to the Fabulous Feline Friends home page!
Meow, thanks for prowling by! Here you'll find cat links, and much more!
You can read about other people's cats (or cat's people!); learn about cat health and nutrition advice; see wonderful cat photos, grab some cat graphics for your own feline page, have a laugh with feline humor, and much more.
Also, since this page has grown so large, I've put the awards my feline friends have received on the Fabulous Feline
And definitely visit the CAT WEBRINGS at the bottom of this page.
So, climb the cat tree and prowl around. Enjoy!
This site brought to you by:
Cat Lady Crafts
Purr-fect cat gifts available here!
This page is dedicated to my 4 Fabulous Feline Friends: **CLEO** **DAISY** and **MITTENS** and **JENNY**
Also, Please spay your cats and save all cats lives. There are too many cats waiting for a home so, to help, please don't patronize breeders or pet stores - remember the law of supply and demand. What difference does it make? Read on...
Over 15 million homeless animals are euthanized each year. Read an enlightening and informative article about Pet Overpopulation written by Diana Guerrero.
Please make sure to follow the Stop Animal Cruelty Ring and the Spay/Neuter Supporters Ring on the bottom of this page to learn more about how you can help!
Warm our laps.
Give us someone to talk to.
Help reduce high blood pressure.
Bring the winter air inside, nestled in their coats.
Create a kindred feeling with other "cat people."
Turn common household objects like bottle caps into toys.
Make us more aware of birds.
Donate their services as alarm clocks.
Display daring acrobatic feats right in front of our eyes.
Contribute to living a longer life.
Make a window sill more beautiful.
Keep mice on the run.
Make us smile.
Inspire poets and playwrights.
Teach us how to land on our feet.
Let us indulge our desires to really spoil someone.
Make our homes warmer.
Remind us that life is mysterious.
Share with us the all-is-well experience of purring.
Instruct us in the luxurious art of stretching.
Show us how to lick our wounds and go on.
Give us cool cartoon characters.
Make even an old worn couch look beautiful.
Open our hearts.
From IAMS Pet Food
Understand why inside cats are healthier and safer by reading this great article by Diana Guerrero: Cat Inside or Out?
For further info check out:The Human Society of the United States
visit my home page for more sites: HOME
Special thanks to the creators of the cat graphics used on my cat pages. Without them, this page wouldn't be!
I got the background and some graphics from:
Credit for these great cat banners and other graphics goes to: 
Please visit these wonderful sites!
This page created on February 15, 1998
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