There is an idea sweeping "Christiandom" via the internet (and good old word of mouth). It is called "The Simple Idea". Here's how it works -
1. All around the world, millions of Christians are suffering from state-sponsored and/or state-sanctioned persecution.
2. At Christmastime and at Easter, many Christians are in the habit of sending greeting cards to their friends and relatives.
3. Combine the two. Send Christian theme Christmas and Easter cards to the dictators of the world. Send them the message that God loves them and desires them to turn away from sin and toward Him.
4. If you want to write to the dictators and insist that Christians be treated in accord with the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, fine, but please keep that separate from "The Simple Idea" .
If you wish to write a letter to, say, Saddam Hussein, regarding persecution, that's not a bad idea, but it's not "The Simple Idea", which is about how God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die so the world could be reconciled to Him.
I learned of "The Simple Idea" from Michael Noorhoff's The 26 Martyrs Page. The beauty of "The Simple Idea" is that the dictator will not only get the idea that the whole world is watching, but that God is watching too, that no man can escape the final accounting before his Creator.
If you would like to participate,
1. Pick up an extra box of Christmas or Easter cards.
2. Visit The Voice of the Martyrs Global Prayer Map Page to find out which countries' leaders need cards.
3. Visit The Politicians Of The World Address Lists Page to get the addresses of the leaders to whom you will send the cards.
4. Use some of the seasonal stamps available from the Post Office, or just have the envelopes metered with the rest of your mail.
If you can't afford to do a whole box, perhaps just one leftover card will be the one which the Holy Spirit uses to work a change in the recipient's heart. In any case, "The Simple Idea" is going to be big (God willing), so get in on the ground floor this year!