Our Grandbaby Pictures
Harly on her first boat ride in Dad's cabin cruiser in June 1997 at four and a half months old. Doesn't she look like a celebrity?
Harly enjoyed the boat ride that started out sunny and then turned real wild with big waves and rough water, but she enjoyed the whole thing.
She is a little trouper, isn't she?
What a little character! There's something about that little face that captures your heart, doesn't it?
Harly, Mom, Dad (looks like he's sleeping but how could anyone sleep through all that laughter) and their friend.
Little Harly Ann 2 months old in March 1997. In her winter hat when we went to Auntie Rhonda's for dinner.
Harly in her new jump seat.
Harly napping
Harly getting ready for her bath with her shirt on her head. Haha
Harly and Momma Heidi. Harly was born January 5th, six weeks early in Seattle after her parents were medivaced there for special care before and after her birth.
Ruffles is Scott, Heidi and Harly's dog . Ruffles is the sweetest dog. She is half chocolate Labrador and half Sharpei. Her body is sleak and smooth but her face is wrinkled giving her a funny fierce look, especially with her yellow brown eyes. She's a real pussycat.