Secrest Families of Morgan County, Indiana
(a work in process, errors are possible)
The impetus for this article on various Sechrist / Secrest families from North Carolina, who migrated to this area of Morgan County before 1850, was simply an interest to uncover more about the ancestors of Andrew Secrest and his daughter Sophronia Caroline. Sophronia is referred to as Franey C. in the 1871 obituary of her father Andrew (son of Philip and Mary). She married Francis C. Anders/Andrews in Morgan County on April 08, 1866 and is buried in Lingle Cemetery.
Three of the names that appear in the early (pre-1841) land records for Morgan Co., Indiana include Jacob, David and Daniel Seachrist / Sechrist. They all appear in connection with land purchased in Ashland township (map below). Jacob first purchased land in 1829 and David in 1830. Interestingly, Daniel's name first appears in early land patents for the same lands shown to be purchased by a David Sechrist (same person?), while the first land purchase for a Daniel was in 1846. Plotting most of the pre-1850 land purchases and patents yields the following section map, centered in Ashland township with some spillover into Ray township. The original land purchases by David and Jacob are indicated with an 'X'.
(locations are presented on a modern map of Ashland township, a township formed at a date later than land purchases below)
Early Land Records
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 3 Dec 1829 - 80 acres on W half of NE qtr of S26, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist patent dated 2/1/1831 - 80 acres on W½NE of S26, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 17 Dec 1835 - 40 acres on SW qtr of SE qtr of S11, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist patent dated 3/30/1837 - 40 acres on SWSE of S11, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 2 Jan 1836 - 40 acres on NW qtr of NE qtr of S14, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist patent dated 3/30/1837 - 40 acres on NWNE of S14, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 10 Apr 1845 - 80 acres on E half of SE qtr of S11, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist patent dated 11/10/1840 - 40 acres on NWSE of S11, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 10 Apr 1845 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SE qtr of S11, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 24 Nov 1845 - 80 acres on E half of NW qtr of S11, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Sechrist and J G Sechrist purchase dated 25 Jan 1847 - 40 acres on NE qtr of SW qtr of S15, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist and John G Seachrist patent dated 4/1/1848 - 40 acres on NESW of S15, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob Sechrist patent dated 5/10/1848 - 80 acres on the E½SEq of S11 T12-N R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Sechrist patent dated 5/10/1848 - 80 acres on the E½NWq of S11 T12-N R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Sechrist purchase dated 22 May 1849 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SE qtr of S11, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Secriest purchase dated 28 Jul 1830 - 80 acres on E half of SE qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Secrest patent dated 1/3/1831 - 80 acres on the E½SEq of S23, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated Jan 7 1833 - 40 acres on SW qtr of SW qtr of S24, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Seachrist patent dated 9/30/1834 - 40 acres on SWSW of S24, T12-N, R2-W
David Sechrist purchase dated 17 Oct 1834 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SW qtr of S24, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Seachrist patent dated 3/18/1837 - 40 acres on NWSW of S24, T12-N, R2-W
David Sechrist purchase dated 17 Oct 1834 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SE qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated 7 Jan 1835 - 40 acres on SW qtr of SE qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated 4 Aug 1836 - 80 acres on E half of SW qtr of S25, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Seachrist patent dated 9/10/1838 - 80 acres on E½SW of S25, T12-N , R2-W
David Sechrist purchase dated 26 Dec 1838 - 160 acres on S half of NW qtr, N half of S of S14, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated 29 May 1839 - 40 acres on S qtr of SE qtr of S14, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Seachrist patent dated 11/10/1840 - 160 acres on S½NW & the N½SW of S14, T12-N R2-W
David Sechrist purchase dated 22 Jan 1845 - 40 acres on NE qtr of SE qtr of S13, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated 11 Dec 1845 - 40 acres on NE qtr of NW qtr of S36, T12-N, R2-W (Ray - adjacent to S25, Ashland)
David Sechrist purchase dated 5 Jul 1847 - 80 acres on W half of NE qtr of S36, T12-N, R2-W (Ray - adjacent to S25, Ashland)
David Seachrist patent dated 4/1/1848 - 80 acres on W½NE of S36, T12-N, R2-W
David Secrest patent dated 5/10/1848 - 40 acres on the NESEq of S13, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Daniel Seachrist patent dated 9/30/1834 - 40 acres on SWSE of S23, T12-N, R2-W (David purchased 7 Jan 1835)
Daniel Seachrist patent dated 3/18/1837 - 40 acres on NWSE of S23 T12-N, R 2-W (David purchased 17 Oct 1834)
Daniel Seachrist patent dated 11/10/1840 - 40 acres in the SWSE of S14, T12-N, R 2-W (David purchased part in 29 May 1839?)
Daniel Sechrist purchase dated Nov 7 1846 - 27.5 acres on the SWNWq of S7, T12-N, R1-W (Ashland - adjacent to S12)
Daniel Secrest patent dated 4/1/1848 - 27.5 acres on the SWSWq of S7, T12-N, R1-W (Ashland)
Felix Sechrist purchase dated 5 Feb 1836 - 80 acres on N half of NW qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Felix Seacrist patent dated 4/5/1837 - 80 acres on N½NW qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W
Elizabeth Sechrist purchase dated 5 Feb 1836 - 80 acres on S half of SW qtr of S23, T12-N, R2-W (purch. by William Johns in 1834)
Elizabeth Seacrist patent dated 4/5/1837 - 80 acres on S½SW of S23, T12-N, R2-W
John G Sechrist purchase dated 19 May 1845 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SE qtr of S10, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
John G Seachrist patent dated 5/10/1848 - 40 acres on NWSE of S10, T12-N, R2-W
Jacob and J G Sechrist purchase dated 25 Jan 1847 - 40 acres on NE qtr of SW qtr of S15, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Jacob Seachrist and John G Seachrist patent dated 4/1/1848 - 40 acres on NESW of S15, T12-N, R2-W
Sally Sechrist purchase dated 11 Dec 1847 - 40 acres on NW qtr of SE qtr of S14, T12-N, R2-W (Ashland)
Sally Secrest patent dated 2/1/1849 - 40 acres on the NWSEq of S14, T12-N, R2-W (purch. by John Brown in 1837)
KEY: S=Section, T=Township, R=Range. T12-N nd R2-W includes much of Ashland township, as well as northern sections of Ray township.
Who were these Sechrists?
Jacob (age 40-49) and his family appear in the 1840 Morgan Co., Indiana census, as well as the 1830 census. In 1850 Ray township, Jacob's family included a wife named Rachel, and children named Daniel, Thomas, Samuel, Noah and Rachel. Enumerated next to him was the young family of Ambrose Secrest. An initial analysis of this family indicates this may have been Jacob Seachrist. a son of Thomas and Anna Maria Seechrist / Seachrist from North Carolina. This Jacob married Rachael Morkert about August 10, 1815 in Rowan County, North Carolina. Jacob and Rachael's family seems to have included Salome, Ambrose, Daniel, Thomas, Samuel L, Noah and Rachel. Jacob and Rachel are reported to have travelled to Minnesota about 1852 where they, and four members of their family, were stricken and died of cholera. Their apparent sons Ambrose and Samuel L appear in the early records for Washington Co, Minnesota.
David (age 30-39) and his family appear in the 1830 Morgan County census. In 1850 Ray township the family was enumerated as David (age 50), Barbary (age 45), and children Thomas and Catherine. He appears to be the David who married Sinthy/Cyntha [Ingram/Smith] about 1821 in North Carolina, and who arrived in Indiana by the latter 1820s. David and Sintha's family are believed to have included Daniel H., Ephraim G., George W., Martha A., and perhaps Mary (Polly), before the mother passed away about 1837. George W. is buried at Lingle Cemetery.
David married a second time, to Barbara Knoy in August 1837 Morgan County. David and Barbara had a family which included Thomas T., Catharine, Samuel, and James B., the three sons buried at Lingle Cemetery. David Secrest passed away in August 1860, at age 60 y 10m 23d, while Barbara lived to be age 93. They, along with Barbara's parents, are buried at Lingle Cemetery in Ashland township. A number of David's children remained in the area to raise their own families, including Daniel H., Martha Ann, Thomas, and Catharine.
A Rowan County, NC birth record suggests this David, born in 1799, was a son of George and Amelia Seechrist / Seachrist.
Daniel (age 40-49) and his family appear in the 1840 Morgan County census. He appears to be the Daniel who died February 10, 1843 and who is buried along with his wife Elizabeth (born 1791-1792) at Lingle Cemetery in Ashland township. Daniel & Elizabeth's family were located in Davidson Co., NC in 1830 (page 239). Initial analysis of his family suggests he may have been the Daniel Seachrist who married Elizabeth Fouts about March 30, 1814 in Rowan Co., North Carolina. Among Daniel and Elizabeth's family are thought to include Lea (Lean/Leah), Felix and Conrad. Lea (Lean/Leah) married Daniel Secrest (son of David) in 1843 Morgan County. Felix Secrest married Sarah Lingle in 1841 Morgan County, and following Felix's early death his wife remarried and migrated to Clarke Co., Iowa. Felix's two sons used the Seachris spelling of the name. Daniel and Elizabeth's apparent son Conrad moved to the area of Iroquois Co., Illinois.
Although the cemetery transcription suggests this Daniel died at age 69y 6m 5d, others have suggested his death at age 49y 6m 5d (born August 05, 1793). Perhaps this is due to the fact an older Daniel Secrest is not readily apparent in the early 19th century NC census, or that Daniel was in his 40's according to the 1840 Morgan County census, or the fact that Daniel's wife Elizabeth was born in the 1790s. Perhaps more than coincidence, the date August 05, 1793 matches a Rowan County, NC birth date for a David? Secrest, son of Thomas and Anna Maria Seechrist / Seachrist. Certainly the names David and Daniel have been confused when deciphering older records written in script. The 1840 Morgan county census is a good example of this; one transcription names him Daniel, another says David. This may help explain some of the confusion among early Morgan County land records related to the names Daniel and David. A couple of the land records above, for example, suggest that a 'Daniel' Secrest was awarded land patents for the same lands purchased by a 'David' Secrest shortly before.
There are North Carolina based records which suggest this Daniel was a brother of Jacob (above mentioned). According to the 1815 Rowan County, NC christening record of Daniel's daughter Lea (Lean/Leah), Daniel's father was named Thomas. This Daniel apears to be the one who is mentioned along with brother Jacob (above mentioned) in an 1842 last will & testament of their Davidson County, NC based father, Thomas. In addition, the bondsman named in Jacob's marriage record (to Rachel Morkert/Markert) was a Daniel Seachrist. and one of the bondsmen named in Daniel's marriage record (to Elizabeth Fouts) was a Jacob Seachrist.
Philip Sechrist was another from the Davidson (formerly part of Rowan) County, North Carolina area, according to early census and marriage records there. He appears to have left North Carolina and arrived in Morgan County in the 1840s. His family is enumerated in the 1850 Ray township census as Phillip Sechrist (age 60), Mary (age 59), and children Linsey, Elender, Paker, and Pleasant (age 10), all born in North Carolina.
Philip married Mary (Polly) Sullivan about June 10, 1815 in Rowan County, North Carolina and farmed in the Ray township area until his death in 1863, at age 73. Most of Philip's children are mentioned in probate records related to his death, the family included Jesse, Andrew, Elizabeth, Calvin, David, Barsheba (Basha), William A., Linzey, Ellender, Parker and Pleasant.
Philip and Mary's apparent sons Andrew, Calvin and David are listed in 1850 Ray township, with Calvin enumerated next to Phillip. The eldest son Jesse and two of the elder daughters seem to have remained in North Carolina. Four of the youngest sons in the family served in the Civil War, with William, Parker and Pleasant serving in Company H, 79th Indiana Infantry Regiment. Son Linzey moved to Clarke Co., Iowa (with the Jacob Bullin family) in the early 1850s and he served in Company H, 9th Iowa Cavalry Regiment.
Philip's parents are unknown to the author, but he seems to be related to previously mentioned Sechrists based on their common origins. Since Phillip was the grandfather of Sophronia Secrest (mentioned at the top of this page), there is a separate article devoted to the descendants of Philip Sechrist.
This author is unable to shed light on the other Sechrists with early Morgan County land records. The adjoining land purchases for Felix and Elizabeth, occurred on the same day, February 5, 1836. Land Patents were also granted to them, for the same property, on the same day, April 5, 1837. Their names would seem to indicate a connection with the elder Daniel mentioned above.
The same applies to Sally Sechrist, whose land purchase is dated December 11, 1847, and land patent for same dated February 1, 1849. Could she have been Sarah (Sally) Lingle, the wife of Felix Sechrist who seems to have died in the timeframe prior to December 1847? As mentioned earlier Sally remarried and moved to Iowa, and along with her were her sons Samuel and Felix Secrest (name changed to Seachris).
John G Seachrist / Sechrist appears in connection with a Jacob Seachrist / Sechrist, in their joint 1847 land purchase. Unfortunately, John is not apparent in subsequent Morgan County records. The Jacob (mentioned above) is not known to have a son, or brother, named John.
Early Morgan County Marriages Records (1875 and before)
Name Spouse Marriage Date apparent child of ?? - (author's interpretation) A H Secrest C H Gray (Clara) 20 Oct 1872 (Arthur Hamilton), son of Andrew and Phoebe Ambrose Secrest Kieire (or Kisire) Moser 01 Apr 1841 Jacob and Rachel Ambrose Secrest Irena Gladson 13 Sep 1849 Jacob and Rachel (Ambrose' 2nd wife, who died in 1852 Minnesota) Andrew Seachrist Katharine Seachrist 23 Jul 1843 - son of Philip and Mary
- maybe a dau. of Jacob & Rachel?Andrew Seachrist Phebe Knoy 01 Sep 1846 son of Philip and Mary (Andrew's 2nd or 3rd wife) Barbra Secrest William Rushton 10 Feb 1863 daughter of ? (William R's 2nd wife - he remarried in 1865) Caroline Secrest Francis C Anders 08 Apr 1866 (Sophronia Caroline), daughter of Andrew and [Katharine?] Catharine Seachrist Franklin Marsh 17 Apr 1862 David and Barbara Cyntha E Secrest Peter Wingler 17 May 1866 Daniel H. and Lean/Leah Daniel H Seachrist Lean Sechrist? 09 Nov 1843 - maybe a son of David and Syntha?
- maybe a dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth?David Secrest Barbara Knoy 30 Aug 1837 George and Amelia (David's 2nd wife) Eliza Secrest Tobias Mosier 14 Jan 1841 maybe a dau. of Jacob & Rachel? Ellender Sechrist Stokeley R Stiles 13 Sep 1859 Philip and Mary Ephriam C Secrest Amanda S Bowman 15 Sep 1871 Daniel H. and Lean/Leah Felix Secrest Sally Lingle 07 Jan 1841 Daniel and Elizabeth (Felix's sons used the Seachris spelling) Ira W Secrest Mariotta Secrest 21 Mar 1861 - son of Andrew and [1st wife?]
- daughter of Daniel H. and Lean/LeahJames L Secrest Sarah E Warthen 24 Jan 1875 Calvin and Nancy John W Secrest Emma R Powell 01 Jan 1874 Andrew and Phoebe Linzay Secrist Ester Bullin (aka Easter) 28 Sep 1852 Philip and Mary (Ester died in 1855 Iowa, family used the Seacreas spelling) Marietta Secrest Rufus E Crismore 05 Oct 1868 (widow of Ira W), daughter of Daniel H. and Lean/Leah Martha A Secrest David B Dane(Dow)28 Nov 1852 David and Syntha (The Dows remained in Morgan Co.) McKenzie Secrest Mary E Wood 28 Mar 1871 Calvin and Nancy Polly Secrest Levi Myers 11 Jul 1847 maybe a dau. of David & Syntha? Sallie Secrest George Lukenbill 06 Jun 1848 (widow of Felix), daughter of Adam Lingle [moved to Clarke Co., Iowa] Sally Secrest Enoch Myers 23 Oct 1837 maybe Salome, a dau. of Jacob & Rachel? Thomas T Secrest Rebecca Bowman 27 Sep 1860 David and Barbara William Secrest Franky Warthen 26 Aug 1850 Philip and Mary William Sechrist Harriett E Stiles 18 Aug 1857 Philip and Mary (William's 2nd wife)
This article simply scratches the surface of various Sechrist / Secrest families with connections to Morgan County, Indiana. There is more to be uncovered, shared and discussed. The family tree at this site (link at top) covers only the family of Philip Secrest, due to the author's inability to establish clear connection to the other Sechrist lines. However, if anyone interested in additional information on other Sechrist/Secrest families with Morgan County, Indiana connections, please contact the author.
Article compiled by Dennis Walsh, September 2004. (