Rafert / Röwer Family Tree Info

The intent of this page is to gather information on the Rafert / Röwer family name and related family names. This has been partially inspired by seeing a document my great, great, great grandfather wrote to the Prince of Schaumberg-Lippe in 1852 to leave his home in Meinsen, Germany and come to America. The town of Meinsen

first page of letter second page of letter third page of letter fourth page of letter fifth page of letter sixth page of letter Here are photos of the complete document. The photos range from 53KB to 77KB.

I also traveled to Boizenburg Church in Boizenburg where my Grandmother's family is from.

Check out my Clickable Family Tree of the Rafert/Röwer family.

[new]Here's a Names Listing of all Rafert/Röwer family members. Each name leads you to their information page.

Here's a link to Joel Russell's Genealogy Homepage which has some good Rafert/Röwer info (traced back to April 1st 1688 with Hans Barterman). There are also some photos of Edward Rafert and Elizabeth Otto.

[new]And here's a link to my page in tribute to my Grandma who passed away in early 1998.

Here's a graphical depiction of my family (some fun with Java!):

Send E-mail to: srafert@geocities.com .

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This page was created on 24 January 1997 and last updated on 28 October 2000.