
Paul Walkers Homeport

"Once a Submariner always a Submariner"
Small Towns
"You can take the boy out of the country but not the country out of the boy"
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"We Serve"


Scorpion Dolphin
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Paul E. Walker RMCM(SS) USN ret..

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Paul Walker is a native of Caruthersville Missouri. I spent 25 years in the U.S. Navy (Submarine Service) I served aboard the Diesel Submarine USS GUDGEON (SS567), the Nuclear Powered Attack submarine USS SCORPION (SSN589), and the Polaris Missile Submarine USS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (SSBN640). I retired from the Navy in 1980 and returned to Caruthersville where I now own an Automoble Repair Shop. I have been around the world and lived in Naples Italy for seven years.

I now enjoy Fishing (Crappie) Hunting (Deer) and Reading (Action fiction) I am a member of Lions International and I am an active participant in their local activities. Caruthersville is on the banks of the Mississippi river and is a cotton and soybean growing agriculture area.

I married a hometown girl Shelby Jean Privett and have two daughters Kelly Harden whose husband Mike is a native southeast Missouri good ole boy and Kathy Steadman whose husband Mike is a Captain USMC both son-in-laws are great husbands and fathers, and I have six grandaughters, Christy, Laurel, Amanda, Chelsea, McKenzie and Cameron. Am also the proud owner of two cats, (Troubles and Shop Kitty). Also have one white with black spots stray cat who lives at my shop named Kitty Kat.

Updated information 6 Aug 1998. I sold my business in March of this year and now have three cats at home.

Links to other sites on the Web

Robert Malone Homepage Ron Martini Homepage Family picture page
Navy Career and USS Gudgeon SS567 USS Scorpion (SSN589) USS Benjamin Franklin (SSBN640)
Caruthersville Lions Page USS Gudgeon Homepage

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© 1996-Paul Walker -Revised March 20, 1999

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