CLR - Pictures of Members
This page is for pictures of the CLR members. If you're a member, and have a picture of yourself, and/or your project(s), and/or anything related to 4-H scanned, please mail me! If you have pictures, but not scanned, please give them to me at our next meeting. Until then, keep checking back here for pictures that are mailed to me or given to me by people that I see more regularly; I'll put the "updated" icon by this link on the main page, but I may update it more than once without taking the icon down.
If you want this page to be faster to download, give me your photos! If I get a couple more photos, I'll only put thumnails that link to the larger picture here.
Rachel C.'s project animal, Dillon:

Sara C. & her project animal, Punkin:

Free homepage from GeoCities.