Human residents are Deb, Kent and Erica.
Deb is an RN working with premature babies and children by day, enjoys training and showing the dogs as well as teaching obedience, helping with Lab Rescue and doing quilting in her spare time. Deb is also co-founder and current Treasurer for LABMED. We had been assisting approximately 1 dog per month since our beginning but by the end of 1998 requests for assistance were increasing and since our founding in late 1996 we have funded over 110 dogs in need!! Please go to our web page to see how you can help LABMED.
This is Deb with Ali after she passed her TD test on 6/6/99. (The other people are the two judges and the tracklayer.)
Kent works in desktop publishing and is a bass player in three bands (at last count) as well as doing "pick-up gigs". Although Kent doesn't show dogs it was his idea to adopt Turbo, our American Staffordshire Terrier. Of course you can guess who has ended up training Turbo......

Erica is a sophomore in high school and her job is to get an education! She also works part-time at a boarding kennel.Erica is hearing impaired so also knows sign language. She shows Lily in breed. She is currently training Rosie for Open obedience work and showing Nessie in Junior Showmanship. Erica is also a big collector of Beanie Babies.

For more family photos click HERE