Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Rick's page on Catholicism
(& other good things)
For Catholics AND other bible-believers
The Virgin Mary, mother of the True God by whom we live


Latest news:

I'm in the process of moving. It is extremely difficult to maintain the webpage without FTP. On the other hand, geocities doesn't support certain features i need. But the greatest problem is the SPAM going into my geocities mail.

Therefore, I´ll have to erase the geocities account soon. I've updated my mail links. I WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY MORE MAILS SENT TO my old e-mail address. Mails sent there shall be deleted without notice. To send me mail, write to rick <dot> g777 <at> gmail <dot> com (where <at> is the '@' symbol)

Hi. I'm Ricardo Garcia. I live in Mexico and made this web page to help others to progress in goodness and to become better christians.

Included topics are Apologetics (Defending Christianity and catholicism), some thoughts to improve ourselves, opinions on themes like premarital sex, and at last some tales that will probably change your views on life, and love.

You're also invited to read my Full introduction.


1) Some texts to soften your heart

Here are some texts which will move you. One made me cry. Serious!
When people thinks that religion is just "behave well, in heaven you'll be better... God's watching you...", they tend to harden their hearts because they haven't had the chance to know God's love. So i decided to write/copy some interesting texts...

  • Are you afraid of God?
  • Footprints on the sand
  • A ticket to happiness
  • Pardon for a beggar
  • A tale for daddy
and more!

2) A closer look at Christianity

If the texts above moved you, these ones will keep you thinking...

  • Why is there a Hell if God loves us so much? (extensive explanation)
  • Are you afraid of confession? (I was too, until i found out something...)
  • Did you know prayer is a dialogue (not a monologue) between you and God?

3) Defend your christian faith!
(about Jehovah's "Witnesses", New Age... )

Do you know who are the self-appointed "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
Who founded their religion?
What do they want?

I also make an extensive analysis of the esoteric beliefs of New Age...AND their contradictions.

Included are confessions of a former psychic (me) who converted to catholicism. He tells us his encounters and apparitions with angels, and the devil, and how God gave him, thru standar christian prayer, what months of meditation couldn't ever give him: Inner peace.

Included is a test: Am i addicted to psychic readings?

4) Reason and defend the Catholic Faith

Did you know that the Catholic Church does NOT impose her dogmas by force? No, she proves them with reason.

I include answers to the typical protestant questions about:

  • The Catholic Church and the Bible
  • Prayer to the Virgin Mary and Saints
  • Baptism of children
  • Purgatory
  • The Mass: Is Christ truly present in communion?
  • Salvation: By faith alone?

4.5) CULTS - What you need to know

They're expert in finding people with low self-esteem or need for care.
Disguised as self-improvement organizations or groups of friends which read the Bible, they'll achieve with peer pressure (i.e. love bombarding), that for personality weakness / fear of rejection, you follow them until you decide to give away your money, friends, and even your life.

WE ALL can fall in a cult, no matter our convictions, beliefs or IQ..

5) Testimonies from people like you or me

Here you can read my full story, and other people's, like a young jewish guy whom Christ rescued from pornography.

6) ¡STOP! Vital information about...

Here i include moral articles about controversial issues like abortion (under construction), premarital sex (a.k.a. "free sex") and pornograpy, analyzed from BOTH secular (human rights and such) and religious points of view.


Write us!



Would you like to share a testimony with the public? You're welcome to do so (subject to some restrictions). Solicited testimonies:
  • Ex-psychics/spiritists who have been touched by Christ
  • Ex-abortionists/women who have aborted and later repented
  • Any christian who would like to share
  • Ex-ex-catholics (catholics who became protestant and later came back to the Catholic Church)

Artist solicited

A catholic who can draw well (pencil/computer) on his free time (sorry, no $$$).

Please help if you can, who said me? :)

What's New - Nov 2000

MUCH WORK at school! I can barely update this webpage every two months. But there's a new UFO Skeptic webpage! (Section 3)

Also, i wrote an Answer to Geisler and MacKenzie's article regarding the Bible Alone and the Catholic Tradition. Includes detailed analysis on 2Tim 3:16. (Warning: LONG File - over 180K)

Greetings and acknowledgments

Thank you Jesus, for giving your life for me, and for showing me your love.
Thank you Holy Spirit, for giving me your comfort and putting your words in my mouth, and for helping me to forgive and love everyone.
Thanks, Good Father, for sending your Son to suffer, die and resurrect for us.

Thank you Lord, for loving us with your infinite love. I praise you and thank you for all the times when you have given me your support when i most needed it, for not turning your back on me, and for forgiving my sins.

Thanks, i don't know if i can ever thank you with my life. Amen.

I also thank the Blessed Virgin Mary, my mom in heaven, for helping me and guiding me to Jesus, and for praying for so many problems i had. Thanks :)

Thanks to carol-br (a friend from irc) for criticizing my before cluttered web page J

To purp, eagl, and all my friends from #catholic on undernet for their support.

To Steve Hassan, for helping me with some cult members, and for his book. It really helped!

And everyone else, thank you so much, and God bless you!

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Last update:Sep / 2002