Genealogy Links

Marshall County GenWeb Home Page - On this page by Alice Allen, you'll find lots of goodies about Marshall County.
Map of Marhsall County, KS - This is a terrific downloadable 1880s map.
1856 Map of Eastern Kansas - This black and white map is a fast downloader. Includes Eastern Kansas and most of Missouri.
University of Texas Map Collection - This site has lots of maps from all over the world. Included in the historical collection are maps depicting migration and trails routes across the states. Warning* these are big, color maps, so be prepared for a bit of a wait. It's worth it though!
GeoCities Home Page - If you want to build your own home page, this is the place to do it. They give you 2 MB of space and free e-mail.
The Irish Ancestral Research Association - TIARA is a great place to get information about Irish research.
Irish Genealogy Society - Another great source for Irish research information.

Crystal's Genealogy Page