The Burns Family
Neola, Iowa
Family of Edward Burns and Bridget Lambert
Katey (9/1/1865 - 9/18/1873), died at age eight
James (9/08/1866 - 5/05/1923), married Mary E LYNCH (daughter of Patrick and Julia)
Margaret (7/31/1868 - 8/12/1869), died at age one.
Mary Agnes (12/5/1870 - 10/10/1937), married Lawrence WALSH (son of Edmund and Mary)
John Edward (6/06/1872 - 1958), married Anna K TJARDES (daughter of Gerhardt)
Frank,(7/1/1874 - 1/22/1961), married Mary Veronica BUCKLEY (daughter of Patrick and Anna)
William (6/6/1875 - after 1937), married Cora MCCOY (daughter of John and Mary)
George (1/7/1877 - 2/02/1948), married Catheryn G MINAHAN (daughter of Michael and Mary)
Martin (3/30/1879 - 4/9/1879), died in infancy
Charles (3/26/1880 - 1/8/1939), married Sadie Beatrice ARRICK (daughter of Chism and Mary)
Katey (5/2/1882 - 3/3/1917), married James HOBBINS (son of Michael and Julia)
Information on this family is derived from the Burns family bible. Both Edward and Bridget were born in Ireland and married in the U.S. on July 24, 1864 (place unknown). According to the U.S. census Edward arrived in the U.S. sometime prior to 1860, while Bridget arrived sometime prior to their marriage. More research is needed to uncover their origins, but their children were all born in Pottawattamie County, Iowa according to the 1895 Iowa census. The closest match for the family in the August 1870 census is in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where the family is enumerated as Edward Burns (age 29), Bridget (age 29), Edward (5), James (4), and Mary (9 months). This conflicts with the record given in the family bible in two respects; first the eldest child is listed as Katey (vs. Edward), and second, the birth date for Mary is given as December 5, 1870.
By 1880 the family had settled on a farm in Hardin township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. In that record the family is listed as E. Burns (age 35), Bridget (age 39), James (14), Mary (10), John (9), Frank (7), William (5), George (4), and Charles (3 months). The family was still farming in Hardin township according to the 1892 farmers directory, the 1895 Iowa State census, and the 1900 U.S. federal census.
On December 24, 1900 Bridget Lambert Burns passed away, and she was buried at nearby St Patricks Cemetery in Neola, Iowa. It was in Neola that widowed Edward would be found in the 1910 census, retired and living on his own income. Joining him in Neola was the family of his eldest son James, who had married Mary E Lynch on January 29, 1895. By 1910 James and Mary had a family of 4 surviving children: Edward, Mary, Catherine and Joseph. Living nearby in Hazel Dell township was the family of eldest daughter Mary who had married Lawrence Walsh on May 25, 1891. By 1910 Mary and Lawrence had a family of 11 surviving children - Edward, James, Mary, Thomas, Ellen, Bernard, Donald, Kate & Agnes, Gerald and Frances Walsh. Also nearby, in York township, was the family of son John Burns who married Anna K Tjardes on February 08, 1899, and who had two surviving children in 1910 - Margaret and Charles Burns. Son Frank Burns had married Mary V Buckley on February 22, 1900 and they were farming in Norwalk township in 1910, with their single surviving son Joseph Burns. Son William Burns married Cora McCoy on September 20, 1906 and they were living in Omaha, Nebraska with their two children- Cecelia and William Burns. Son George Burns married Catherine Minahan on June 12, 1908 and they were living Council Bluffs with their son Emmett Burns. Son Charles married Sadie Arrick on May 06, 1903 and they were also living in Council Bluffs, with their three children -- George, Robert and Agnes Burns. And finally daughter Kate Burns had married James Hobbins on April 17, 1907 and they were farming in Neola township with their eldest children James and Leo Hobbins.
Widowed father Edward Burns appears to have died sometime after 1910, although this author has yet to pinpoint his exact death. In 1920 the family of eldest son James and Mary Burns were still located in Neola (James was a salesman), while the family of eldest daughter Mary and Lawrence Walsh had relocated to a farm across the county border in Lagrange township, Harrison Co., Iowa. The family of John and Anna Burns were still farming in York township, while the family of Frank and Mary Burns had moved into Neola town (Frank listed as a county bridge builder). The family of William and Cora Burns had moved from Omaha to Sioux Falls, South Dakota sometime prior to 1920 (William listed as a foreman of an Implement Co.). Also by 1920 the family of George and Katherine Burns has moved from Council Bluffs to Des Moines, Iowa (George listed as an oil stock salesman). The family of Charles and Sadie Burns were still in Omaha, Nebraska where Charles is listed as a mechanic. Daughter Kate (Burns) Hobbins passed away near Neola on March 03, 1917, less than a month after the birth of youngest daughter Catherine, and her family was still farming in Neola township in 1920.
Eldest son James Burns died on May 05, 1923 in Neola, Iowa, leaving a widow and 4 surviving children. His widowed wife Mary would live in Neola another 23 years, before her death in 1946, both she and James buried at St. Patricks Cemetery. The husband of eldest daughter Mary, Lawrence Walsh, passed away August 26, 1926 in Omaha, leaving a widow and 12 surviving children. Mary died on October 10, 1937 in Omaha, buried with her husband at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. John and Anna Burns spent the remainder of their lives in the Neola area, as did Frank and Mary. Willam and Cora Burns remained in Sioux Falls the remainder of their lives, while George and Catherine Burns remained in Omaha. Youngest son Charles and wife Sadie remained in Nebraska, while James Hobbins, the widowed husband of youngest daughter Kate Burns, spent his remaining days in the Neola, Iowa area.
Article compiled by Dennis Walsh, February 2007.