Mysty Acres

A Canadian Breyer Horse Enthusiast site...

Welcome to my home page! I really hope you find something of interest here...I'm no longer holding on-line shows or races BUT I am willing to set up a judging ring and place the results on my page. SO if you're interested in holding a show or race under Mysty Acres let me know...I'm REALLY sorry, but it may take a while for me to respond to any e-mails you might send. I only have the chance to check it around oh, every two weeks! Trust me, It's no fun being busy, I can't even show my horses!

#20 Mysty Morn' owned by Sarah Preston

This Wide Web of Horses site
is owned by Mysty Acres.

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Want to join the ring? Go to Wide Web of Horses.

My favorite sites on the Web!

Moon Shadow Stables-This site is a MUST SEE!! this artist has posted all of her available works! Some GREAT LSQ earthenware custom horses.....TAKE A LOOK SEE
Lucky 7 Enterprises- great site with classifides,events, photo shows, sales lists, current M0DELs:both Breyer, Hagen Renaker,Northlight, Loza electra.......Every thing you could possibly need!!
Horse Gallery- absolutly chalk FULL of top quality halter, performance, you name it ,model photos !!!
RioRondo Enterprises- minature tack for the M0DEL horse enthusiast!
DEE ANN KJELSHUS- Custom paint and remodling jobs for your horse!!
Mane Connection
M0DEL Horse Sales Pages-A great place on the web to post and find M0DELS for sale...

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