mates to my home port!
SHIPS AHOY! Glad you sailed in - Drop anchor and climb aboard Barb's web ship. My goal is to help you save time sailing around this vast cybersea and make your trip more fun and less frustrating. I've mapped out some great cyberports for you to set sails. Explore, Enjoy and BON VOYAGE!
Cats - cat facts and litters of links
Crafts - numerous craft links for rubber stampin, scrapbooking, tole painting, more!
Gardening - bushels of links for the gardener
Graphics - lotsa graphics links (country, Victorian, more!)
Home Improvement - for do-it-yourselfers!
Miscellaneous - useful web ports
Rubber Stamping Links - for stampaholics!
Scrapbooking Links - wonderful informative and inspirational sites for scrappers!
Shareware - links to the best games/shareware sites
Inspirational Quotes and a Painting of me :)
Cat Lady Crafts
Purr-fect cat gifts available here!
Please feel free to send me
with any comments, web sitings, or just to say hello.
You are visitor number:
since April 5, 1997!
Credit for these wonderful graphics goes to: 

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