Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Web and IRC Chats

This clickable link will take you directly to a room set aside for us to chat. Enter a name and one of the three choices of methods to chat. I suggest using EZ Talk Lite, because it is easiest. (I would also suggest turning OFF your graphics to load, if you are having trouble with speed. That works better for me!) Then press the button that says "Enter CAH-CHAT". No need to look for the room on a list!

You may also enter this same room using IRC. You can download IRC using mIRC. If you already have an IRC program, simply add Talk City to you choices with the following information:
IRC Server:
Port: 6667
Once you are logged into Talkcity through IRC, enter the room name as #CAH-Chat

Add chat to your web site with
the Chat @ Talk City program

Chat schedule

2pm EST- Parents of Girls
9pm EST- Adults with CAH

2pm EST- Parents of Boys
9pm EST- All Welcome

2pm EST- Weight Problems
9pm EST- Parents of Boys

2pm EST- All Welcome
9pm EST- Parents of Girls

2pm EST- Adults w/CAH
9pm EST- New Parents

12pm EST- Kids Only

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