The Strays' Page.

In memory of: TIFFANY, SPECKLES, B.J., MAX, DIXIE, AJAX. This page for the living is dedicated to the memory of all the beautiful animal children that were lost and now are found - who have passed from our lives but not our hearts. Sometimes we forget how fragile life is. We forget that life is painfully limited. It seems so unfair that those limits so soon end the time we have with those we love. Yes, life is fragile. But how precious the time . . . how beautiful the memories. And now - on to the living!
"My little old dog - a heartbeat at my feet."

For the Sake of Animals is happy to be able to show you more pictures of some of their strays who are up for adoption. This little puppy and his two sisters, still as yet unnamed, were found wandering around a car wash next to a busy highway, by some good samaritans. They were weak and hungry and full of fleas, but, as you can see, this pup is doing very well, as are his sisters.
This little guy is named Rags and he is about 5 years old. His elderly owner died and no one else in the family wanted him so they took him to the vet to be euthanized but the vet refused and called FSA, where he is currently awaiting adoption. He is reportedly sweet, affectionate, and loves everyone.

Now on to Squirrely, who is looking for his own boy to try to keep up with him
and his own backyard to run in. He's young and full of energy and needs room to move.

And finally, for now, here is Pancho, who was found, dumped and starving, beside the road. Please find it in your hearts to give the strays a home - they are so loving and gentle and thankful for your good will.

More pictures are coming soon. All of the animals at the For the Sake of Animals shelter have been spayed/ neutered, wormed, and have all their shots. Diana interviews perspective adoptive "parents" to make sure the animals will be getting a good home, and insists that the cats be kept inside and that dogs have a fenced yard to play in. All monies from adoptions go toward shelter expenses and the spay program. Please visit the following page to learn about the Retirement Home (and the spay program) - pets such as Rags could be saved a lot of anguish if their owners knew of a place to send them when they are no longer able to care for them and knew of the existence of FSA's discount spay program to help cut down on pet over-population.
Last updated on 09-29-97