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This is a circular published by a student group in 1998 at Khartoum University and endorsed by two shieks (bishops). It exhorts the students to attack a Christian book exhibition there.
The translations follows -
University of Khartoum
Invitation and Guidance Society
{Infidels are those who say that God is Jesus, son of Mary}
{Infidels are those who say God is three, but God is one and if they keep saying so, they will be put in painful torment.}
Thanks to God alone, praying, and peace upon Muhammed, after whom there is no prophet. It is well known to any Muslim that the real religion, which alone is acceptable to God, is Islam, and any other religion which some people worship is nonsense. There is no use of it. The Quran and Sonna prove this as it says;
{God considers only Islam as religion.}
{Whoever follows something other than Islam will not be accepted and finally he will be the loser. The prophet Muhammed says ... "Anybody who hears about me in this nation, Jewish or Christian, and not believe me, will be in fire."}
This religion which has been settled in Muslim people for fourteen centuries nowadays is subjected to great shakes and doubts. Some people call themselves "unity of religion" or "civilization discussion" or "believers front" or other things; they look compassionate from the outside but torture you from the inside.
One of its bitter fruits is that weak minded people thought that the true Islam and the deviant
Christianity are similar and that the Muslim and the Nasyranim are brothers. Therefore, we see that some Muslims do not care and visit and greet the Nasyranim in their churches for their infidel festivals and strange habits and hope for them good wishes. These things tear our livers and make us really astonished.
These things are coming to the maximum these days now that the constitution has been declared. The Nasyranim are calling for their infidel and selling their bad beliefs in the market, as has happened in Khartoum North among the Muslim groups, they established their exhibition openly: as has happened in the Civil University and in Khartoum University during the period from 6 February 99 until 11 February 99 which consisted of a book exhibition, discussions, and seminars aiming to put people back from God's way and calling people to leave their religion, to infidelity. They don't care about the judge, the judgement, or the torture, so, we declare the following:
Firstly, many Muslims don't differentiate between "Don't force someone to be a Muslim" (as Muhammed says {No force in religion}) and not taking seriously those infidels and their religion which lead us to disobey God, and leads them to spread their thoughts and infidel beliefs among Muslims.
Secondly, It is the ruler's duty, if he is a true Muslim, to keep the Muslim belief and not allow those tricky people to expand their infidel and misleading beliefs.
Thirdly, those Nasyranim infidels have nothing to do except what God told us in His book {They will continue fighting you to set you backfrom your religion if they could} and whoever is set back from his religion will be dead and he is an infidel, and those people and what they have done in the earth will in the end be withdrawn and they will be put in the fire forever. They brought us their cross and their three gods and they distributed their deviant Bibles and using all they can from hearing and seeing message, their object is as God says,
{They want you to be infidel as they are infidel so you become equal.}
Fourthly, let us all know that if they achieve any advantage, they will look for another. So, our advice is as follows -
1. The university administration and its leaders have to worship God and realize that God will ask them on the last day, whatever their postion or influence is, what they did, and they will not benefit from the position or situation they had.
2. University students - your duty is to be angry for God: become angry and disfigure your faces to raise your religion. Give them all the anger and use all you can to stop their unbelieving religion and God will give you victory. You must know that it is not allowed to the Muslim who believes in God and the last day to see the bad thing and enter their exhibition except for destroying it.
3. Nasyranim - do not take advantage of the good manners and the silence of the Muslim people against what you are doing. You have to know that this religion has God to protect it and people who fight for it. Protect yourselves against the anger of the meek.
We accept sharing this country with you, but if you exceed your limits we shall not keep silent and then those people who are supporting you from inside or outside of the country won't be of any benefit to you.
Thanks to God, praying and peace upon Muhammed, God's prophet and so we read this circular and we see its content is true for guidance and we recommend to put it in action and we pray to God and we pray to our prophet and all their companions.
Sheik Dr. Abd El Kaie Yousef |
Sheik Dr.Alla El Dien El Amin El Zaki |
Praise God, He can turn men's evil intentions into good. Read about it at The Voice of the Martyrs.