Be it known that on the first Lord's Day in September 1882 Elder S. A. Norwood Missionary of the Unity Baptist Association in the town of Adamsville met with the following named Brethren and Sisters to wit;
Bro. D. M. Boon
Sister Wolverton
Bro. J. W. York
Sister Mary Wolverton
Bro. J. F. Tanner
Sister Sarah A. Scott
Bro. J. S. Rogers
Sister Elizabeth Scott
Bro. J. T. Warren
Sister Doratra Tanner
Sister Jennie Freeling
Sister Martha Newell
Sister Celia Doss
Sister Jennie Warren
For the purpose of organizing them
into a Church of Jesus Christ. After a song and a prayer S. A. Norwood
was appointed Moderator Protem and John T. Turner to act as clerk.
The presbyter consisted of S. A. Norwood and W. A. Rowsey. Elder
S. A. Norwood read the Declaration of Faith and the church covenant that
is to be found in the Manuel edited by J. M. Pendelton. The Articles
of Faith and the church covenant approved. After singing a hymn and
offering a prayer the right hand of fellowship was extended as a declaration
that a church had been set up.
It was agreed that the name of the
church should be The Adamsville Missionary Baptist Church. The church proceeded
to elect J. T. Warren as the first clerk on the newly organized church.
The church voted to send representatives to request affiliation with the
Unity Association. J. T. Warren and J. W. York were elected as messengers
to the Association. The church voted to send 80 cents to the Association
for minute fund.
The church voted to adjourn until
early candlelight.
S. A. Norwood, Moderator
J. T. Turner, Clerk