George and Hannah VARNUM descendants are outlined in Nathan's VARNUM Genealogy page from the 1600s-present, ENG>MA>ME
See the Varnum Publications page for the many references to the "famous" VARNUMs.
This page contains references for the following Surnames -
Thomas (Samuel,George) and Joanna Jewett VARNUM had 11 children and 4 of their 11 children married into the COLBURN and RICHARDSON families:
Jacob COLBURN, of Dracutt, m. Joanna VARNUM (b. 3/5/1699) (5 children).
Aaron COLBURN,b. 5/27/1700, d. 2/24/1745, m. 12/9/1722 Mercy VARNUM ( b. 4/17/1702, d. 1785)
Aaron and Mercy VARNUM COLBURN had 4 children and 2 also married COLBURNs:
Hannah, b. 3/22/1724, m. Wm. Foster of Chelmsford;
Deborah, b. 9/24/1727, 1st m. Daniel COLBURN, 2nd m. Timothy COLBURN of Dracutt;
Aaron, b. 3/6/1731, m. Phebe Harris;
Eleazer, b. 3/4/1735, m. ? HILDRETH. Eleazer's sons went to the Kennebec region of Maine, settled in Canaan, now Skowhegan and propsered, Some have gone to Congress, and one was the War Governor of Maine and died the weathiest citizen of the state.
Josiah RICHARDSON, m. Sarah VARNUM (b. 1/9/1709)
Sarah COLBURN, m. Thomas VARNUM (b. 3/12/1716)
Edw. COLBURN (COLBORNE?) purchased the interest of Richard Shatswell in the Evered-Webb purchase from London 7/6/1635 aged 17 and settled in Ipswich, and later Dracutt, MA. Three of Edward (b. 1618) Colburn's 9 children married into the RICHARDSON and VARNUM families: Thomas COLBURN 1st m. Hannah Rouf, 2nd m. Mary (Remembrance) Underwood RICHARDSON. Hannah COLBURN 1st m. Thomas RICHARDSON, 2nd m. John Wright. Ezra COLBURN (Edward) m. Hannah VARNUM. There were many business dealings between these families very early on.
On 11/25/1698, Samuel VARNUM's sons Thomas, John and Joseph VARNUM divided up land with Edw. "Coleburn"'s sons Thomas, Daniel, Ezra and Joseph "Coleburn". On 9/16/1703 (when Anne was Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland), Capt. John Bowers (see below) of Chelmsford conveyed to Thomas, John and Joseph VARNUM 500 acres of the Wamasett Purchase, bounded by the Merrimack River on the south and Beaver Brook on the East. On 3/4/1711, Joseph and Ruth VARNUM convey to John VARNUM one third of 340 acres, bounded by the Merimack River on the South, Capt. Sewell's land on the West, Long Pond on the North "Colburne"'s farm on the East and South-east. On 7/29/1712, Thomas, John and Joseph VARNUM divide up lands purchased by their father Samuel VARNUM, Capt. Webb and Thomas RICHARDSON bounded on the North side by Old Meadow Brook. On 10/29/1713, Thomas and John VARNUM convey to Joseph VARNUM land bounded on the North side of the Merrimack River, Joseph's farm on the West, except 100 acres of the 500 acres that was already owned by Joseph from a parcel sold to him by John "COLEBURN". On 6/13/1735, Henry COLBURN of Dracutt, conveys to John VARNUM his 1/73 share of a previous conveyance (lot 26 in the 300 township Northwest of Rutland).
One of Thomas and Mary RICHARDSON COLBURNE children married a VARNUM: James, b. 1/31/1689 or 1690, m. 12/4/1719 Ruth VARNUM (b. 2/5/1702 or 1703, parents Joseph (Samuel,George) and Ruth Jouett VARNUM). James and Ruth VARNUM's children: James, b. 11/7/1720; Thomas, b. 8/16/1723; Thomas, b. 12/16/1729; Ruth, b. 7/16/1732; Sarah, b. 4/24/1737.
And several other descendants of Thomas and Mary RICHARDSON COLBURN married into other branches of the VARNUM, COLBURN and RICHARDSON family.
Ezra COLBURN (Edward), b. 3/16/1657 or 1658 Ipswich, MA, m. 9/22/1681 Hannah VARNUM (b. 5/22/1661, parents Samuel (George) and Sarah Langton VARNUM of Ipswich, MA).One of Ezra and Hannah VARNUM COLBURN children also married a RICHARDSON: Ezra, b. 1682, m. Lucy Nelson; Samuel, b. 9/18/1684, m. 1711 Mary RICHARDSON; Abraham, b. 8/7/1687; John, b. 4/15/1690; Hannah, b. 8/14/1695; Sarah, b. 4/10/1699.
Samuel, Amos and Thomas COBURN witnessed Abraham (John, Samuel,George) VARNUM's will, which left money to daughters Abigail VARNUM Blood, Sarah VARNUM Doble, Lucy VARNUM COLBURN and land to his sons Jonathan, Asa, William (wife Sarah COLBURN) and Benjamin. William VARNUM's wife Sarah was Ezra and Hannah's son Abraham's daughter.
Jonas COLBORNE, m. 12/6/1770 Lucy VARNUM (b. 7/31/1751, Lucy's half-brother William m. Sarah COLBURN, parents Abraham (John, Samuel,George) and Rebecca Shead VARNUM)
Sarah COLBURN (Abraham,Ezra,Edward), d. 4/15/1802, whose brother Jonathan m. Anna East, and father was Lt. Abraham COLBURN, m. 4/2/1768 William VARNUM (Abraham,John,Samuel,George) (b. 10/19/1746, his parents were Abraham and Abigail Hardy VARNUM). William and Sarah COLBURN VARNUM'S children then intermarried further: Sarah VARNUM, b. 11/23/1768, m. 2/11/1785 Archibald McDermid; Abraham VARNUM, b. 8/23/1770, d. 2/4/1837, m. 1/13/1791 Dolly VARNUM (b. 5/23/1769, d. 2/26/1856, parents Jonathan (Abraham,John,Samuel, George) and Anna East VARNUM).
Abraham and Dolly VARNUM's 8 children: infant VARNUM, unnamed, b. 12/28/1791, d. 12/31/1791; William VARNUM, b. 1/26/1793, d. 6/2/1841 Lake Mills, WI, m. 1/22/1837 Mehitable Chandler, b. 2/10/1810 (4 children); Jonathan VARNUM, b. 10/31/1795, d. 2/3/1797; Prudence VARNUM, b. 4/16/1797, d. 1/15/1880, m. Daniel McLellan, Peacham, VT(2 children); Hannah VARNUM, b. 4/13/1799, d. 10/6/1840; Julia VARNUM, b. 8/13/1802, d. 5/31/1806, m. ? McDormitt; Pascal VARNUM, b. 9/3/1804, d. 2/21/1829; Asa VARNUM, b. 5/3/1806 Peacham, VT, d. 12/25/1861, m. 3/1/1832 Laura PRESCOTT Wyman, Lowell MA (b. 1807, d. 12/1860, parents John and Eunice PRESCOTT HILDRETH Wyman). Asa VARNUM was a merchantile, merchant in New York City, Brooklyn and over 6 ft tall, proud, dignified, domestic.
Dolly VARNUM (William and Sarah), b. 2/8/1772, d. 10/8/1850, m. 12/28/1786 John McLellan of Thornton,NH, (b. 1742 Scotland, d. 3/17/1817). One of the McLellan children then married a VARNUM cousin: Elizabeth, b. 4/14/1787, d. unm. 10/27/1827; Dorothy, b. 5/22/1788, d. 5/29/1815, m. A. McDermitt; Moses, b. 8/19/1789, d. 5/1815, m. ? Colby; Aaron, b. 5/31/1791, d. 8/28/1878, m. Mary Merrill; Daniel, b. 3/15/1795, d. 1/23/1863, m. Prudence VARNUM (b. 4/16/1797, d. 1/15/1880, parents Abraham (William,Abraham,John,Samuel,George) and Dolly VARNUM).
Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM and James MITCHELL VARNUM were very accomplished and well known in many high ranking capacities during the Revolutionary period. See the Publications page for many more details!
Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM, b. 1/29/1749, m. Molly Butler.
Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM's parents were Samuel (Joseph,Samuel,George) and Hannah MITCHELL VARNUM. Hannah's parents were Capt. James and Martha BRADLEY MITCHELL. Hannah's sister Abiah m. Samuel's brother Joseph. These two unions caused both the BRADLEY and MITCHELL name to be handed down through many generations.
Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM's 11 siblings: Mary d. young; James d. young; Hannah d. young; Samuel m. Mary Parker; James MITCHELL m. Martha Child (no issue); Hannah m. Josiah Hildreth Jr.; Mary m. Lt David Lindsay (1 child); Abiah m. Samuel Barron (9 children), Abigail m. Benjamin Barron (7 children); Daniel 1st m. Persis Hale 2nd m. Polly Butler (10 children); Martha m. Samuel Mansur
Joseph BRADLEY (Samuel,Joseph,Samuel,George) and Molly Butler VARNUM's 12 children also intermarried with the BRADLEY, COBURN, MITCHELL and RICHARDSON families: Hitty m. Daniel Swett (mother Sarah BRADLEY)(9 children); Molly m. Simon COBURN, who served under Gen. Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM (7 children - son Samuel Adams COBURN - 1st m. Eleanor VARNUM, 2nd m. Rebecca BRADLEY, 3rd m. Lydia Fish); Phebe d. infancy; George Washington d. unm.; Abigail m. Capt. Josiah Brown (1 child);Hannah m. Maj. Ephraim COBURN (6 children) ; Joseph BRADLEY m. Mary Jane Graham; James MITCELL m. Mary Pease; Jacob Butler 1st m. Mary Jane Aiken, 2nd m. Catherine Dodamead; Phebe m. Josaih Brown (2 children); John Hancock d. young.
Hitty VARNUM m. Daniel Swett, a BRADLEY grandson and their daughter Emily Swett b. 9/14/1808, m. Dana RICHARDSON 4/13/1830.
Molly VARNUM, (b. 2/24/1775, d. 12/12/1866) m. 7/7/1794 Simon COBURN ( b. 2/17/1770, d. 9/4/1843, parents Simon and Keziah Durant COBURN). Simon COBURN was a Lieutenant (8/11/1803), Captain (5/6/1806), Major (7/29/1809), Lt. Colonel (11/2/1811) in the 7th Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia; Brigadier General (9/21/1813) in the 3rd Regt. 2nd Brigade 3rd Division. He lived on the Methuen Road, one half mile below General Joseph Bradley VARNUM, where the General's wife passed away in 1833. Simon and Molly are buried in the Varnum Cemetary in Dracutt.
Simon and Molly VARNUM COBURN's son Samuel Adams, b. 5/13/1795, d. 3/24/1856; 1st m. 9/21/1821 Eleanor VARNUM (b. 9/16/1796, d. 4/4/1825). Samuel's COBURN children by Eleanor were Eleanor Bridges, b. 2/20/1822, d. 1836; Mary Jane, b.11/24/1824, d. 1857, m. James MITCHELL. Samuel 2nd m. Rebecca BRADLEY, 3rd m. Lydia Fish.
Simon and Molly VARNUM COBURN's 6 other children were Mary, b. 1/18/1799, d. unm., 3/4/1877; Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM, b. 4/17/1804, d. 12/271871, m. Mercy Parker; Thomas Jefferson, b. 4/17/1804, d. 12/27/1871, m. Sarah Tufts; John Hancock, b. 4/11/1806, d. 12/17/1871, m. Jane Miller; Emily, b. 6/15/1811, d. 1/10/1890, m. 5/17/1832 Edward Tuck; George Washington, b. 11/29/1815, d. 12/23/1888, m. 5/16/1838, Mary Bamford. Hannah VARNUM (b. 2/18/1783, d. 3/12/1847) m. 6/23/1805 Ephraim COBURN ( b. 12/28/1777, d. 8/20/1851,parents Ephraim and Jane COBURN, Dracutt). Their COBURN children were Jane, b. 9/22/1806, m. Charles Morgan; Mary Almira, b. 2/2/1809, d. unm. 10/23/1880; Hannah Augusta, b. 4/30/1812, m. George W. Gilman; Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM, b. 6/28/1814, m. Lydia Carter; Henry Dearborn, b. 2/1/1817, d. 10/22/1821; Lauretta, b. 12/28/1819, m. Fisher A. Hildreth.
Benjamin Franklin VARNUM, b. 4/11/1795, m. Caroline BRADLEY. Benjamin and Caroline VARNUM's 10 children: Caroline BRADLEY, b. 4/27/1821, d. 5/27/1875, m. Alpheus R. Brown (2 children); Joseph BRADLEY, b. 10/7/1823, d. 8/24/1863; Mary Butler, b. 3/24/1826, d. 3/20/1879, m. Moses Giles How (2 children); Benjamin Franklin, b. 6/13/1826, d. 9/10/1875; m. Ann Mongovan ( 1 child); Henry Clay; Lydia Worcester, b. 5/20/1832, d. 3/17/1857, m. Moses Giles How (2 children); George Washington, m. Harriet Tibbetts (1 child); John Marshall (author of the 1907 VARNUM genealogy); Rebecca Arms, d. infancy; William Harrison, b. 6/6/1840, m. Sarah Frances Tibbetts (1 child).
Joseph VARNUM Jr., b.5/7/1710, d. 8/26/1783, 2nd m. Abiah MITCHELL (parents were Capt. James and Martha BRADLEY MITCHELL)
Joseph and Abiah's 4 children: Abiah d. young; BRADLEY m. Rachel Butterfield (9 children); Joseph m. Mary COBURN (8 children); Martha d. young
Mary COBURN, b. 6/1/1751, d. 2/14/1796, parents Samuel and Mary Bradstreet COBURN, m. 10/12/1775 Joseph VARNUM Jr. (b. 5/1/1752, d. 9/23/1793, parents Maj. Joseph and Abiah Mitchell VARNUM).
Joseph and Mary COBURN VARNUM's 8 children: Mary Bradstreet, b. 6/18/1776, d. 10/23/1778; Joseph 3rd, b. 3/17/1778, d. 11/1/1849, m. 2/19/1800 Ruth Moody Johnson (b. 12/4/1772, d. 3/27/1843); Mary Bradstreet, b. 12/10/1779, d. 9/17/1881; Asa, b. 7/26/1781, d. 10/27/1805; Abi, b. 4/23/1783, d. 7/25/1864, m. 10/17/1803 William Johnson; Samuel, b. 1/17/1787, d. 3/7/1864, m. Sarah Jackman, Newburyport (b. 11/27/1785, d. 6/13/1859); Silas, b. 9/21/1790, d. Wilmington NC 9/18/1821; Asenath, b. 8/12/1793, d. 10/2/1818, m. 4/1812 James Ferguson Pelham, NH.
Joseph 3rd and Ruth Moody Johnson VARNUM's 6 children: Sally Johnson, b. 12/8/1800, d. 10/5/1826; Harriet, b. 9/24/1802, d. 5/3/1843, m. 10/23/1819 Jesse COBURN, son of Captain Nathaniel and Mercy COBURN, Tyngsboro; Mary Jane, b. 5/22/1804, d. 11/14/1814; Joseph, b. 5/31/1806, d. 6/26/1806; Ruth Moody, b. 4/2/1810, d. 9/18/1810; Hannah Jane, b. 5/20/1812, d. 9/11/1838, m. 5/16/1834 J. Tyler Fletcher (Chelmsford b. 6/28/1809).
Abi VARNUM and William Johnson's 2 children: Anna Moody, b. 12/23/1804, m. 12/6/1826 Abel Gage Pelham, NH; Mary Ann, b. 6/27/1808, d. 9/29/1871, m. 11/26/1829 William Livingston, Lowell MA.
Samuel Sarah Jackman VARNUM's 10 children: Sarah Ann, b. 1/25/1807, m. Wm. T. Jackson; Eunice, b. 1/21/1809, d. 7/3/1859, m. Timoth Osgood; Phebe Spaulding, b. 2/27/1811, d. 7/22/1855, m. Henry Jackman; Adaline, b. 4/24/1813, d. 8/29/1814; Joseph Butterfield, b. 12/3/1815, m. Catharine Howard (1 daughter Phebe Caroline); Mary Johnson, b. 5/28/1818, m. Samuel Merrill; Martha Brdstreet, b. 4/21/1820, d. 9/23/1879; Charlotte Ann, b. 6/28/1822, d. 10/15/1868,m. Wm. Blaisdell; Elizabeth Morse, b. 1/14/1827, d. 9/26/1874, m. Elisha Storey; Hannah Jane, b. 11/15/1830, m. Franklin Storey.
Polly VARNUM (b. 9/30/1774, d. 8/17/1798) was affianced to Rev. Caleb BRADLEY of Dracutt, a Congregational minister who erected a tombstone to her memory still standing in 1907. Caleb later settled in Portland, ME, where he became a noted preacher.
Polly's parents were Squire Parker(John,John,Samuel,George) and Dorcas Brown VARNUM. With his brothers James and Jonas, Parker was a member of Peter COBURN's Company of Minute-men which responded to the Lexington Alarm in 1775 and in the Revolution with the Dracutt company under the command of Joseph BRADLEY VARNUM, his cousin who was later became Speaker of the US House of Representatives and pres protemp of the US Senate. Parker later became a Justice of the Peace and a Representative in the MA General Court from Dracutt. Parker is the source of many anecdotal and biographical history in the 1907 VARNUM Genealogy.
Polly's 14 siblings: John, d. infancy; Dorcas d. young; John 1st m. Mary Saltonstall, 2nd m. Ms. Mary P. VARNUM; Dolly d. young; Clarissa m. Caleb Butler (8 children); Sarah Bowdoin m. Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury (2 children); Phoebe Parker m. William Farwell Brazer (9 children) ; Dorcas m. Oliver Stearns (8 children); Parker m. Martha McCoy (2 children); Susan m. Benjamin Sherburn COBURN (1 child); James d. unm.; Charles d. infancy; Charles d. infancy; Lucretia d. unm.
Benjamin Sherburn COBURN, b. 1802, d. 3/13/1863, parents Willard L. and Susan Sherburn COBURN, m. 4/27/1827 Susan VARNUM (b. 5/7/1792, d. 2/20/1833, parents Parker and Dorcas Brown VARNUM ); one son: Benjamin Varnum, b. 12/31/1828, d. 7/20/1833.
Thomas (Thomas,Thomas,Samuel,George) and Polly Atkinson VARNUM had two daughters who married COBURNS and a grandson who married another VARNUM:
Peter COBURN, d. 2/12/1832, son of Hezekiah COBURN, Dracutt, m. 6/29/1813 Mary VARNUM (b. 11/11/1784, d. 9/8/1859. Their COBURN children were Robert Parker, b. 10/6/1814, d. 1820; Jeremiah Varnum, b. 12/18/1815, d.1851; Peter Sullivan, b. 12/21/1817, d. 2/27/1895, m. Lucy Bowman; Fanny W., b. 7/27/1823, m. Robert Mills.
Timothy COBURN, b. 8/29/1778, d. 6/14/1819, parents Jacob and Lydia Hall COBURN, m. 11/3/1807 Hannah VARNUM (b. 8/29/1786, d. 1/27/1844). Their COBURN children were : Czarina, b. 8/14/1808, d. 10/11/1842;
Timothy Varnum, b. 4/12/1810, d. 4/19/1860, m. Catharine P. Hardy; Abel, b. 8/24/1815, d. 10/2/1894; m. 11/12/1845 Julia Ansart VARNUM, (b. 6/7/1823, d. 6/28/1897, parents Bradley (Bradley, Joseph,Joseph,Samuel,George) and Julia Ansart VARNUM) 1 child - Elizabeth Czarina Coburn; Bartlett, b. 7/6/1819, d. 8/18/1844.
Nancy VARNUM, b. 3/1/1798, d. 8/4/1827, m. 12/1/1815 Amos BRADLEY ( b. 5/9/1790, parents Dr. Amos and Lydia Jones BRADLEY, Dracutt, MA)
Nancy's parents: Prescott (Ebenezer,Joseph,Joseph,Samuel,George) and Elizabeth MacAllister; Prescott VARNUM was Colonel in the 3rd Regt, Second Briga de Mass. Volunteer Militia of which Joseph Bradley VARNUM was Brigade Commander. Prescott was Capt., Major; Lt. Col commanding officers and succeeded by Lt. col Simon COLBURN)
Nancy's 18 siblings:
Mary m. Jonathan Fletcher; James m. Elmira Melvin ( 1 child); Elizabeth m. Marquis de Lafayette COBURN (son of Saul and Hannah Jones COBURN); Prescott 1st m. Lucy Presbury, 2nd m. Elizabeth Clements (6 children); Hannah m. Samuel RICHARDSON, son of Samuel and Prudence Wood RICHARDSON (10 children); Phineas - went to MI; Susanna - d. unm.; Fanny m. David RICHARDSON, son of Samuel and Prudence Wood RICHARDSON (4 children); William m. Sarah Dinsmore (5 children); Archibald Oakley m. Anna M. Parker (1 child); Laura Augusta m. Rev. Edward P. Finnell; Charlotte Richardson 1st m. Robert Morrison, 2nd m. Charles Baker; Clarissa Sophia m. Augustus Hovey; Sarah Coburn m. Ephraim O. RICHARDSON; John m. Nancy E. Green (7 children) Obediah Richardson d. unm.; Lydia Emily m. John Jourdan; Henry m. Marietta Lee (2 children).
Nancy and Amos BRADLEY children:
George Prescott, b. 4/24/1816, d. US service
Amos Lewis, b. 4/26/1819, d. Savannah, GA;
Cyrus Augustus, b. 4/6/1822, d. 4/29/1896 was ordained to the Universalist ministry 11/6/1845; m. Lucretia Foster, dau. of Capt. Freeman Foster of Brewster,MA
John VARNUM, b. 6/11/1824, d. 2/12/1896, m. Augusta Ann Dinsmore
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