In Memoriam
Robert Emil Shubb
(1938 - 1998)

Dad, your life on earth was short, but boy was it special. The disease that caused you to pass on was as rare as you were a human being. No, Dad, you weren't a sports fan or a computer guru. You couldn't do a jigsaw puzzle or build a room addition, or set the VCR, or even operate the remote control. No, your hobby was so much more meaningful than that.

Dad, you were a true mentch, and your hobby--people. You spent most of your free time either making new friends, or helping old ones. You loved to sit on the phone and talk to people you loved and cared about, and it showed. You would search for someone who would need a helping hand and wouldn't feel satisfied until you could help them. You actually gained strength through helping others with their problems, concerns, and grief. It helped you to help others. You were always there for all of us at any time when we needed you.

Dad, we are all here. All together. We are all okay. It's your turn now. Relax now, and rest peacefully. You have touched each and every one of us in your own special way. There is a little bit of Bob Shubb in each of us that will last forever.

Dad, I am honored to have been given gift of being your first son. You will always be a part of me, and I vow to share that with others that I meet in the future--in new friends, even to strangers, and to my children. I love you. You will never be forgotten.

Your son, Marc

© William B. Shubb, 1998.