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Welcome to the next page!!! Hello, my name is Philip... obviously you want to know a little more about me, so here goes:
I am 21 years old, I am a Christian (if you couldn't tell from the links), I love to play around with my computer, and
I am constantly looking for ways to make my home system better... I and my partner own a computer business; you may find the link to his personal site at the bottom of this page. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart, and my vision is for each person in the world to come to know Jesus Christ
as their personal Savior. I am both excited and frustrated as I live out this reality... blown away by the sweet intervention
of God again and again, and yet filled with a profound sadness when "His grace is sufficient." The more I walk this path, the
more I long for Heaven and the fullness of the Kingdom.
One of the things of being a Christian that I've found amazing is that the perception that the world has of a Christian is that their lives are perfect and that they never make mistakes. One of the better sayings I've heard that helps me to shake that idea is: "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Life doesn't become easier just because you've given your life to Christ, but it does help in a few immediate ways:
You don't need to try to control every aspect of you life; God can do that just fine.
You've got "a friend that's closer than a brother": Jesus.
Now, that may sound just a bit cliche, but believe me, it's true. The more time I spend as a child of God, the more I know that to be true! I can't emphasize it enough! If you want to know a little more about becoming a Christian or more about Jesus, go HERE.
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