220
Rockville, MD 20850-2368
Voice Mail: (240) 777-2380

Team E-mail

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments on this page, please contact the team's Webmaster at:

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