Kaos' Home Page
Flatcoated Retriever Am/Can Ch Quillquest Kaos Am/Can CD is a very special dog. He is currently 9 years young and has sired over sixty offspring. He has placed well (Reserve winner or Judge's Award of Merit) in every national specialty on both sides of the US-Canadian border since 1994 when he was first shown in conformation. He has won numerous Best of Breed ribbons and trophies. He has several group placings - his most recent being a Group II at the Canadian National Specialty booster at Carp, Ontario. He is currently active in open agility and obedience. His pastimes include biking, skijoring, hiking and swimming
Photo: Kaos' eldest son Quillquest Havoc at 5 months
Flatcoated Retriever Society of America | Adirondack Mountain Club | Adirondak 46'Rs
since July 1st, 1998