Native American Genealogy
"A people without history is like wind on the buffalo grass" -- Lakota (Teton) saying
Genealogy finding aids:
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Records
Other Records On-line
- South Dakota Land Records
- Charles Mix County Search engine
for index of ALL Chas. Mix Landowners (1906), including many members of the Yankton tribe.
View the Index (670 Kb -- a very large file!!)
Some other useful links:
- The Catholic Archives at Marquette
University has the Catholic Mission records for the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations.
- Guide to the Great Sioux Nation - SD Dept. of
Tourism's web pages - very touristy, but has information about the different tribes and reservations, including names and addresses of tribal councils.
- Lakota Sioux web pages - also contains addresses for the tribal offices.
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