Septs of Clan Stewart

Ballantyne Bannatyne Boyd Carmichael 1 Carmichael 2 Carmichael 5
Caw Clay Combe Combich Combie Conacher
Conlay Conley Cruickshank Cruickshanks Cruikshank Dennison
Denniston Donlevy Duilach France Francis Fullarton
Fullerton Garrow Glass Gray Hunter Jameson
Jamieson Larnach Leay Lennox Levack Lewis
Lisle Livingston Livingstone Lombard Lorne Loy
Lumbard Lyle MacCaa MacCammie MacCaw MacClay
MacCleay MacCloy MacColl MacCombe MacCombich MacCombie
MacComie MacCurdy MacDonleavy MacElheran MacGarrow MacGlashan
MacKerron MacKindlay MacKinlay MacKinley MacKirdy MacLae
MacLay MacLea MacLeay MacLew MacLewis MacLouis
MacLoy MacMichael 1 MacMichael 2 MacMichael 5 MacMune MacMurtrie
MacNairn MacNucator MacRob MacRobb Malloy Menteith
Milloy Mitchell Mitchelson Monteath Monteith Moodie
Moody Munn Neilson Robb Sharp Sharpe
Steuard Steuart Stuart Walker
This is a purely alphabetical listing of the Stewart Sept Surnames. (100 names!) The Sept names with numbers next to them can have several origins for allegiance to the Stewart Clan. 1 denotes Stewart, 2 denotes Stewart of Appin, 5 denotes Stewart of Galloway. This list is by no means complete, and there are many variations in spelling. The original source for this information is Scots Kith & Kin, Albyn Press Ltd. 29 Forth Street, Edinbugh, EH1 3LE.

Printed by Clan Stewart Genealogy Committee Summer 1996

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