1. Makara's Dazzlin Digby, 29 points
Owner: Cathy Consla
2. Luvan Trouble Is My Business, 21 points
Owner: B. Majka
3. Jewels The Great Pumpkin, 9 points
Owner: C. Diamantis
4. Jet Star De Chann-Ell, 7 points
Owner: S. Hennessy
1. Luvan Trouble Is My Business, 10 points
Owner: B. Majka
2. Tamarlane's Black Smoke, 5 points
Owner: E. Dunbar
3. Famous Amos by Jove, 4 points
Owner: N. Jones, P. Abel, S. Voje
Hi! My name is Digby. I am a Chinese Crested (hairless) and I am 4 years old. Mom and I are creating this page for all Chinese Cresteds participating in agility.
We also want to show you that positive reinforcement is the greatest way to learn, play and have fun!!
Mom and I will be slowly changing this page to reflect all the other Cresteds in agility, but in the meantime, there will still be some of the old stuff here.
So, let's go!!! We are going to have a great time....... and maybe learn something too!!
Mom has worked with me for about a year and a half now. We have worked on attention and focus so I would not run out of the ring. One trial I went to, I decided to run out of the ring (it was not gated so I was free to go!). I ran fast and saw another dog that I charged.
Mom was devastated and I was told that doing things like that were unacceptable. Mom thought maybe this was a quirky thing, so during my next run, she had friends all around the ring in case I tried it again. I do not know what got into me, but I did it again.
Needless to say, Mom was so upset with me. She pulled me from competition and we worked and worked and we still work on my attention and focus.
This past weekend, almost 2yrs since I did that bad thing, I finally got to compete again. I qualified, got a 4th place and received my Open title. That was a long trek, but Mom says I have learned a lot and act better.
What is weird is that Mom does not talk to me on the course much anymore. She tells me I am doing a good job when I am on the dogwalk, I hear encouragement when I am in the tunnel and that is it!
Because she does not talk, I have to watch her body and hand signals. She tricked me!! Now I have to watch her to run the course and cannot watch what is going on outside the course! I really watch her now, because I do not want to have to quit again.
Mom said something about moving into the Excellent class. I don't know! My friends tell me it is hard. I think I can do it, though. I will work hard. I have to make mom proud again.
I will keep you posted with my progress and any other training techniques (I call them tricks) that mom comes up with!
Here are a couple of pictures from some of my trials:

Just starting agility?
What should you be looking for in an agility class?
Safety First!
Agility must be safe and no matter how large/small the dog, never, never start
jumping or performing obstacles at full height.
All dogs need to become familiar with the obstacles first and become comfortable with them.
Most dogs know how to jump so jumping is not an issue.
First timers should be going through the uprights with the bar on the ground.
The dogs need to become comfortable going throught the
uprights and between the wings. Jump height is not important for the beginner dog.
When I first started classes, I jumped over bars on the floor and sometimes, not always, 6 inches.
My jump height is 12 inches. I did this for 12 classes before I
got to try 12 inches.
Mom did not let me go on the big dogwalk, teeter, or a-frame
either. We started out with a plank 2 inches off the floor.
I told mom I could do it like the more experienced dogs, but I was not allowed.
During my classes, I practice 12 inches sometimes, but not for the whole class. Mom says it is too much stress on my legs.
Mom says I am learning the basics first and then progressing to the harder stuff.
I have fun no matter what we are practicing in class. Agility is my favorite!
Just remember, if you try something that is too high or go on an obstacle you never tried before, you could get hurt!
Work your way up to height specifications slowly,
listen to your human, be safe and have fun! - Digby
If you would like more information about the Chinese Crested,
please visit this site: The American Chinese Crested Club
or scroll up and click on the Fun Stuff, Places and Other Crested Site link.
If you have agility questions or would like to comment on my home page, please email me at:

Here are some other neat Agility web sites:
You are my pal number
to visit me!
Thanks Deb for donating your time to draw these wonderful graphics and giving to Crest-Care.