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UPDATED March 5, 1999 to alert fans of Charles Albert Varnum, Custer's Chief of Scouts - additional links and books available:
Tom Cruise for the role of Leutenant Varnum (????) or Cruise as Custer ...
First, note that C A Varnum was the son of the Civil War Major John Varnum who settled in Florida and became a political and civic figure; grandson of Col. Prescott Varnum; grandson of Ebenezer Varnum a MA militia man in the Revolutionary War and great, great grandson of the brother of two great Revolutionary War Generals, judges, Speaker of the House of Representatives and President Pro Temp of the Senate and 6th great grandson of the orignal George Varnham settler in Ipswich, MA:
Charles Albert8 VARNUM ([VIII]) (John7, Col Prescott6, Ebenezer5, Joseph Jr4, Joseph Bradley3, Samuel2, GEORGE (Varnham)1), born 21 Jun 1849 in Troy, NY; deceased 26 Feb 1936 in Letterman Hosp,Presidio,San Fransico,California; buried 28 Feb 1936 in National,Cemetary,Washington,D.C.. He married Mary Alice MOORE ([VIII]) , daughter of Louisa D and Lydia () Moore .
Notes for Charles Albert Varnum ([VIII]) Appointed cadet US Military Academy 9/1/1868 from Florida; Commissioned @ West Point, 17th in class of 57 2nd Lt Seventh U. S. Cavalry 14 June 1872; 1st Lt Seventh U. S. Cavalry 5 June 1876? Regimental Quartermaster 11/14/1876-10/31/1879; Was Custer' s Chief of Scouts during Battle of Bighorn, Mt. Last Officer to talk to Custer.Served under Gen Miles, Howard and Custer 1872-1890. Was awarded Congressional Medal of Honor for Battle of Wounded-Knee 12/30/1890 , White Clay Creek, S.D for "in command of Troop B and part of Troop E, Seventh Cavalry regained a commanding postion insured safe withdrawal ".. 1897 Capt Seventh U. S. Cavalry 22 Jul 1900 Maj; 1 Feb 1901; Lt Col 10 Apr 1905; sailed under orders for Phillipines from SF 9/5/1905; Retired Regular Army 31 Oct 1907 Served in Philippine Islands in the Reserve Army Col 9 Jul 1918 Retired 8 Apr 1919
Children of Charles Albert8 Varnum ([VIII]) and Mary Alice Moore ([VIII]) were as follows:
i Georgia Moore9 , born 15 Dec 1887 in Fort Yates, ND.
ii Mary Lydia9 , born 1 Jan 1889 in Fort Sill, OK; deceased 16 Jan 1889. ! REF: VOG p283
iii John Prescott9 , born 18 Feb 1892 in Fort Riley, KS .
San Francisco National Cemetery, C A Varnum bio and picture
Visit the Little Big Horn Association at http://www.lbha.org/ or the Custer Battlefield Museum at http://www.cbhma.org or The Curtis Collection http://www.curtis-collection.com
VARNUM, Charles Albert: A Working Bibliography -Coughlan, Timothy M. VARNUM - the Last of Custer's Lieutenants. Ed by John Carroll. Bryan, TX: Carroll, 1980. 36 p. E83.876V25C6. VARNUM, Charles A. Custer's Chief of Scouts: The Reminiscences of Charles A Varmum: Including His Testimony at the Reno Court of Inquiry. Ed by John Carroll. Lincoln: U of NE, 1987. 192 p. E83.876V274 available at University of Nebraska Press http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/wrap_browse.cgi/nebraska .
Troopers With Custer by E. A. Brininstool
Marching to Valhalla : A Novel of Custer's Final Days by Michael Blake
The Mystery of E Troop : Custer's Gray Horse Company at the Little Bighorn by Gregory F. Michno
Lakota Noon; The Indian Narrative of Custer's Defeat by Gregory F. Michno
Archaeological Insights into the Custer Battle : An Assessment of the 1984 Field Season/With Map by Douglas D. Scott, Richard A. Fox, Dick Harmon I Fought With Custer : The Story of Sergeant Windolph, Last Survivor of the Battle of the Little Big Horn by Charles Windolph, Robert Hunt
The Custer Myth : A Source Book of Custeriana (The Custer Library) by W. A. Graham
Benteen, Frederick William, 1834-1898. The Custer fight; Capt. Benteen's story of the battle of the Little Big Horn, June 25-26, 1876; with comments on the Rosebud fight of June 17, 1876, by Robert E. Strahorn ... by E. A. Brininstool. Published Hollywood, CA, Priv. pub. by E. A. Brininstool, 1933. UMKC: "Five hundred autographed copies printed for the author at his expense, each copy numbered, to correct many misleading and distorted stories dealing with the battle of the Little Big Horn"
Crook, George, 1829-1890. General George Crook, his autobiography. Edited and annotated by Martin F. Schmitt. Published Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1960]
Du Bois, Charles G., 1919- Kick the dead lion : a casebook of the Custer battle / by Charles G. du Bois. Published El Segundo, CA : Upton & Sons, c1987.
Reno, Ottie W. Reno and Apsaalooka survive Custer / Ottie W. Reno. Published New York : Cornwall Books, c1997
Slaper, William C., 1855- A trooper with Custer : the thrilling experience of William C. Slaper, Company M, Seventh Cavalry, in the Battle of the Little Big Horn / by E. A. Brininstool. Published [Columbus, Ohio : Hunter-Trader-Trapper Co., 1924?-1925?] Note In Hunter--trader--trapper. Cover title: William [C.] Slaper's account of the Reno fight. UMC: Picture laid in of Indian on horseback wearing Spanish cuirass and carrying spear and shield.
Terrell, John Upton, 1900- Faint the trumpet sounds : the life and trial of Major Reno / by John Upton Terrell and George Walton. Published New York : D. McKay Co., [1966]
UPDATED January 25, 1999 to alert Ralph Farnham descendants to the new FarnhamFarnum book:
"The New England Descendants of the Immigrant Ralph Farnum of Rochester, Kent County, England and Ipswich, MA." Hard cover, 1643 pages, 2 vols. 37,000 names in the index--$99.00, which includes p&h. Sold only by the author at 800 N Berlin Pt, Inverness FL 34453.
UPDATED Monday September 7, 1998 with link to all Varnum listings in the Social Security Death IndexSocial Security Death Index
UPDATED Sunday September 6, 1998 for corrections to the Varnum 1998 Reunion page and an update to the descendants of George and Hannah Varnum page including about 50 DAR and SAR Varnum references.
UPDATED Sunday August 30, 1998 for VARNUM web page links, the Varnum 1998 Reunion page for descendants of George and Hannah Varnum of Ipswich and Dracutt, the DRACUTT Historical Society, the Hannah Duston family association.
In August of 1998, 21 Varnum descendants came from all over the country to visit their roots. This page is their story and pictures as they traveled from Peacham, VT; Haverhill, Dracutt and Salem, MA to East Greenwich, RI and Valley Force, PA.
My Family is searching for Emily Leonard and Gabriel VARNUM, who's son Henry Herrick VARNUM married Eliza Jane Barber, my great grandparents. This page follows Henry Herrick VARNUM and his 9 children from 1848 to the present.
VARNUM Genealogy Introduction
VARNUM Genealogy General Notes
VARNUM Publications
VARNUM Geography
The George and Hannah VARNUM Family 1600s-1900s
Alphabetized Index for the George and Hannah VARNUM Page
Gen. James Mitchell VARNUM House, East Greenwich, RI
Varnum's Quarters : Valley Forge National Historical Park, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania / by John P. Brucksch. Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-111). Subjects Varnum, James M. (James Mitchell), 1748-1789 , Published [Harpers Ferry, W.V.?] : Division of Historic Furnishings, Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service, 1993.
Bibliography of Historical Archaeology in North America
American Revolutionary War, Indian Wars and War 1812 Soldiers' Web Sites
Report of Proceedings in Congress; February 21, 1787
Manuscript & Archival Collections>/A>
US Congress bio, picture and bibliography
Party Leaders in Congress, 1789-1997: Vital Statistics
United States. 50th Congress, 1st session. House. Speeches delivered in the House of Representatives January 19, 1888, on the presentation by the State of Massachusetts to the national government of portraits of ex-speakers Sedgwick, Varnum, and Banks. Published by order of Congress. Published Washington, Govt. Printing Off., 1888. Sedgwick, Theodore, 1746-1813. Varnum, Joseph Bradley, 1751-1821. Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894.
Varnum, Joseph B. (Joseph Bradley), 1751-1821. The Varnum papers : comprising letters of historical importance, and mainly written to Joseph B. Varnum, Major-General in the American Revolution and a prominent statesman ... Published New York : American Art Association, 1928. 1 v. (unpaged) : ill., facsims. ; 24 cm. Note "To be sold ... February 20 ... and February 21, 1928"--Cover. UMKC: With: First editions and autographs of Clemens, Dickens, Galsworthy ... New York : American Art Association, 1928 -- Early printing, first editions and library sets including early English works ... New York : American Art Association, 1928 -- Press books including the three modern masterpieces of typography ... New York : American Art Association, 1928 -- The Elbert H. Gary collection et. al. ... New York : American Art Association, 1928 -- The Edward Garnett collection of inscribed books and autograph material ... New York : American Art Association, 1928 -- First editions and fine bindings, Byron, Dryden ... New York : American Art Association, 1928.
Joseph Henry Papers, letter to Joseph Bradley Varnum, Jr., June 22, 1847
The Enoch and Mary Mechling VARNUM Family 1700s-1900s
Other Surnames in VARNUM Family Trees
Boutwell, Milne and VARNUM Company
VARNUM's Hardware, Morris, MN
VARNUM Memorial Library, Jeffersonville VT
Varnamtown, NC
Bartlett,Chase,Coburn(Colburn,Colburne),Colton, Herrick(Eyrick,Herick,Heryck),Shurtleff,Spaulding, VARNUM,Wheeler(Wheler) Families
Bartlett Genealogy Foundation http://www.bartlettgenealogy.com
Society of Descendants of Robert Bartlett of Plymouth, Inc. http://pages.prodigy.com/D/T/N/dtrobertson/Bartlett.htm
Bradley, Coburn(Colburn,Colburne), Mitchell, Richardson, VARNUM Families
Coburn/Colburn Geneaology
Eastman Geneaology
Essex County Massachusetts Genealogy at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2150/essex.htm
Visit the FamilyQuilt and FamilyMigrate forums!
VARNUM ALDRICH, Darke County, Ohio, Heads of Household 1820-1850 at http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/namesa-f.htm ; Aldrich genforum at http://www.genforum.com/aldrich
ALDRIDGE, VARNUM 1835 Newton Twp at http://www.tdn-net.com/genealogy/census/newtonc.htm Aldrich family association at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/2343
Franklin ALSTON Genealogy at http://kpt1.tricon.net/Personal/dan/alston.html: WILLIAM ALSTON PICKERING b. 23 JUN 1931 GRIFFIN, GA. married FLEATA VARNUM b. 13 AUG 1937 TWO CHILDREN: ROY MC CLAIN (ROY) PICKERING b. 17 JAN 1959 married SHARON KAYE HARGROVE and DAVID WILLIAM (DAVID) PICKERING b.23 SEP 1962 OXFORD Alston genforum at http://www.genforum.com/alston
ALYMER Family at http://gulib.lausun.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/mi/mi}122.htm : CORRESP. FROM G.W. VARNUM RE DEATH OF MARY JANE VARNUM
VARNUM J ARNOLD at http://www.kern.com/maykoski/d0005/g0000078.html#I5009 Milo E. Arnold •BIRTH: 4 DEC 1844 Family 1: Clarissa S. Wintermute •MARRIAGE: 1872 Rosa Nell Arnold 2.VARNUM J. (Varney) Arnold
John VARNUM AYER (Burke's Presidential Families of the USA, 2nd ed., 1981) gedcom at http://www.jedh.com/genealogy/d0006/g0000010.html#I4234 , http://flag.blackened.net/daver/gen/ged/d0004/g0000061.html, http://www.athens.net/~ethelind/havgen/ayer.txt
http://www.hampton.lib.nh.us/genealog/d0000/g0000012.html and http://www.ristenbatt.com/genealogy :
John VARNUM AYER Birth: 3 JAN 1812, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts Death: ABT 1877, Chicago, Cook, Illinois Father: SAMUEL AYER Mother: POLLY CHASE Family 1: Elida Van de Burgh MANNEY son -George Manney AYER and grandaughter Adele Augusta Ayer who had Family 1: Leslie Lynch KING and son Gerald Rudolph FORD Family 2: Gerald Rudolf FORD.
James Varnum AYER b. 10 Jul 1796 d. aft 1850 m. 15 Apr 1819 Mehitable BRADLEY b. abt 1801 d. 18 Feb 1825 m. 29 Mar 1826 Mary Graves KIMBALL b. 06 Jul 1797 d. aft 1850
Ayer genforum at http://www.genforum.com/ayer
BAKER genealogy at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/b/a/k/Gregory-M-Baker email bakeman@bellatlantic.net Gregory Michael Baker, born June 21, 1961 in Raleigh, North Carolina. He was the son of 2. Junius Ora Baker, Jr. and 3. Elizabeth Lynette Gregory. He married (1) Lisa Ann Baker October 03, 1992 in Bethesda, Maryland. She was the daughter of David Charles Baker and Janet Marion VARNUM; Baker genforum at http://www.genforum.com/baker ; Baker family international at http://members.tripod.com/~Crystal_J/Baker.html
Joseph VARNUM BALDWIN:BIRTH: 7 Mar 1798 DEATH: 23 Jan 1892 NOTE : 1874, Living in Caldwell, N.J.Father: Noah Baldwin (12 May 1784 ~ 13 Mar 1832 ) Caldwell, Essex County, New Jersey Mother: Naomi Baldwin (26 Mar 1786 ~ 22 Sep 1871 ) Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey, Family 1: Ann Eliza Harrison (5 Jul 1829 ~ 30 May 1907 ) MARRIAGE: 30 Sep 1855 Children: Frank Harrison Baldwin (15 Sep 1860 ~ 3 Jun 1949), Walton Baldwin, Annie Baldwin, Fred Baldwin : http://www.altlaw.com/edball/html/persons.htm E-mail address: Beverly.Crifasi@box777.magsystems.com or bcrifasi@hicom.net Crane lineage: Jasper CRANE m ?Alice LEAVE? Azariah CRANE I m Mary Treat Nathaniel CRANE I m Elizabeth Gibson Noah CRANE m Mary Baldwin Esther Crane m Joseph Baldwin Naomi Baldwin m Noah Baldwin (distant cousins) Joseph VARNUM Baldwin m Anna Eliza Harrison Frank Harrison Baldwin m Elizabeth Douglas Gould Personette Gould Baldwin m Ruth Florence Hawley Ruth Elizabeth Baldwin m Ervin Edwin White Beverly White m Robert Frank Crifasi information on any of Azariah's descendants (or ancestors!) I'm particularly interested in the founders (and their descendants) of Essex, Morris, Bergen, Morris and Passaic Counties in northern NJ. Looking for parents of Anna Eliza Harrison b 5 Jul 1829 in Wattsville (now Verona?) NJ married on 30 Sep 1855 Joseph VARNUM Baldwin b 7 Mar 1809. They lived in Caldwell (now North Caldwell) NJ; she died there 30 May 1907 and he died there 23 Jan 1892. She may be the dau of Hery Wells Harrison b 4 Aug 1798 NJ d 27 Jan 1879 NJ m 1 Sep 1825 to Ann Cook b 1802 d 1 Jun 1846, but nothing conclusive on that. She may have had a cousin named William Henry Harrison- but I think every Harrison has one of those. She may be a descendant of Srgt Richard Harrison, founder of Newark, NJ and Rev. War soldier, but cannot find direct link among the many Harrisons here. VARNUM genealogy has an Elizabeth VARNUM (Abraham<John<Samuel<George) b. 4/26/1741 who married a Cyrus Baldwin of Chelmsford and an Elizabeth VARNUM (Bradley<Joseph<Joseph<Samuel<George) b. 9/5/1782, d. 12/7/1853, who married a Cyrus Baldwin (d. 6/23/1854) on 5/4/1799 - one child. Baldwin genforum at http://www.genforum.com/baldwin
VARNUM N BACHELLER, early settler in Chautauqua County, NY at http://www.rootsweb.com/~nychauta/HISTORY/HISTORY.HTM : George Washington STARR was born on 22 Sep 1849 Source: A History Of The Starr Family 1879 By Burgis Pratt Starr; married to Helen E. BATCHELLER (daughter of VARNUM N. BATCHELLER and Laura C. RISLEY) on 15 Oct 1868. Helen E. BATCHELLER was born on 11 Aug 1848 in Pomfret, New York at http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/rrooy1/d7728.htm#P7730 . Batchelor genforum at http://www.genforum.com/batchelor
BARBER, Eliza Jane BARBER m Henry Herrick VARNUM family at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/7945/EJBHHV.html . Baber family genealogies at http://members.aol.com/BarbrFam/6index.html and Barber genforum at http://www.genforum.com/barber/messages/48.html
VARNUM BARTLETT genealogy at http://www.lemuria.com/bartlett/surname.htm , http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/jsweet/fowndx.htm and http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9895/dat9.htm#4 : BARTLETT , VARNUM Birth : 10 May 1810 Death : 14 Aug 1871. Bartlettt genforum at http://www.genforum.com/bartlett and Nathan Bartlett's genealogy at http://members.bellatlantic.net/~dinabart
BATES, Ruth m. John Varnum and had daughter Harriet E Varnum Spenser at http://www.nemaine.com/outpost123/surname.htm
Col James VARNUM BATES Wife: Hannah GAVITT Born: 4 Apr 1779 Father:Samuel GAVITT Mother:Ruth BATES at http://www.cybertouch.net/bb/fam00098.htm
VARNUM BEVERLY at http://www.pbdy.com/begin5.html Lucy PEABODY , m. Jan. 28, 1791, in Gorham, Me., VARNUM Beverly.
Harry VARNUM BICKNELL •BIRTH: 9 MAR 1871, Chelsea, MA T.W Bicknell's 1913 Book page 343 Newspaper Writer and advertiser ; Father: Alonzo Sweet BICKNELL Mother: Lucy Alfreda SMART Family 1: Fannie Isabelle WHITE •MARRIAGE: 12 JUN 1900; Harry was the Recording Secretary of the Bicknell Family Association in 1911 at http://www.obh.ndirect.co.uk/d0000/g0000001.htm#I4937
VARNUM J. BOWERS, 1867-1937, at http://web.macomb.lib.mi.us/mountclemens/mayors.htm : Mayors of Mount Clemens, Michigan Apr 1906 - Apr 1909,Apr 1911 - Apr 1912, Apr 1916 - Apr 1917. Bowers genforum at http://www.genforum.com/bowers and http://web.macomb.lib.mi.us/mountclemens/oldcrowd.htm
BOYD/Pollock/Wescom genealogy email gypsye@cei.net VARNUM H. Boyd b: 1853 Franklin, Vermont d: 1928 Jeffersonville, Vermont, married Abbie Wescom b: 1861 Eden, Vermont, d: 1937 Jeffersonville, Vermont. Boyd genforum at http://www.genforum.com/boyd
BOYNTON, VARNUM Born: 29 Dec 1813 at AMERICAN BOYNTON ASSOCIATION http://www.pluvoy.com/am/names1.htm#Boynton David Boynton Born: 21 May 1778 at: Pepperell, Middlesex, MA, Married: 30 Dec 1802 Died: 17 Jul 1815 Father:Isaac Boynton Mother:Sarah Wife: Polly Wheeler CHILDREN Calvin Boynton Born: 14 May 1804 at Pepperell, Middlesex; Luther Boynton Born: 3 May 1805 at: Pepperell, Middlesex, MA, Married: 22 Oct 1829 Died: 5 Nov 1881 at: Ludlow, Windsor, VT, Spouses: Laura Weed; Mary Boynton; Timothy Wheeler Boynton Born: 31 May 1808; Sarah Boynton Born: 5 Jun 1810; VARNUM Boynton Born: 29 Dec 1813. Boynton geforum at http://www.genforum.com/boynton
VARNUM BRIGHAM in Autobiography of Dr. Edward F. Barnes, early to mid 1800s, Marlborough, MA at http://www.tapple.org/~dbarnes/ed.html . Brigham genforum at http://www.genforum.com/brigham
VARNUM BROWN, email jmarkle@isbe.state.il.us : Seeking Siblings and descendants of Thomas Brown who m Elcy(?) abt 1745 Scituate, Providence, RI and had: Fleet b 17 Jul 1746, Judith b 3 Jun 1748, Job b 29 Apr 1750, Deborrah b 11 Jan 1754, Thomas Jr b 18 Oct 1755, Joseph b 1761 all in Scituate. Fleet is found in Foster Twp, Providence in the 1790 and subsequent censuses, he m first Elizabeth Cooke 11 Apr 1767, and 2nd to Mercy Hopkins 6 Apr 1780. Thomas m bef 1784 Hanna Spencer b 15 Jan 1747 and moved to prob Ontario Co NY. Their Ch Varnum b 25 Nov 1786, James, Russel, Martha, Elizabeth, and Abogail. A James and Russel found in censuses in Yates, NY. Joseph went to VT>Quebec>Ontario. In Quebec he m Rebecca Brush and had: Betsey, Laura, James, Mary, Rev Thomas Brush, and Rebecca. Have data on Varnum's line to date, would be interested in any other researchers on this line: VARNUM Brown m. Amanda Hopkins 1 Jan 1826, she was b. in May 1808 and may have been a second wife. Son Calvin James, b. 1828 m. Lucinda Sage 1848. They emigrated to Ingersol Ont, Ca. before migrating on to Saginaw County, Mi. Have extensive MacPAF files on progenitors of most of these but would like to confirm my suspicion that both VARNUM and Calvin had siblings. Varnum lived Erie County, NY m Niagara Co, NY before migrating to Oxford Co, Ontario. My line is Thomas>Thomas Jr>Varnum>Calvin James>James Emerson>Cora May b Ingersol,ON, Canada who was my grandmother. Thomas Jr had an older brother Fleet who lived first at Scituate, then Fostertown, Providence Co, RI. Fleet appears in various US censuses of RI beginning 1790. It is most likely that he named a child after his father. Nearly all of the others did.I believe all of the other children moved away. To, VT and NY and later Quebec and Ontario. www.rootsweb.com/~vtrutlan/add_quer.htm
Email rtrasmussen@worldnet.att.net Searching for information on my G Grandfather Charles Parker Vanum Brown. Born September 2, 1822 in Billerica, MA. Married in 1864 to Dorothy Melton they had 10 children. He died February 20, 1909 in Las Animas, Bent county, Colorado. His father was Charles Brown from Canada and his mother was Mary Darnle also from Canada. This has been an interesting feat, 30 years trying and will NEVER give up. Appreciate any and all correspondence. Charles & Dorothys' two oldest children were named George Frederick and Minnie Lurainy. Maybe Charles' father was a George Charles or a Frederick Charles because their oldest daughter has one of her mothers' names. Their children were: George Frederick, Minnie Lurainy, Luther Vanum, Mary Ellen, Alonzo Eugene, Leonard Earnest, William Amos, Willis Edwin,Frank Minton and Louis May. Curious my GGrandfather Charles Parker VANUM Brown was born in Billerica, MA 9/2/1822. His father Charles (?) Brown born in Canada and so was his wife Mary Darnle. The name Varnum and Vanum may be connected.
NOTE: Since Varnum Brown's family came from RI and General James Mitchell Varnum was very famous during the Rev War in RI (see the web page for the Varnum Continentals and Varnum House in Greenwich, RI references), it is entirely possible that there was no direct Varnum family connection. But Varnum as a first name usually does mean that there was a maternal line or a favorite relative and it is very common in the Green/Greene family of RI. Also, there were Browns and Greens in the "History of Stanstead County Province of Quebec". A specific Brown/Varnum connection in Stanstead county is that Theophilus Brown (b. Candia NH 9/14/1775 d. 1/1853) settled No 26, 9th Range of Stanstead in 1800 and in 1807 m Mary Varnum b 1/22/1784 - "they were worthy and useful members of the community"and their children were James b. 5/12/1808 d. infancy, Rosamond b 6/17/1809 m Israel Brainerd jr, Ann b 8/5/1811 d. 9/30/1833, John Q b. 6/18/1813 m Abigail K Gustin, Theophilus b 2/25/1816, Mary b 3/14/1817 m Lyman Gustin, Sophronia J b 2/1821 m Timothy Brainerd, Jonathan b 9/25/1825 m Jane Lewis. Theophilus' brother Sherburn also settled in Stanstead where the settlement was known as Brown's Hill and had 18 children by two wives, as did Levi Brown (in 1806) and Nancy Brown (in 1803), both also born in Candia, and John Brown in 1818 - another brother of Theophilus. But a John Brown was an original member of Congregationalist church organized in 1816 where Rev James Parker was a minister.
The Charles Parker Varnum Brown connection is probably through these families:
Parker5 VARNUM (John4, John3, Samuel2, GEORGE (Varnham)1), born 17 Feb 1746 in Dracutt, MA; deceased 18 Dec 1824 in Dracutt, MA. He married (1) in 1771 Dorcas Osgood , born 31 Mar 1754 in Tewksbury,,Massachusetts; deceased 29 Apr 1800, daughter of Timothy and Dorcas (Osgood) Brown . He married (2) on 24 Nov 1801, Abiah (IIM) OSGOOD ([V]), born 13 Dec 1747 in Andover,,Massachusetts; deceased 17 Sep 1825 in buried in Woodbine cemetary on Varnum Ave, daughter of Timothy and Phebe (Frye) Osgood .
Brown genforum at http://www.genforum.com/brown ;
Brown Genealogical Association at http://www.brownfamily.org/index.html
BURR/VARNUM genealogy at http://www.familytreemaker.com/wftonline/v1/5501to5550/v1t5520.html Most common locations: MA, OK, SD, MI, PA, England Foreign locations: Canada, England. Burr genforum at http://www.genforum.com/burr
Joseph Bradley VARNUM BUTLER correspondence with Addison C. Gibbs, Republican Governor of Oregon, 1862-1866 at http://www.ohs.org/manuscripts/mss685.htm : Butler, J. M. Mar 25, 1864-, Feb 21, 1865, Butler, Joseph Bradley VARNUM Jan 24, 1862 . Butler genforum at http://www.genforum.com/butler
Lila (or Eliza) BYRD (1872, AL-1956, FL) Spelham@aol.com query: Subject: Seeking Southern Surnames: PELHAM, GLASS, VARNUM, FOUNTAIN PELHAM: Ambrose (1740, VA)<Humphrey(1789, SC)
CAMPBELL/COLBURN genealogy at http://www.best.com/~hyle/ged/fgs/fam00156.htm : VARNUM COLBURN Born: 1 Mar 1806
CARD A Multidisciplinary Latter-day Saint Journal Card, VARNUM, 11:4:491-92
Mary CARR, Born: 27 Sep 1814 Father: Joseph Carr, b. 3 Nov 1788 in Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, ME Mother: Sally (Sarah) Purington, b. 1792 Family 1: Isaac VARNUM •Married: 24 Oct 1833 at http://pierre.polymer.uakron.edu/../cgi-bin/igmget.cgi/n=Davis?I19913
CASE Mesa, Arizona City Cemetery Markers 19,3,4,,VARNUM,Allie,Case,18611,1896,A perfect woman nobly planned http://www.xroadsmall.com/tcs/genealogy/fhp/cemetery13.html
CELLARS, VARNUM at http://www.softcom.net/users/norm/younker/dat55.htm Moore, Mary Ina Spouse: Cellers, VARNUM Children: Cellers, Dorothy Irene
CLARK genealogy at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/c/l/a/Thomas-J-Clark : Charles Albert VARNUM October 22, 1848 June 30, 1883 Harvey Irving VARNUM July 11, 1864 September 02, 1869 Mildred Adella VARNUM July 21, 1872 March 09, 1873 Minnie Astella VARNUM August 31, 1867 January 22, 1940
CLEWELL/CLEWIS ROBESON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA marriages: CLEWELL, Augustus VARNUM, Mary Jan 1866 -- CLEWIS, Augustus VARNUM, Mary Jan 1866 at http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1786/robeson_marriages_A-C.html
COCHRAN/VARNUM Email: DVARNUM@aol.com : W.J. VARNUM born in Henry County, AL 1855. Wife, Sarah Emily COCHRAN b.1855. Any help on tracing these families would be welcomed.
COLBURNE/COBURN genealogy at http://library.monterey.edu/merrill/family/dorsett7/d0039/I3153.htm : Ezra COLBURN BIRTH: 16 MAR 1658, Ipswich,Essex,Massachusetts,Bay Colony DEATH: JUN 1739, Dracut,Middlesex,Massachusetts,Bay Colony REFN: 22CT-85 Father:Edward COLBORNE (1618 - 17 FEB 1700) Mother:Hannah (ABT 1620 - 1712) Family 1: Hannah VARNUM (22 MAY 1661 - ) MARRIAGE: 22 NOV 1681, Ipswich,Essex,Massachusetts,Bay Colony and http://www.frontiernet.net/~rjacob/gedpage.htm : John COLBURN Born: Townsend, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Married: 30 Jan 1794 Wife: Keziah CAMPBELL Born: 25 Dec 1774 at: Raby TWP., Brookline, Hillsboro County, New Hamshire Father:James Benjamin CAMPBELL Mother:Rebecca ADAMS CHILDREN James COLBURN Born: 9 Nov 1796 ,John COLBURN Born: 19 Aug 1798 , Keziah COLBURN Born: 24 Jul 1800 , Asenath COLBURN Born: 20 Jun 1802 , VARNUM COLBURN Born: 1 Mar 1806 , Benjamin COLBURN Born: 1 Mar 1808 ,Rebecca COLBURN Born: 2 Mar 1810 , Elizabeth COLBURN Born: 23 Feb 1812 , Randall COLBURN Born: 16 May 1814
COLLINS/LANSING:email Gleaner4@aol.com query: I am looking for information on ROBERT LANSING, and VARNUM COLLINS. Mr. Lansing was secretary of state under Woodrow Wilson, Mr Collins was a professor at the NY State Teachers College in Binghamton, NY. He was there in the early 1800's and may have lived in Tioga County, NY. Collins, VARNUM Lansing. Princeton. New York: Oxford University Press, 1914. Collins, VARNUM Lansing. The Continental Congress at Princeton. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1908 Collins, VARNUM Lansing. Guide to Princeton: The Town, the University. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1919, 1920. Collins, VARNUM Lansing. Princeton, Past and Present. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1931, 1945, 1946. Collins, VARNUM Lansing. President Witherspoon. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1925.
Abigail P. CONARY b. 27 Aug 1830, Surry, Hancock Co, ME d. 27 Mar 1896 m Benjamin VARNUM at http://www.aviatrix.com/genealogy/WC01/WC01_141.htm
VARNUM CORLISS b. 02 Aug 1810 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts at http://www.athens.net/~ethelind/havgen/corliss.txt
COWLES genealogy at http://www.flash.net/~robt/IND0080.html : Hannah VARNUM, BIRTH: 1613 or 1618, DEATH: 17 MAR 1683, Father: George VARNUM, Mother: Hannah Family 1: John COWLES MARRIAGE: ca 1638, Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut Children: Samuel COWLES, John COWLES, Hannah COWLES, Sarah COWLES, Esther COWLES, Mary COWLES, Elizabeth COWLES. Connecticut Census -- 1790, p.33 Name of head of family: Cowles, Asahel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Jabez Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Cowles, Noah Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Selah Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 p.35 Name of head of family: Cowles, Mary Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 1 Name of head of family: Cowles, James Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 p.36 Name of head of family: Cowles, Timothy Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Cowles, William Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Eleazer Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 4 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Cowles, Ashbel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Martha (Wid.) Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 6 p.37 Name of head of family: Cowles, Samuel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 p.40 Name of head of family: Cowles, Elias Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Cowles, Ezekiel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 5 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Solomon, Jr Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 5 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 8 Name of head of family: Cowles, Isaac Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 4 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 5 Name of head of family: Cowles, Gideon Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Enos Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 Name of head of family: Cowles, Thomas Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 Name of head of family: Cowles, Amos Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 p.41 Name of head of family: Cowles, Elijah, Jr Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 4 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 5 All other free persons: 1 Name of head of family: Cowles, Elijah Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Daniel, Jr Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 1 Name of head of family: Cowles, Daniel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Cowles, Ziba Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4
CRAM In Every name Index of Bond's Watertown http://sml.simplenet.com/kinnexions/bond/bondaz.htm CRAM, Emily Kelly 478; Hiram Loren 478; Mary Elizabeth 478; Sarah 478; Sarah Josephine 478; VARNUM 478; VARNUM Howard 478.
CRAM family genealogy contact Sue FitzpatrickPO Box 3108 Saratoga, CA 91070-1108Fax (408) 986-7719 :CRAM, VARNUM; b 29 Jan 1791, Deerfield, NH son of Joseph CRAM (13 Apr 1766 - 4 May 1841) & Elizabeth JUDKINS (14 Apr 1764 - 9 Dec 1839)
CRANDALL/JEAN/VARNUM genealogy at http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/gfacini/d233.htm#P17643 : John CRANDALL was born about 1609 in WALES. He died on 29 Nov 1676 in Newport, Newport, Rhode Island.He was married to Mary OPP about 1648 in Massachusetts. Children were: James CRANDALL, Rev. John CRANDALL, Jane CRANDALL, Sarah CRANDALL, Joseph CRANDALL, Samuel CRANDALL, Peter CRANDALL. His ggrandson Wilbert [Wilbur] D. CRANDALL was born in 1717 in Tiverton, Bristol, Massachusetts. He came to Nova Scotia from Rhode Island and his ggggrandaughter Olive Pearl JEAN was born on 13 Dec 1903 in New Germany, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, CANADA and married to Walter Sewell VARNUM in 1919. Children were: Walter Raymond VARNUM, Jean Elizabeth VARNUM, Donald Curtis VARNUM , Richard VARNUM, Lorraine Crandall VARNUM, Marilyn Louise VARNUM. The Crandall Family Association is at http://www.geocities.com/~wyatt1599/cfa/contents.html
CRANDALL, Mildred VARNUM at http://leegenealogy.ofamerica.com/nat.htm Chauncey[5] Crandall (William Hiram, 63). Born in Fairville, NY. He married an unknown woman. Children: Clarence NH. Died, 31 Jan 1879, in Washington, D.C. Children: Tenney; Mildred VARNUM. Born, 12 Sep 1872, in Manchester, Hillsborough,NH. Died, 22 Jan 1969. Burial in Oak Hill Cmty., Lewistown, Fulton Co; IL.Lewis Winans. Born, 4 Oct 1873, in Washington, D.C. Died, 14 Jun 1884 Lee. Born, 18 Aug 1875, in Manchester, Hillsborough, NH. Died, 22 Jul 1955. He married Mable Virginia Clark, Georgette.
CUMMINGS genealogy at http://msrad3.med.uth.tmc.edu/rick/html/d40.htm#P6309 : Eleazer CUMMINGS was born on 19 Oct 1701 in Dunstable, Middlesex Co., MA. He died on 8 Dec 1780 in Hudson, Hillsborough Co., NH. He was a Farmer. Parents: Nathaniel CUMMINGS and Abigail PARKHURST.He was married to Rachel PROCTOR in 1729 in Sudbury, Middlesex Co., MA; to Mary VARNUM on 28 Jul 1734 in Sudbury, Middlesex Co., MA; to Phebe RICHARDSON on 12 Jul 1764
INDEX TO REV. JAMES CURLEY, SJ PAPERS at http://gulib.lausun.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/index/i42}4.htm : VARNUM, JOSEPH (ALUM) -MENTIONED -RE 1832
DANFORTH: Sarah Danforth b: Jun 27, 1805 in Billerica, MA d: Sep 1864
+Varnum Waugh b: Apr 03, 1803 m: Mar 15, 1829 in Billerica, MA d: Dec 30, 1880; Joseph Varnum Danforth b: May 02, 1831 ; http://members.aol.com/BBova2332/danforth.html
Abigail DEARBORN: Hampton, N.H. Genealogy at http://www.hampton.lib.nh.us/genealog/index.htm : BIRTH: 27 JAN 1721, Chester, N.H. Father: Ebenezer DEARBORN Lieut., Deacon Mother: Abigail SANBORN Family 1: James VARNUM MARRIAGE: 26 OCT 1742 Family 2: John ROBY
DEMENT, VARNUM at http://www.rootsquest.com/~twimberly/html/fam03022.htm Lewis DEMENT Born: 1834 at: Rome Township, Jefferson Co, IL Married: ABT. 1852 at: Jefferson Co, IL Wife: Frances UNKNOWN Born: 1824 at: Rome Township, Jefferson Co, CHILDREN VARNUM DEMENT Born: 1854; Mary DEMENT Born: 1856; Lewis S. DEMENT Born: 1857; Alice DEMENT Born: 1859
DILLE/CRAGG genealogy at http://www.computek.net/public/cragg/genealogy/f05244.html http://www.pcez.com/~dla/gen-data/dat26.htm#19 : VARNUM Dille, Born: 1824 Euclid, Ohio, Wife: Jane Eddy, Parents, Asa Dille, Born: Feb 29,1788 Washington County, Pennsylvania, Died: Jun 3,1862 Washington County, Pennsylvania, Wife: Mary 'Polly' Johnson, Born: 1795, died: 1870, Married: 1819
VARNUM DRUSE, b. in N. Y., mill wright; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up at http://www.rootsweb.com/~neresour/NSHS/NMGR/Vol19/nmgrp001.html
DYER genealogy at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4663/index.html Charles Archibald VARNUM 25 Feb 1877 Edith Christine VARNUM 10 Mar 1883 Grace Dyer VARNUM 17 Jul 1879 John Prescott VARNUN 26 Feb 1854 05 Dec 1888
ELLIOT/SWEESY genealogy at http://www.math.clemson.edu/~rsimms/genealogy/desc/desc.sweesy : VARNUM Noyes Elliott BIRTH: ?? ___ 1876 DEATH: 7 DEC 1941 Family 1: Dora Frances Sweesy MARRIAGE: 6 SEP 1905, the bride's home, Shenango, PA
ERBE/DUFLOTH/VARNUM: Java, SD V. S. and Vina VARNUM,1905-1909, Pioneer Footprints, Diamond Jubilee, Java, South Dakota 1900-1975 at http://pixel.cs.vt.edu:70/0/GRG/Towns/java75.txt : The VARNUM farm, Mr. and Mrs. John Erbe of Bowdle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Erbe, obit of son Howard, other children William, three daughters (Susannah,taking nurse's training in California), Mrs. Susie (Susannah) VARNUM of Long Beach, Calif., Obit of John Dufloth with two daughters, Mrs.Tillie Sweeney and Mrs. Emma VARNUM, both of Long Beach, Calif., and one son, Arthur, of Orfordville, Wis.; 1930- 1938 Java Herald of Java,SD at http://pixel.cs.vt.edu:70/0/GRG/Papers
VARNUM/EVANS--In Scott Valley, Oct. 29th, Loring VARNUM to Louise EVANS. Source: San Francisco Daily Examiner, 7 Nov 1865 at http://www.sfo.com/~timandpamwolf/sfmar_v.htm
FARNHAM. Genealogy of the Farnham family, 1603-1926, by Levi L. Farnham.107p. 1926. $17.00FARNHAM. Ralph Farnham of Andover, Mass. & his desc., by H.F. Johnston.74p. 1950. $15.00 FARNHAM. John Farnham (Farnum, VARNUM) of Dorchester & desc., by H.F.Johnston. 18p. 1959. $5.00 FARNAM. See also BOUTON FARNUM. "Know thyself:" a genealogy, by Leora E. Belknap. 105p.,typescript. 1948. $16.50 at http://www.higginsonbooks.com/f.htm
FARNHAM GenForun at http://www.genforum.com/farnham
FARNHAM, Ralph descendents at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6694/farnham.html , http://ng.netgate.net/~millar/jimgene/D0001/G0000049.html#I610
FARNHAM, Sarah m George ABBOTT at http://ng.netgate.net/~millar/jimgene/D0001/G0000064.html#I609 , http://users.rootsweb.com/~bcarter/gendex/g0000442.html#I3651
ME NEWSPAPERS : Eastern Freeman: April 22, 1853 to July 28, 1854 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/ef.htm : Obit:Bucksport, August 30, Miss Cyntha Jane, daughter of William FARNHAM, Esq., age 17.
Ellsworth Herald 4/1858 to 12/1859 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her458-1259.html : Obits:In Surry, February 4, Freethy VARNUM, age 69 years, 1 day; In West Brooksville, 7th inst., Mrs. Cyntha, wife of David VARNUM, age 62 years. In West Brooksville, May 7th, Cyntha, wife of David VARNUM, age 66 years, 1 month, 18 days. (Poem followed)
Ellsworth Herald 1/1880 to 3/1861 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her180-361.html : DECEMBER 7, 1860 Marriages Bucksport, Thanksgiving eve, by the Rev. A. Prince, Capt. Frederic WOOD to Miss Mary FARNHAM, all of Bucksport
Ellsworth Herald 4/1861 to 2/1862 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her461-262.html : AUGUST 9, 1861 Obit:Bucksport, 31st ult., Mr. Jonathan FARNHAM, age 64 years.
Ellsworth Herald 7/1864 to 12/1865 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her263-664.html : FEBRUARY 13, 1863 Marriages Surry, 2nd inst., by the Rev. W. B. Fenlason, Mr. Daniel MILLIKEN to Mrs. Elizabeth VARNHAM, both of Surry. OCTOBER 2, 1863 Marriages North Sedgwick, Sept. 16, by Rev. L. S. Tripp, Leroy H. VARNUM of Surry to Miss Martha Ann PETERS of Blue Hill. DECEMBER 18, 1863 Marriages Penobscot, 6th inst., by Isaac J. Burnham, Esq., Mr. Nahum VARNHAM to Miss Irene WARDWELL, both of Penobscot. DECEMBER 25, 1863 Marriages Penobscot, 16th inst., by the Rev. Joseph King, Mr. Otis L. FARNHAM of Brooksville to Miss Julia Ann PETERS of Blue Hill.
Ellsworth Herald 7/1864 to 12/1865 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her764-1265.html : OCTOBER 14, 1864 Deaths Bangor, Oct. 5, Sophia M. BAKER, age 54 years, wife of the late Rev. VARNUM Baker. JULY 14, 1865 Marriages Bangor, July 4, by the Rev. T. B. Tupper, Mr. William S. HOLMES of Tremont to Miss Evelyn F. KEEN of Fairfield.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1866 to 4/1868 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her166-468.html : MARCH 27, 1868 Marriages Bluehill, Mar. 9, by Rev. J. F. Eveleth, CHARLES A. CANDAGE and Miss EMMA G. VARNUM, both of Surry.
Ellsworth Herald 5/1868 to 2/1870 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her568-270.html : SEPTEMBER 25, 1868 Marriages West Brooksville, Sep. 4, by Rev. W. W. Dow, Capt. LEVI L. VARNUM to Miss LUCY ELLA DOUGLASS, daughter of Capt. Joseph Douglass. NOVEMBER 25, 1869 Deaths Bluehill, 22nd, VARNUM STEVENS, Esq., age 71 years, 4 months. DECEMBER 30, 1869 Deaths Obituary: Son and father, in Bluehill, Sept. 8, Mr. WARREN G. STEVENS, age 28 years, a patriot soldier and worthy member of the Fraternity of Masons and the Temple of Honor and Young Men's Christian Association of Hallowell, valued member of the Baptist Church in Bluehill. At the call of his country, he was among the 9-months men, served faithfully in battle and was discharged sick, and was supposed incurable but in a few months, recovering his health, he again enlisted in the 6th Maine [?]. He was wounded at Petersburg at the explosion of the mine, a minnie ball breaking and shattering his thighbone, managed to drag himself from the field. He suffered most intensely, gradually rallied but was never afterwards free of pain and suffering. In the spring of '66 he became a Christian and united with many others to the Baptist Church. Acute rheumatism made him an acute sufferer and at length consumption, seeding itself upon him, terminated his life.In Bluehill, Nov. 22, the father of the above, Mr. VARNUM STEVENS, age 71 years, 4 months, a kind father and husband, a pillar of the Baptist Church, became a Christian nearly 20 years ago.
Ellsworth Herald 3/1870 to 8/1871 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her370-871.html : DECEMBER 29, 1870 Marriages Portland, Dec. 24, by Rev. Dr. Shailer, Capt. GEORGE H. BENNETT and Miss LIZZIE M. FARNHAM, both of Bucksport. JANUARY 19, 1871 Marriages Bangor, Jan. 12, Col. A. B. FARNHAM and Miss ARDELLIA B. CLARK; Dec. 31, Mr. ALBERT FLANDERS and Miss AUGUSTA B. FERGUSON, both of Hampden. MARCH 23, 1871 Deaths Bluehill, Feb. 17, Mrs. BETSEY VARNUM, age 81 years. JULY 20, 1871 Marriages West Brooksville, July 12, by the Rev. H. H. Hutchinson, Mr. CHARLES H. FARNHAM and Miss LOUISE H. STOVER, both of Brooksville.
Ellsworth Herald 9/1871 to 6/1872 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her971-672.html : SEPTEMBER 7, 1871 Marriages West Brooksville, Aug. 31, at the Congregational Church, by Rev. H. H. Hutchinson, Mr. NEWTON S. LORD and Miss MARGIE VARNUM, both of Brooksville SEPTEMBER 14, 1871 Marriages Penobscot, Sept. 2, by the same, Mr. BENJAMIN H. CUSHMAN and Miss ORENDA VARNUM, both of Penobscot. JANUARY 4, 1872 Marriages West Brooksville, Dec. 24, by Rev. H. H. Hutchinson, Mr. JAMES A. FARNHAM and Miss DORA F. MILLS, both of Brooksville. MAY 16, 1872 Deaths West Brooksville, May 4, Mrs. LOUISA, wife of John FARNHAM, age 23 years. At a meeting of Bagaduce Lodge No. 190, held May 7, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:As members of the Lodge, we design to express the deep sympathy and sorrow we feel for the loss we as a community suffered by the early departure from this life of our dear sister, Mrs. Louisa Farnham, who went to her new home May 4. We do, therefore, RESOLVE that we tender our sympathy to the bereaved husband, mother and sister in this time of great sorrow, while we realize that, as daughter, sister, friend and wife, she has won the approving epithet "Well done!" and has entered into rest; RESOLVED that while we acknowledge the hand of God in this bereavement, we do earnestly pray Him to administer to them the comfort which none but He can give in time of great sorrow. Of such as she was, there be few on earth; of such as she is, there are many in heaven -- and life is all the sweeter that she lived, and all she loved more sacred for her sake. Death is all the brighter that she died, and heaven is all the happier that she is there; RESOLVED that a copy be forwarded to the Riverside Echo and the Ellsworth American for publication, and also that a copy be sent to the friends of the deceased. Signed G. V. Mills, William Jones, and James Smith.
Ellsworth Herald 7/1872 to 12/1873 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her772-1273.html : NOVEMBER 20, 1873 Marriages 16th inst., by the same, Mr. WILLIAM B. BOWDEN and Miss MARY T. VARNHAM, both of Orland.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1875 to 12/1876 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her175-1276.html : APRIL 22, 1875 Deaths West Brooksville, 23rd ult., EDDIE M., son of Otis and Julia FARNHAM, age about 9 years. JULY 6, 1876 Marriages June 28, by the same, Mr. GEORGE H. EMERSON of Bucksport and Miss FLORA S. VARNUM of Penobscot.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1877 to 12/1878 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her177-1278.html : MARCH 8, 1877 Deaths Feb. 10, Mr. MAYO of Brooksville, age 30 years. Mar. 2, Mrs. MAYO, wife of the above and daughter of Benjamin VARNUM. JANUARY 31, 1878 Marriages Surry, Jan. 18, by H. J. Milliken, Esq., Mr. JOSEPH A. GRAY of Bluehill and Miss MARY S. VARNUM of Surry. NOVEMBER 14, 1878 Deaths West Brooksville, Nov. 5, Mrs. ALICE FARNHAM, wife of the late Gersham Farnham, age 79 years. NOVEMBER 21, 1878 Marriages Nov. 14, by E. R. Bonden, Esq., Capt. FRANK M. CLEMENTS and Miss INEZ C. VARNUM, both of Penobscot.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1879 to 12/1880 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her179-1280.html : OCTOBER 28, 1880 Marriages Penobscot, Oct. 16, by Rev. G. G. Winslow, Mr. URIAH BOWDEN and Miss LUCY J. FARNHAM, both of Penobscot.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1881 to 12/1882 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her181-1282.html : MARCH 24, 1881 Deaths Atco, N.J., Mar. 9, Mr. NELSON VARNUM, age 55 years, 5 months. AUGUST 4, 1881 Marriages Castine, July 31, by Rev. L. J. Thomas, Mr. ORRIN M. ROBERTS and Miss MARY T. VARNUM, both of Brooksville. FEBRUARY 9, 1882 Deaths Vinland, Kansas, Jan. 21, Mrs. EMMA VARNUM, formerly of Bluehill, Maine.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1883 to 12/1883 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her183-1283.html : JUNE 14, 1883 Deaths Bucksport, May 21, Mrs. MERCY VARNUM, age 81 years, 6 months, 13 days
Ellsworth Herald 1/1884 to 12/1885 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her184-1285.html : JULY 3, 1884 Deaths Penobscot, June 23, Miss JANE VARNUM, age 69 years, 5 months.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1886 to 12/1887 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her186-1287.html : JULY 7, 1887 Marriages Dedham, June 3, by P. P. Gilmore, Esq., Mr. GEORGE B. WAKEFIELD of Sullivan and Miss ABBY E. VARNUM of Holden.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1888 to 12/1888 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her188-1288.html : JANUARY 26, 1888 Deaths Obituary: Died in Bluehill, Jan. 18, JAMES V. STEVENS, oldest son of the late VARNUM Stevens, age 55 years, 10 months. 26 years ago he left his native state for California. In the last 12 years he was in the employ of Dempster & Keyes Warehouse and Commission Mercants of San Francisco. Several years since, polypuses [polyps?] began to develop in his nose and mouth and he had several extracted, but the growth was but temporarily arrested. He submitted to several very painful and critical surgical operations which involved the removal of a portion of the roof of his mouth and a part of the jawbone. At length cancer developed in his mouth and throat, and it was evident that the only termination must be death. He had never married, and his thoughts naturally turned with longing for the home of his childhood. Capt. James Knowles of Surry, Maine, an old acquaintance and friend, providentially arrived in San Francisco from an Arctic whaling voyage in November last, and kindly offered to assist him in reaching the home of the only remaining one of his father's large family, Mr. Austin T. Stevens of Bluehill, Maine. Here he arrived Dec. 3 last, and loving friends ministered to his wants until his life peacefully and quietly went out. AUGUST 30, 1888 Marriages Sullivan, Aug. 21, by F. A. Noyes, Esq., Mr. ROBERT W. VARNUM and Miss AGNES M. FERRILL, both of Sullivan. OCTOBER 11, 1888 Marriages Oct. 9, by Rev. V. P. Wardwell, Capt. JOHN H. DEVEREUX and Miss NELLIE D. VARNUM, both of Penobscot.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1889 to 12/1889 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her189-1289.html : DECEMBER 19, 1889 Deaths Bluehill, Nov. 29, Mrs. ARABELLA FARNHAM, age 88 years, 4 months, 9 days.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1890 to 12/1890 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her190-1290.html : JANUARY 16, 1890 Deaths Lamoine, Dec. 27, Mr. CHARLES FARNHAM, formerly of Penobscot, age 67 years, 4 months, 16 days. MAY 22, 1890 Deaths West Brooksville, Mr. JOEL VARNUM, age 79 years. JULY 24, 1890 Marriages July 14, by M. L. Allen, Esq., Mr. JAMES O. VARNUM of Ellsworth and Miss KITTIE STANLEY of Southwest Harbor.
Ellsworth Herald 1/1891 to 12/1891 http://www.mnopltd.com/jean/her191-1291.html : MARCH 26, 1891 Marriages Gouldsboro, Mar. 19, by Rev. R. A. Farnham, Mr. MARK E. TRACY of Franklin and Mrs. MAGGIE E. YOUNG of Gouldsboro.
FISKE in Everyname Index to Bond's Watertown http://sml.simplenet.com/kinnexions/bond/bondaz.htm FISKE, 1004; Aaron 209 214 760; Abby 447; Abel 214 216 760 762; Abigail 115 208-212 214-216 218 219 221 278 330 332 367 385 386 391 397 399 417 424 458 558 609 640 759-761 866 867 931; Abigail Hewes 213; Abigail Sever Hewes 213; Abigail Warren 218; Abijah 2 211 217 219 609 613; Abijah Livermore 213; Abner 760; Abraham 211 219 268 762; Albert Minot 213; Alice 2 211 762; Alonzo Sewell 218; Alvarez 211; Amos 211 215 216 219 651; Anan 829; Andrew 219; Ann 209 622; Ann Scholfield 218; Anna 21 35 204 208-212 214 216 219 231 759 760 762 825 962; Anna L. 213; Anna Maria 213; Annah 209; Anne 215 219 758 761; Armilla 760; Asa 214 760; Asenath 211 218; Augusta 211; Augustus Henry 219; Avis 212; Avis 634; Bathsheba 211; Benjamin 209 210; Benjamin Franklin 214; Bethia 209; Betsey 211 218 650 696; Betty 209 762; Beulah 209 216 585; Bezaleel 209; Bulah 210 760; Calvin 636; Caroline 211 213 214 217 218 219; Caroline M. 636; Catherine 216; Celynda 219; Charles 211 214 219; Charles C. 218; Clarissa 219; Cynthia 219; Cyrus 214; D. 1007 1008 1010 1025; Daniel 121 215-217 249 760-762; David 165 197 202 208-212 214-217 219 233 325 327 355 410 418 656 669 758-762 865 935 997 999 1008 1018 1022 1027 1028 1041 1065 1093; David Vinal 218; Deborah Waterman 218; Deliverance 121 215 761; Dolly 219; Dr. 742; Ebenezer 209 210 218 219 275; Ebenezer W. 218; Edmund Sylvester 218; Edward 157 217 219; Edwin 214; Elias 211; Elijah 212 344; Eliza 211 217; Eliza Ann Bridge 213; Elizabeth 12 158 209 210 211 214 215 217 223 249 281 300 355 410 466 613 647 760 761 825 858; Elizabeth S. 211; Elmira 219; Emily 212 218; Enoch 426; Ephraim 759; Esther 216; Eunice 212-214 355 640 761; Ezra 215 219 931; Francis 213 344; Francis Skinner 216 544; Francis Skinner 759; George 211 213 217 219 762; George Alfred 213; George B. 762; Grace 209 211 212 215 219 223 253 268 275 426; Granville M. 219; Gustavus Henry 218; Hannah 33 34 164 166 209-216 218 403 434 439 440 759-762; Harriet 213 217 218; Harry 218; Helen 216 759; Helen M. 973; Helen Maria 213 218; Henry 212 215 586 589; Henry 760 951; Henry Gustavus 218; Hepzibah 209 210 215 219 278 313; Hepzibah 761; Hopestill 212; Horatio 211; Horatio Hancock 218; Horatio Nelson 219 759; Huldah 214 760; Humphrey Washburn 218; Isaac 211 212 215 216 218 219 300 762; Isaac Lamson 219; Isabella Brigham 216 544; Jacob 212 224; Jacob Gale 211; James 208 214 216 762 819; Jane 210 296; Jeffrey 208; Jemima 759 761; Joel 215 208 209 210 214 215 216 761; John 154 158 281 405 447 458 552 610 645 669 737 742 758-760 762 866 876 948 1008 1019 1066 1086 1087 1092; John Buckminster 217; Jonas 212 215 399 761; Jonathan 209-212 215 218 219 332 391 440 759 764; Joseph 209; Joseph Bridge 213; Joseph Hewes 213; Joshua 761; Josiah 213 215 216 217 748 761 762 823 1068; Julia 216 759; Kezia 209 761; Letitia 218; Lois 211 212 214 216 268; Lonazo 211; Lois 760 761; Lonazo 759; Lorenzo 219 759; Louisa 218 219 607; Lucinda 216; Lucretia 215; Lucy 60 209 211-213 215 218 783; Lucy White 213; Luther 217; Lydia 50 163 208-210 212-215 219 344 607 613 621 634 669; Lydia 759-762 931; Marcus Morton 219; Margaret 210 759; Maria 212 213 218; Maria Antoinette 218; Maria Henrietta 218; Martha 1 99 210 214 216-218 385 469 610 709 717 758 761 866; Martha Elvira 218; Martha Emeline 211 299; Martin 217; Mary 34 95 153 209-219 265 328 357 390 395 417 440 470 586 589 620 645 651 758 759 761 783 951 958; Mary Ann 213; Mary Malvina 218; Mary P. 179 216; Mehitabel 214 760; Mercy 760; Micah 219 613 761 762; Miriam 761; Molly 760; Moses 60 214 217 218 760 762; Moses M. 218; Moses Madison 218; Mr. 903; N. 858 1009 1031; Nancy 212 213 217 595 762; Napoleon 211; Nat 216; Nathan 165 166 208 213-215 218 253 309 384 397 439 470 610 622 758 760 761 772 803 934 965 1016 1018 1031 1064-1066 1086 1092; Nathan Welby 218; Nathaniel 153 208 210 214 215 620; Nicholas 758; Olive 216; Oliver 215 219; Oliver J. 218; Olivia 218; Patty 213 217 748; Peter 215 761; Phinehas 208 212 216 544 558 759; Polly 157 211 213 216 218 219 280 398 740 762; Priscilla 216 266 759; Rachel 525; Rebecca 211 233 418; Rebecca Adamson 212; Rebekah 761; Richard 217 762; Robert 208 209 213 595 758 759; Ruth 209 212-214 274 399 631 760; Ruth Sophia 212; Sally 216 217 219 309 761 764 803; Samuel 21 50 209-213 215 219 390 607 640 760 761 1066; Samuel White 213; Sarah 154 165 209 210 212-217 224 229 253 273 286 325 332 344 366 669 758 760-762 789 823; Sarah Bridge 213; Sarah Jane 213; Sarah Warland 213; Seaborn 208 209 865; Sereno 211; Sewell 218 469; Sibil 208; Simeon 760; Simon 758; Sophia 217 218; Sophronia 300; Stebbins 211; Stephen 386 867; Sukey 212 217 219 300 762; Susan 26 212 287 760; Susan Ann 219; Susan F. 216; Susan Maria 218; Susanna 211 212 213 214 217 760; Susannah 761; Thaddeus 215 218; Thankful 214 438; Theodore 211 219; Thomas 208-212 216 218 395 760; Thomas Strong 212; VARNUM 762; Walter 761; Warren 216 759; Washington 211; William 34 99 164 208-210 213 214 216 217 417 434 640 709 713 758-760 1066; William Henry 213; Zebiah 217; Zebulon 210; Zedekiah 216.
Frank VARNUM FLETCHER, from the Parker/Woodbridge Family genealogy: Rev. Robert Parker Sarah Parker and John Woodbridge John Woodbridge and Mercy Dudley Benjamin Woodbridge and Mary Ward Benjamin Woodbridge and Mary Osgood Benjamin Woodbridge and Abra Twombly Dudley Woodbridge and Sarah Brock Samuel Woodbridge and Nancy Russell Samuel Francis Woodbridge and Hannah Munroe Locke Ellen Emeline Woodbridge and J. Henry Fletcher Frank VARNUM Fletcher was born on 30 Jan 1881. He died on 4 Feb 1881.
FOSTER Genealogy at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/j/a/r/Richard-L-Jaroski-Jr/index.html : Margarette D.FOSTER, b. 1847, m. George VARNUM, d/o William Veecher FOSTER and Amanda Melvina DURHAM
Henry VARNUM FREEMAN : www.enteract.com/~litclub/BYDATE.HTM
May 24, 1886 - Henry Varnum Freeman: General George H. Thomas
May 11, 1891 - Henry Varnum Freeman:
February 26, 1894 - Henry Varnum Freeman: New England Viking
April 25, 1898 - Henry Varnum Freeman: Glimpses of Old Colony Life
October 3, 1898 - Henry Varnum Freeman: Inaugural Address
February 9, 1903 - Henry Varnum Freeman: Lincoln and Douglas at Freeport
March 4, 1907 - Henry Varnum Freeman: Recollections of an Old New England Parish
January 16, 1911 - Henry Varnum Freeman: The Ethics of Present-day Finance
GALE/VARNUM genealogy at http://www.gendex.com/users/geastman/eastman/d0026/g0000019.html#I07522 : Prudence VARNUM, DEATH: 3 Apr 1850, Concord, MA,Father: James VARNUM, Family 1: Benjamin GALE MARRIAGE: 28 Nov 1801, Children: James VARNUM GALE,James VARNUM GALE II, Ruth GALE, Ruth C. GALE, Eleanor VARNUM GALE, John VARNUM GALE, Benjamin F. GALE, Levi B. GALE
GORTON/AUSTIN genealogy at http://www.rahul.net/cgi-bin/afaoa/igmget/n=Robert_Austin?62483 : VARNUM Gorton, Born: 8 Mar 1777 in W Greenwich,Kent,RI SOURCE DOCUMENTATION:Edith Austin Moore,"A Genealogy of the Descendants of Robert Austin of Kingstown,R.I." St.Petersburg,FL.,1951;pp.25 Parents: Father: Samuel Gorton Mother: Eunice Austin
GRAVES/WATSON: email HLonsdale@aol.com GRAVES, WATSON, OWEN - Richland Co Ohio. Sterling GRAVES (1799-1875) m. Clarissa WATSON c. 1826. Their children were: Almira Paulina (b. 15 Dec 1826 and d. 18 May 1884 Denver, CO who m. John Quincy Adams OWEN 1 Jan 1850 Bureau co Ill); Cynthia Ann; Amariah VARNUM (b. 25 Dec 1829 Lexington Richland co Ohio and d. 30 Oct 1914 Butte, Boyd Co Neb and m. Caroline Sphere KIRKPATRICK); Josephine L.; Harriet L.; Clarissa Ann. Have the GRAVES ancestors and OWEN descendants to share. Graves genealogy at http://www.rootsweb.com/~hcpd/jmhacker/index/ind0199.html#I14979 : Elliott VARNUM GRAVES Family 1: Edith HACKER BIRTH: 27 NOV 1881, Humbolt, Richardson Co, NE Father: James Corwin HACKER Mother: Mary Ellen TAYLOR MARRIAGE: 2 FEB 1904 Elliott VARNUM GRAVES BIRTH: 2 FEB 1904
GREENE: Jacob VARNUM Greene b.1773-, nephew of Nathaniel Greene, who served under General James Mitchell VARNUM and mentions General/Colonel VARNUM and Nancy VARNUM often in his correspondence to his wife Kitty Littlefield Greene: Greene family history at http://www.servtech.com/public/pgreen/rhode.htm#sn : VARNUM GREENE BIRTH: 3 FEB 1800, Berlin,Rensselaer,NY DEATH: 26 AUG 1878, Berlin,Rensselaer,NY Father: John GREENE Mother: Catherine NICHOLS Family 1: Susannah HISCOX MARRIAGE: ABT 1820 Sophia T. GREENE children:Drucilla GREENE, VARNUM H. GREENE, Susan R. GREENE, Lucetta GREENE VARNUM GREENE BIRTH: 28 NOV 1810, West Greenwich,Kent,RI Father: Josiah GREENE Mother: Elizabeth LEWIS Family 1: Sally GORTON MARRIAGE: 19 FEB 1837, West Greenwich,Kent,RI VARNUM H. GREENE BIRTH: 13 OCT 1827, Berlin,Rensselaer,NY DEATH: 11 MAY 1867, Berlin,Rensselaer,NY Father: VARNUM GREENE Mother: Susannah HISCOX Family 1: Lydia A. GREENE? MARRIAGE: ABT 1853, ,,NY Children: William Edgar GREENE, Charles A. GREENE, Harry C. GREENE, Susie L. GREENE at http://localsonly.wilmington.net/~ggreen/Green/surnames.html Email jcdafoe@ix.netcom.com about Minervah Sweet 1830 - 1857 +VARNUM Green 1821 - 1908 dau. Rachel Green VARNUM ENNIS BIRTH: ABT 1825, Charlestown,Washington,RI DEATH: Shannock,Washington,RI Family 1: Phebe Congdon GREENE MARRIAGE: DEC 1855, ,,RI He had one daughter; name unknown. Source: Frank L. Greene, p 303; Susan Goodwin, Littleton, CO.
HADLEY, John VARNUM at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/n/e/i/Shawn-L-Neill/COL2-0133.html
HAMMOND, HUMBRACHT, OSIER, OXLEY Family Research at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/h/a/m/Barbara-A-Hammond/index.html :
VARNUM A KIMBALL in Hammond/Kimball household, Haverhill, MA 1850 census at http://www.athens.net/~ethelind/havgen/census1.html : 102-131 Edward HAMMOND, 51, shoemaker, Lucy, 51, William R., 12 Edward H., 27, teacher; Daniel KIMBALL, 40, joiner, Betsey, 35, Charles A., 16, shoemaker,VARNUM A., 11, Ann R. , 8 Hansen genealogy at http://www.cell2000.net/~users/ehansen/edhansen.htm, email edhansen@cell2000 .net VARNUM 1 1628-1690 England, Massachusetts
HART/DICKINS: email melmac@primenet.com query : I am looking for information on the Joseph HART family. Wife's name was Adaline. This is my ggg-grandfather. Family records say my gg-grandfather George D. Hart, born 1846, was born in Little Falls, NY . Joseph Hart and family were in Janesville, Wis. in 1850. Joseph was born in NJ in 1810. Adaline DICKINS Hart was born in NY in 1821. In 1850 they had son, Albert 8 yrs. old. William was 5, George (my gg-grandfather) was 4, VARNUM (I think that is how it is spelled)(male) was 2 and all the children were born in NY. Some of the family records show Little Falls, NY. Any information would be helpful.
HEALD, Joseph VARNUM b Aug. 26, 1806 Carlisle, MA Capt Timothy HEALD, m Hannah, at http://www.rootsweb.com/~maccarli/birtha_m.htm
HERRICK Genealogy at http://home.earthlink.net/~dap40/herrick.htm : . MARY14 HERRICK (ANDREW13, SAMUEL12, SAMUEL11, HENRY10, HENRY9, WILLIAM8, JOHN7, THOMAS6, ROBERT5, WILLIAM4 EYRYK, ROBERT3, JOHN2, HENRY1) was born November 09, 1791 in Penobscot, Maine, and died May 21, 1883 in East Bucksport, Maine. She married DAVID VARNUM. MARY HERRICK: Bur. East Bucksport, Maine i. SILAS W15 VARNUM, b. October 14, 1823; m. MARY E SADLER, January 24, 1849. ii. NELSON M VARNUM, b. October 16, 1825; d. March 17, 1880; m. SARAH J. iii. JOEL L VARNUM, b. March 23, 1828; m. AMANDA BLANCHESTER, September 30, 1855. iv. ABNER C VARNUM, b. May 19, 1830; d. January 1880. v. CHARLES A VARNUM, b. December 29, 1832. vi. RUFUS A VARNUM, b. September 21, 1836; d. July 17, 1862. vii. MARY W VARNUM, b. May 16, 1839; m. CHARLES B HARRIMAN. viii. HANNA C VARNUM, b. February 14, 1842; m. OSCAR R HIGGINS. ix. ANDREW H VARNUM, b. April 13, 1844, East Bucksport, Maine; d. April 10, 1847, East Bucksport, Maine.
HEWITT:Ann Hewitt Worthington, Herndon, VA email AnnHewitt1@aol.com query : Seeking information on Adelbert Luman HEWITT b. Franklin Co.NY c. 1849, occupation farmer married Henrietta Lucretia PECK of Jay. Any help on HEWITT and PECKs would be greatly appreciated. My grandfather VARNUM Adoniram HEWITT was born in 1886 in St. Armand (son of Adelbert)..Other surnames KENEALY, FRENCH.
Temperance HILL VARNUM, 1800s GA email whill10414@aol.com : Looking for infor on Slaughter HILL(1), b: ard 1744 Halifax Co, d: 1818 Robeson Co., son of Thomas HILL, d:1768 and CUMFORT ?, wife is REBECCA ?, and his family line of MOSES, WHITMAEL, JOHN, TEMPERANCE VARNUM, NOAH, and MARGARETT BREWER. Trying to connect with a possible descendant of mine in Georgia: SLAUGHTER HILL(2), b: ard 1802 in NC, d: 1861 Macon Co, GA. My Slaughter could be grandson or nephew of SLAUGHTER(1). I also have a SLAUGHTER HILL(3) b: 1840 Macon GA, son of a JOHN HILL fom NC. This JOHN could be uncle of my SLAUGHTER HILL(2). SLAUGHTER HILL(1) siblings were GEORGE, JAMES, NANCY, ANAS, MOSES, THOMAS, WILLIAM, ELIZABETH, and NANNY.
VARNUM H. HILL Portuguese PASSENGER SHIP arriving at the port of BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS: 12 Jul 1865 at http://www.dholmes.com/ships.html
History of the Military Company of the Massachusetts Now Called the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts p.88[p.89] VARNUM H. HILL(1869) was, in 1869, employed by Sibley, Cumner & Co., importers of tailors' trimmings, No. 16 Otis Street, Boston.
HOWE genealogy at http://www.u.arizona.edu/~benedicb/howe.htm JAMES HOWE b. 1694 Methuen MA, d. 13 May1807 Haverill MA m. HANNAH FAULKNER or VARNUM (b. 1759) James, John, Hannah, Daniel
HOWELL/STANDISH genealogy at http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/JRODRIGU/d23.htm#P66 : Joseph Dennis Howell. He was divorced from Lena Opal VARNUM whose child was Arletta Roselyn Howell born on 27 Jul 1929. Children were: i. Myron Lee Standish was born on 19 Dec 1948. ii. Dennis Merit Standish was born on 6 Apr 1950. iii. Anne Lorraine Standish was born on 27 Apr 1951 in Alameda, Alameda, California/USA. iv. Diane Lorraine Standish. v. Gary Dean Standish was born on 25 Nov 1952. vi. Dale Alden Standish was born on 11 May 1954. vii. Karen Joy Standish was born on 7 Nov 1955. viii. Daniel Jay Standish was born on 5 May 1957. ix. Kevin Allen Standish was born on 6 Jan 1959. x. Brian Jeffrey Standish was born on 4 Feb 1960
HULL, VARNUM, Shelby County, Ohio, Heads of Household 1880, 141B Jackson township at http://www.calweb.com/~wally/miami/sa-k.htm
JACKSON, Daisy Ann Varnum Jackson; Descendants of Margaret ??? McCracken Page 6, Generation 7, Gary Hill at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/c/o/l/Joshua-D-Collier/index.html
James VARNUM JENCKS, was born in 1663 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. He was baptized into the LDS church on 2 Apr 1982 in the Jordan River, Utah LDS temple. He was endowed on 8 May 1982 in the Jordan River, Utah LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 17 Jun 1982 in the Jordan River, Utah LDS temple. He has reference number 1C97-N4. Parents: Joseph JENCKS [II] and Esther BALLARD at http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/dormisto/d118.htm ; also from an Ancestors of Larry William Strutz genealogy and Jencks gedcom available from http://www.ancestry.com Martin & Sarah COMBS Johnson genealogy at http://members.aol.com/johnsonnc/d36.htm
MANAS(MANUS)/JOHNSON North Carolina/Tennessee In his will dated 14 Aug 1814, and proved in Hawkins County, Tennessee (no date), Jacob MANAS (MANUS) named wife, Margaret; sons Daniel, Ephraim, Elijah; daughters Elizabeth MANAS Heirs [not specified], Sarah PAINE, Annas JONES, and Nancy VARNUM. The will was witnessed by Edwin HAMBLEN, H M. BUSSELL and John JONES. (Hawkins TN WB1:348) Also Note: The BUSSELLS of Hawkins Co, Tennessee number among our Combs-Johnson Mysteries (See Madison Co, AR, and Van Buren, Warren and Hawkins Co, TN US GenWeb Page Queries) Wm. PAINE is believed to have been close kin of Daniel PAINE who maried Sylvia COMBS.
JOHNSON genealogy at http://user.icx.net/~midgard/genealgy.htm and http://www.gendex.com/users/millerm/html/d0003/g0000097.htm#I1172 : Thomas JOHNSON Born: 14 Jan 1749/50 Louisa, Virginia Married: 1776 Grayson Co., Virginia Died: 1835 Clinton Co., Ohio Wife: *Anne VARNUM Born: 1 Mar 1751/52 Louisa, Virginia Died: BEF 7 Aug 1834 Washington, Missouri CHILDREN: John JOHNSON Born: 1779; Samuel JOHNSON Born: 1780; Elizabeth JOHNSON Born: 13 Sep 1783 Grayson Co., Virginia Died: 30 Apr 1832 Clinton Co., Ohio; Jesse JOHNSON Born: 1785 Died: 1878 Marion Co., Indiana, Spouses: Jane SIMCOX Sally RAILSBACK Susan GRINER; *Susanna JOHNSON Born: 1787 Married: 4 Apr 1805 Mt. Pleasent, Grayson Co., Virginia Died: 1870 Spouses: *John SCHOOLEY; Rachael JOHNSON Born: 1789 Died: 1863; Rebecca JOHNSON Born: ABT 1791 Married: 1809 Spouses: Benjamin SCHOOLEY; Isaac JOHNSON Born: 1796 Greyson Co., Virginia Married: Greyson Co., Virginia Spouses: Catherine ?; Ann JOHNSON Born: 1799 Greyson Co., Virginia Married: Wilmington, Ohio Spouses: Benjamin NORDYKE. The genealogy of August and Britta Johnson : includes Swedish and American records from the mid 1600's through 1980 / AUTHOR(S):VARNUM, Verna Johnson, 1927- (Main) PUBLISHED:[California?] : V.J. VARNUM, 1984. DESCRIPTION:v, 149 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. NOTES:Pages 145-149 blank. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 122a. LC CALL NO.:CS71.J71984 DEWEY CLASS NO.:929/.2/0973 ED: 19 LCCN:84-158151
KNAPP genealogy at http://www.rogerknapp.com/knap/knapp.htm Mary Estella10 WHITE (Stella) (Frances Claress9 Heath, Jane8 Ayer, Leah7 Nutting, Abiah6 Varnum, Samuel Jr5, Hannah4 Mitchell, Martha3 Bradley, Hannah2 Heath, Sarah1 Partridge), born 15 Dec 1877 in Newell,Buena Vista,Iowa; deceased 18 Mar 1941 in Lubbock,,Texas; buried in Lubbock,,Texas. She married on 20 Jul 1904, Bradford Dr KNAPP born 24 Dec 1870 in Vinton,Iowa,USA; deceased 11 Jun 1938 in Lubbock,Texas,USA, son of Seaman Asahel and Maria Elizabeth (HOTCHKISS) KNAPP
Jones County, Iowa surnames http://www.idea.edu/staff/hanson/jones/surnames.htm
Other KNAPP connections:
Henrietta7 (d/o . Benjamin6 VARNUM 1787-1880 (Benjamin5, Abraham4, John3, Samuel2, GEORGE (Varnham)1),born 12 Jun 1844 in Superior,,Wisconson. married Albert M KNAPP
Uri Seth8 VARNUM (Daniel Porter7, Daniel Porter6, Benjamin5, Abraham4, John3, Samuel2, GEORGE (Varnham)1), born 26 Oct 1849 in Dorchester,,Ontario,Canada; deceased 24 Oct 1922 in Sarnia,,Ontario,Canada. He married (1) on 13 Dec 1855 Anna C WOOD , born 13 Dec 1885. He married (2) in 1876, Huldah KNAPP , born 18 Jul 1854; deceased 12 Oct 1892.
LADD, MARY S VARNUM died in 1916.She was married to SENECA LADD They lived in Glendora, California Children were: NELLIE LADD, LOREN LADD, FRED LADD. at http://www.parsonstech.com/genealogy/trees/ddrew/d146.htm#P1859
Men of Vermont: An Illustrated Biographical History of Vermonters and Sons of Vermont.PART III BIOGRAPHIES OF SONS OF VERMONT [p.101] Ladd, Charles Douglass,of San Francisco, Cal., son of Seneca and Mary S. (VARNUM) Ladd, was born in Danville, Sept. 3, 1849. He was educated at the publfc schools of Danville during the years of his minority, and learned the blacksmith's and gunsmith's trades. In 1869 he went to California, and for several years worked as gunsmith and blacksmith, until in 1877 he established himself in business at San Francisco as a dealer in firearms and sporting goods. In 1881 he removed to his present large establishment at 529 Kearney street, where he still conducts the same business in connection with the fur business, which he has added during the last few years. Mr. Ladd is the owner of several schooners which are engaged principally in the fur trade. He is independent and liberal in regard to politics, and votes with the party having the best candidate for office; hence, he says, I am both Democrat and Republican. Mr. Ladd married Mary S. Lyon of Woodstock, Conn.
LAWRENCE in Everyname Index to Bond's Watertown http://sml.simplenet.com/kinnexions/bond/bondaz.htm LAWRENCE, 1004; Aaron 471 825 829 843; Abbott 38 839 841; Abel 825 828 830 835 836 844; Abiah 131 844 845; Abigail 212 330-333 385 408 616 816 817 819-824 827-831 834 836-838 844 845 847 866; Abigail Seloma 845; Abijah 825 832; Abraham 825; Absalom 825; Adaline 826; Addision G. 850; Adeline 332; Adeline Eliza 842; Albert S. 850; Alden 834; Alethon 832; Alice 834; Alice Henrietta 835; Alison 841 842; Almira 834; Almira Sherman 843; Alona 843; Amory 842; Amos 330 332 823 828 829 838-840 832; Amos Adams 841; Amos Appleton 841; Amy 833 845 847; Amy Loretta 846; Anan 829; Andrew 835; Ann 521 822 823 844; Ann Amelia 850; Ann Maria 843; Anna 55 166 189 279 330-333 598 728 747 762 817 822-825 827 828 830 831 834 835 837; Anna Maria 839; Anne 761; Annie Bigelow 841; Anson 826; Anson Howard 844; Apame 124 833; Artemas 838; Arthur 841; Asa 816 828 830 831 833 834 838; Asa Farnsworth 834; Asalia Caroline 846; Augustine H. 904; Azubah 833 847; Benjamin 166 330-333 747 817 823-826 828 831 832 836; Benjamin Dennsion 836; Bersheba Lucina 844; Bethia 330 837; Bethsheba 833; Betsey 826 827 832 834-836 838 844-846 Ann 826; Betty 830 831 834 838; Bezaleel 330 828 837; Bridget 832; Bryant 825; Caroline 826 829 831 836; Caroline Matilda 838; Caroline Wallace 836; Catherine C. 845; Celia Gertrude 846; Charles 825 832 834 836 842 844; Charles Austin 843; Charlotte 826 829 844 845; Chloe 846 850; Christian 819 820; Clarissa 836; Clarissa Goss 838; Consider 846; Cornelia Margaretta 843; Curtis 834; Cynthia 850; Cyrus 844; Daniel 124 260 331 332 757 776 817 818 822 824-826 829 832 835; David 331 821 823 824 826 832 843; Debby 124 833; Deborah 821 822 825; Dewitt U. 850; Didamia 830; Dorcas 830 831 836 837; Dorothy 817 824 M. 843; Ebenezer 728 757 823 829 830; Eber 829 842; Eber Henry 842; Eber Stillman 842; Edmund 833 834 837 850 945; Edmund D. 845; Edward 792; Edward A. 850; Edward Addison 834; Edward Alexander 838; Eleazer 822-824 832; Electa M. 844; Elijah 124 331 818 833; Elisha 333; Eliza 835 839 904; Eliza Ann 843; Eliza Ann C. 843; Elizabeth 89 124 188 302 330 331 347 441 464 521 635 643 695 817 819 820 822-828 830 832 834 836 841 850; Elizabeth A. 846; Elizabeth Andrews 839; Elizabeth Bigelow 834; Elizabeth Clarke 836; Elizabeth Delano 844; Elizabeth Earl 842; Elizabeth F. 847; Elizabeth Greely 843; Elizabeth Lane 831; Elizabeth Ruggles 829; Elizabeth Swain 837; Ellathere 850; Ellen A. 831; Elliot 850; Emeline 837; Emily 839; Emily L. 850; Emma Caroline 846; Enoch 124 330 427 643 819 820 822 825 832; Ephraim 762 829 830; Erastus 124 833 844; Esther 330 332 622 790 818 826-828 832 834 837 844; Eunice 331 332 421 464 818 824 825 835 837 850; Eunice Brown 835; Evelina 831; Experience 824 844; Ezekiel 824; Ferris 844; Fordyce Foster 831; Frances 844; Francis 834; Francis E. 850; Francis William 841; Franklin 850; Frederic 332; Frederick 846; Frederick Stow 847; Geeorge Frost 842; George 121 188 199 302 331 332 457 622 734 757 817 818 826 835 842 936 963; George Augustus 831; George B. 850; George Henry 840; George J. 846; George K. 845; George Starr 844; George W. 830 831; George Willis 846; Gideon 826; Gilman 832; Grace 121 261 331 332 817 818; Grosvenor Prescott 835; Hannah 331 332 441 757 817 818 820-823 829 831-833 837; Hannah Gibson 843; Hannah Kent 831; Hannah Tower 831; Harriet 834 836 847; Harriet Bordman 840; Harriette White 841; Harvey 845; Helen A. 847; Helen M. 846 847; Henry 124 819 820 826 833 836 842; Henry Page 836; Henry Purkitt 843; Hepzibah 333; Hiram F. 850; Horace 836; Horace Franklin 845; Horatio Gates 830; Hubbard 837 838; Huldah 825; Huldah H. 845; Isaac 124 131 330 819 820 823 824 826 827 830 831 833 845 846; Isaac P. 846; Isaac S. 850; Isaac Wellington 332; J. 728 1008 1023 1025; Jabez 832; Jacob 332 825; James 824 825 841 843; James Henry 844; James Kent 842; Jane 330 823 834 846 850; Jane Ann 850; Jane Cummings 842; Jane Dennison 842; Jane Duncan 843; Jane L. 834; Jeremiah 822 826 827 831; Jerusha 332 836; Jesse 825; Joa 831; Joanna 232 819; Joel 834; Joel Granger 844; John 11 124 212 271 330-332 427 441 521 598 643 668 761 762 819-824 826-828 830 834-838 850 935 1006 1009 1010 1017 1028; John Bulkley 836; John Prescott 835; John Swain 838; John W. 825; John Wheaton 845; Jonas 131 330 332 818 824 830 832 833 837 843 844 850; Jonathan 330-332 695 819-824 826 828-830 834 836 837; Joseph 330 331 817-820 822 825 829 832; Joseph Bradley VARNUM 837; Joshua 331 332 825; Josiah 332 818 826 827 832 845 846; Josiah Oakes 831; Judith 331 553 817; Julia 846; Juliana 850; Katharine 38; Katherine 839 841; Katherine Bigelow 841; Kezia 826; Lafayette 844; Laura 846; Lavinia 831; Lazette 844; Lemuel 825; Leonard 332 826 832; Levi 832 834; Lewis 825 826; Lois 825 826 832; Lorenzo 847; Lorenzo D. 850; Lotte 846; Louisa 135 332 829 837; Louisa L. 850; Love 835; Love Adams 835; Lucina 844; Lucinda 832 838; Lucretia 332 792 843; Lucy 38 332 637 826 830-832 834 836 837 839 842 843; Lucy A. 836; Lucy Foot 846; Lucy Julia 842; Lucy Maria 835; Lucy Putnam 843; Luther 38 829 834 839; Lydia 124 333 385 818 825 830-834 836 844 866; Lydia Elizabeth 840; Lyman 831; Marcus E. 850; Margaret 818; Margarette 838; Margarette Louisa 838; Maria 332 501 819 831 846 850; Maria Smith 831; Marianne Appleton 841; Martha 198 331 817 824-826 830 838 846; Martha Caroline 846; Mary 124 131 262 271 330-332 403 435 441 457 520 635 817 819-825 827-829 831-839 842 844 850 924; Mary Ann 826 838 850; Mary Ann B. 834; Mary Bordman 840; Mary Elvira 846; Mary Emerson 830; Mary Fanny 840; Mary Helen 834; Mary Jane 842; Mary Means 841; Mary Oakes 831; Mary Putnam 843; Mary Wallace 836; Maud 817; Meliscent 829; Mercy 332 817; Micah 330; Micah 828 836 837; Miles Arlington 846; Miles Lewis 846; Milla Capron 844; Milla Mary 844; Molly 825 829 831 833; Moses 221; Nancy 332 826 831 832 834 835; Nancy B. 843; Naomi 832; Nathan 332 441 831; Nathan Brown 835; Nathaniel 330 819-822 824 826 827 829 833 845 865; Nathaniel T. 850; Nathaniel W. 850; Nehemiah 826 828; Nicholas 819 821 824; Nisbet 842; Noah 825; Olive 825-827 830 832 836 850; Oliver 829 832; Orange 844; Oscar Selwin 846; Otis 836; Pamelia 124 833; Patience 331 818 821 825; Peleg 330 820 822-824 829; Persis 830 831 836; Persis Coleman 836; Peter 830-832; Phebe 825 826 828 835 845; Phila R. 850; Philomela 830; Phinehas 332 464 501 635 1068; Polly 221 332 635 828 829 832 836 837; Priscilla 332; Prudence 824 825 827 834; Putnam 826; Rachel 331 817 825 827-829 831; Rebecca 820 825 827 832 834 844; Rebecca Merritt 831; Rebekah 832; Reuben 832; Rhoda 844 850; Richard 832; Robert Means 841; Roger 830; Rosilia A. 850; Rowland 830; Royal 834; Rufus 826; Rufus Bigelow 839; Ruly 850; Rusha 836 837; Ruth 124 296 330 427 643 822 823 825 826 829 830 834; Sabra Lucina 844; Sallie 841; Sally 332 828 832 834 835 850; Sally C. 840; Salmon 825; Samuel 124 332 333 474 818-820 822-824 827 828 832 833 838 839 841 842; Samuel Abbott 840; Samuel Boyden 831; Samuel Soden 829; Sarah 124 212 330-333 412 520 648 761 776 817 818 821-826 828-835 837 840 841 844 872 945; Sarah Abbot 471 Abbot 843; Sarah Ann 844; Sarah C. 834 850; Sarah Charlotte 843; Sarah E. 841; Sarah Frances 834; Sarah Jane 831 834 850; Sarah Lucretia 843; Sarah M. 850; Sarah Susanna 836; Sarah Susannah 843; Sevellan Fowler 844; Sidney 332; Silas 826 829; Silvia C. 846; Simon 832; Solomon 833; Solomon Willard 838; Sophia 844; Sophronia 850; Sophronia Mann 831; Sophronia Oakes 831; Stephen 826 832 833; Steward K. 850; Submit 823; Sukey 828; Surena 837; Susan 834 845; Susan Coombs 841; Susan Cornelius 836; Susan Elizabeth 840; Susan Mason 841; Susan Ruggles 839; Susanna 330 332 598 611 819-822 824 828 832 835 838 839; Susanna Soden 829; Susannah 841; Sybil 332 825 826 832; Sylva 831; Tamar 825; Thaddeus 831; Thankful 826; Theodosia 830; Theresa Minerva 844; Thirza 834; Thomas 330 441 821 823 824 827 828 833 834; Thomas G. 834; Thomas Reed 831; Thomas Stimpson 834; Timothy 830 831; Timothy Bigelow 841; Tower 831; Tryphena 131 830 831 843-845; Uriah 821; Victoria 844; Ville 826; Walter 834; Warren 850; Wealthy 826 846; Wealthy Cornelia 846; Wealthy L. 845; Wealthy Louisa 846; Wesley N. 850; Wilhelmina Caroline 843; William 330-332 403 817 819 821 823 826 828 834-836 839 841 842 844 846 850; William Albert 844; William Bordman 840; William Burton 842; William C. 826; William Edward 831; William Goss 838; William H. 846; William Henry 332; William Johnson 836 837; William Josiah 846; William Richards 841; William Solomon 844; William Stanley 846; William T. 834; Wright 850; Zachariah 330 832; Zechariah 819 820 822 825 826; Zeruiah 825; Zoa 832 838; Zulima 837 838.
LAWTON graves at KIRKVILLE CEMTERY Manlius, Onondaga Co., NY at http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyononda/CEMETERY/KIRKVILL.TXT : Lawton , VARNUM d. 15 Jun 1889 ; age 74; Lawton , Lauretta d. 13 Oct 1885 ; age 68, wf of VARNUM; Lawton , VARNUM d. 21 Oct 1865 ; age 25-8-18
REV-MOSES DODGE LEMEN, at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7577/x-ogle.html b. September 3, 1797, New Design, Monroe Co., IL; d. March 5, 1859, Montgomery Co., IL; m. (1) SARAH HULL, February 24, 1817, New Design, Monroe Co.,IL; m. (2) SARAH ANN VARNUM, February 14, 1825, New Design, Monroe Co., IL.
LINCOLN/SPRAGUE genealogy at http://home.dwave.net/~skeeter/genealogy/surnames.htm and http://www.mhtc.net/~rewcsdb/sp_lines.ht : Emmeline SPRAGUE (res. Hudson, Hillsborough, NH) m 17 May 1844, Rev. VARNUM LINCOLN (b 25 Sep 1819-Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA) Children: 1) Edwin Hale (b 2 Jan 1848) 2) Charles T (b 24 Oct 1849, d 14 Jun 1879) 3) Alfred V. (b 25 Aug 1852) 4) Emma J. (26 Sep 1854) 5) Henry C. (b 21 Jul 1857, d 13 May 1859)
LITTLEFIELD/VARNUM genealogy at http://www.ezonline.com/aem/gen/d0012/g0000086.htm Albert Ellery VARNUM BIRTH: 3 SEP 1848, Penobscot, ME Family 1: Mary J. LITTLEFIELD MARRIAGE: 26 JUN 1871 Children: Merle VARNUM BIRTH: 28 SEP 1870 DEATH: 7 MAY 1871 , Merton VARNUM BIRTH: 26 JUN 1872 DEATH: 14 DEC 1872 , Bernard E. VARNUM BIRTH: 19 SEP 1887 , Nina M. VARNUM BIRTH: 15 AUG 1889; Albert is son of Josiah VARNUM and Phebe Perkins. Matthew VARNUM (or Farnum) was a pioneer settler in the Penobscot area, clearing a farm at the very mouth of the Bagaduce in West Brooksville. Perhaps Josiah is his descendant.
LUND genealogy, Stearns, Ezra S., A.M. Early Generations of the Founders of Old Dunstable. Boston, MA: George E. Littlefield, 1911. at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Early Generations of the Founders of Old Dunstable, [p.51] 5. CAPT. JONATHAN LUND, son of Thomas and Elizabeih Taylor) Lund, was born in Dunstable, October 12, 1717. He was a leading citizen of the town, a captain in the militia and a selectman. He married at Dun-stable, April 9, 1741, Jean VARNUM, born at Dracut, April 13, 1713, daughter of Thomas and Joanna (Jewett) VARNUM. She died September 14, 1764. He married, second, October 22, 1765, Olive Sargent, a daughter of / Dr. Nathaniel and Ruth (Jackson) Sargent
MADISON/WOODWARD/PATTERSON/VARNUM/COBURN Genealogy at http://pages.prodigy.com/bobbie-hall/madiped.html : Donald Madison (c1830-1872); Caroline Woodward (1811-1889); Ebenezer Woodward (1815-1893); Locada Patterson (1812-1892); Ebenezer Patterson (1771-1833); Betsey VARNUM (1774-1824); William VARNUM; Sarah Coburn email RJNK73B@prodigy.com with any info on Mary S. (VARNUM) Ladd, dau. of Charles & Betsey (Clark) VARNUM of Peacham, VT & sister of my gggrandmother Martha (VARNUM) Drown. Mary and her husband Seneca Ladd went to NV between 1870 & 1878, where they were living in 1880. I can't find out where they ended up (the Peacham book says Idaho, but they're not in the 1900 ID census).
MARQUIS/MAWHORTER/VARNUM Families of OK, IN 1818-1990 at http://www.familytreemaker.com/wftonline/v1/index68.html
METCALF: VARNUM, Theresa Birth : Princeton, ME Family: Spouse: Metcalf, Henry William Children: Metcalf, Alice E. Metcalf, Lee A. Birth : 10 Jun 1886 Metcalf, Earl Birth : 3 Nov 1887 Metcalf, Margaret M. Metcalf, Jennie Metcalf, Harry Chester http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4022/dat12.htm
MATHER/TICHNOR/WELLS Mary Annette Wells (Jasper J.4, Abel G.3, Roderick2, ???Wells1) b October 06, 1875 in Cambridge Twp., Hillsdale County, MI d April 16, 1926, m Elbert Orton Mather April 17, 1907 in North Adams, Hillsdale County, MI, son of VARNUM Mather and Sally Ticknor at Wells genealogy http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/c/a/r/Ronald-R-Carlton/GENE8-0004.html
Dorothy MCCONATHY, spouse VARNUM at http://mcconathy.com/genedb/dm1.htm
MCDOLE: Chamberlain genealogy at http://www.magpage.com/~tdoherty/m-web.htmlhttp://www.familytreemaker.com/users/c/h/a/Craig-S-Chamberlain : Chamberlain, Charles January 09, 1772 December 05, 1834 Newbury, VT Newbury, VT m. McDole, Rachael VARNUM McDole, Rachael VARNUM 1766 April 13, 1840 Newbury, VT Chamberlain, Charles Chamberlain, John VARNUM March 08, 1831 January 1891 Newbury, VT Hicherson TN m. Work, Louise Alanson Work, Louise Alanson Abt. 1834 September 06, 1877 Middletown, Conn Delki OH Chamberlain,
John VARNUM MECHLING, PA at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Pennsylvania Census -- 1790, p.262 : Name of head of family: Mechling, Devalt, Junr Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 4 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Mechling, Devalt, Senr Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tdefflerMELCHER genealogy at http://www.magpage.com/~tdoherty/m-web.html : 1817 George M Cap ME Cem Records b. hus MaryA VARNUM 1842 Mary A VARNUM " b. wife Capt GeorgeM 1878 George M CapGeM 61 d.at sea hus MaryA VARNUMi.Pine Grove, College St 1900 Mary A VARNUMaV 58 d. wife Capt GeorgeMi.Pine Grove, College St
MONROE/MUNROE, VARNUM at Carlisle, MA Births http://www.rootsweb.com/~maccarli/birtha_m.htm •Emily Frances, d. VARNUM and Sarab, Feb. 1, 1832 •George VARNUM, s. VARNUM and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1838; VARNUM, S. Asa and Loes, Mar. 12, 1810 •_____, d. VARNUM, farmer, and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1845
Martin NALLE genealogy at http://www.flash.net/~silb/LINE1.HTM
NEAL, Mary 1766 - , married William VARNUM: 07 November 1786 in Bedford Co., VA; son William VARNUM; Neal Genealogy at http://www.ole.net/~maggie/trimble/johnneal.htm
NEEDHAM, Hawley VARNUM at Hawley VARNUM NEEDHAM BIRTH: 12 JUL 1842, Oberlin, Lorraine Co., Oh •DEATH: 19 JUL 1932, Tonganoxie, Ks •BURIAL: Maple Grove Cem., Tonganoxie, Ks Father: George William NEEDHAM Mother: Risa Loretta TITUS Family 1: Catherine Amelia LOWE •MARRIAGE: 4 SEP 1868, Shelbville, Il 1.Louis Fletcher NEEDHAM 2.Hawley Vincent NEEDHAM 3.Harry Leonard NEEDHAM 4.Fred Leona NEEDHAM 5.Elsie Loretta NEEDHAM 6.Harriet Belle NEEDHAM 7.Kathryn "Kittie" Lowe NEEDHAM; Served in the US Civil War, 134th Volunteer Infantry of Illinois 1863-1864 Headstone shows above DOD; bible records say 1933 Marriage to Catherine Lowe officiated by Methodist Rev. JB Ford
Will of Francis NICKLESS of Dracut at http://walden.mvp.net/~rogbarn/genealogy/nickwill.html witnessed by John VARNUM April 26, 1748. Green Cemetery Carlisle, MA "In memory of Mrs. Ruhannah wife of Mr. Varnum Nickles formerly wife of Mr. Phineas Blood who Died Sept. 14, 1841 Aet. 43 years. Varnum Nickles died Mar. 17, 1847 Aet. 37
Reverend VARNUM NOYES in Medina County, Ohio. at http://pibweb.it.nwu.edu/pib/leotillo.htm
OWEN; Charles OWEN m to Hannah ch, all b Litchfield/Gardiner, Kennebec Co, ME: Alvah/Elvah b 11 Nov 1829; Isaac VARNUM Owen b 8 Feb 1836; George H. b 24 Mar 1840; Henrietta b 10 Oct 1845; John Henry b 1 Sep 1846; IGI; Owen genealogy at http://www.rootsweb.com/~mnichols/owen/owc.htm
PARK genealogy at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/p/a/r/Tyrone-A-Park-CA/GENE1-0007.html email tpark1@san.rr.com PARK, MARY (ROBERT6, ALEXANDER5, ROBERT4, ALEXANDER3, ROBERT2, JOHN1) was born January 22, 1813. She married WILLIAM P. VARNUM June 04, 1844. Children of MARY PARK and WILLIAM VARNUM are: WILLIAM P. VARNUM, MATTIE K. VARNUM, MARY A. VARNUM.
PARKER Genealogy at http://home.earthlink.net/~dap40/parker.htm , email dap40@earthlink.net : Lowell VRs:VARNUM, and Abigail C. Parker, both of Lunenberg, Dec. 26, 1844. (Intention not recorded)
PARTRIDGE Genealogy at http://www.gendex.com/users/Partridg/Partridge/partridge.htm and http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/p/a/r/Dennis-N-Partridge : VARNUM S. Partridge:Father: Partridge, George Father: Partridge, Thomas Son: Partridge, VARNUM
PATTERSON, Charles VARNUM b 1829 d March 27, 1897 at http://www.family-tree.com/users/m/c/d/Kim-S-Mcdermott/COL1-0006.html on McDermott family page, email suzan@pacbell.net
PAVRISH, VARNUM 1910 portrait at Notre Dame archives http://cawley.archives.nd.edu/GPOR.HTM
Henry VARNUM POOR, creator of the Standard and Poor index, Brookline, MA circa 1860 at http://www.brookline.mec.edu/town/history.html
POOR, Benjamin Varnum = Drusilla Harriman McCaslin (ca 1844) http://www.emcee.com/~ajmorris/catalog/mg0112.htm
VARNUM RANSOM: genealogy of Burgoyne ,SHORT ,Hunt ,RANSOM ,Smelt ,Quigley, Whipple, Bruttsman, Helmick, Snider. contact AfterHours Computing Inc. 3050 E. Desert Inn Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89121 : VARNUM Ransom (1785-dec?); Bradley VARNUM Ransom (1831-dec?); DUNTON family genealogy forum at http://www.genforum.com/dunton/messages/1.html Posted by Bill Scholtes on January 13, 1998 at 19:18:18:Father: Samuel DUNTON Mother: Mary RHODES Mary DUNTON BIRTH: 6 NOV 1793, Roxbury, MA DEATH: 19 NOV 1849, Ogle Co, Byron, IL MARRIAGE: 1811, Oneida Co, NY Family 1: Elijah RANSOM BIRTH: 1790, Washington Co, NY DEATH: 14 SEP 1869, Atchison Co, KS 1. Elijah RANSOM Jr (Rev) 2.+Schuyler RANSOM 3. Mary Rhodes RANSOM 4. Bradley VARNUM RANSOM 5. Martha RANSOM 6.+Thomas RANSOM
RICHARDSON: Dorothy Richardson VARNUM MacAdam Dorothy, parents James "Buck" Buchanan Richardson and Lulu Cooley at http://www.nscee.edu/unlv/Libraries/women/dorothy.html
RICKS/FISK genealogy at http://www.goodnet.com/~gjbivin/html/fam01127.htm Joel RICKS, SR. Born: 18 Feb 1804 Donaldson Creek, Trigg, KY Married: 26 Oct 1852 Father:Jonathan RICKS Mother:Temperance EDWARDS Other Spouses: Eleanor MARTIN Wife: Sarah Beriah FISK Born: 22 Sep 1819 Potsdam, St. Lawrence, NY CHILDREN Ezra VARNUM RICKS Born: 12 Jul 1852 , Sarah Beriah RICKS Born: 17 Jan 1855, Died: 27 Oct 1869, Ellen RICKS Born: 30 Mar 1856 , Joel RICKS, JR. Born: 21 Jul 1858, Adelia RICKS Born: 24 Oct 1860 Died: 22 Nov 1863 , Esther Adeline RICKS Born: 28 Oct 1862 From Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, p.1132 at ? RICKS married Sarah B. Fisk (Allen) Oct. 26, 1852 (daughter of VARNUM Fisk and Sally Eams). She was born Sept. 22, 1819, Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Their children: Ezra VARNUM b. July 13, 1853, m. Lois J. Clark Oct. 24, 1888; Sarah Beriah b. Jan. 17, 1855, died; Ellen b. March 30, 1856, m. Charles W. Nibley March 30, 1880; Joel b. July 21, 1858, m. Susette Cardon Jan. 13, 1881; Adelia b. Oct. 24, 1860, died; Esther Adeline b. Oct. 28, 1862, m. Joseph E. Wilson Aug. 17, 1888. In connection with others he built the first saw mill and grist mill in Logan. Treasurer Cache county more than 30 years. He was also interested in many other industries. He was a very energetic worker in the church. RICKS, THOMAS E. (son of Joel Ricks and Eleanor Martin). Born July 21, 1828, Donaldson Creek, Trigg Co., Ky. Came to Utah with father. Married Tabitha Hendricks Aug. 18, 1853, who was born Sept. 30, 1830, and came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Their children: Sarah C. b. June 4, 1854, m. James R. Turman Oct. 19, 1874; Thomas Edwin Jr. b. Dec. 3, 1855, m. Mary Ann Hibbard Oct. 11, 1878; Joseph b. June 7, 1857, m. Margaret Charles Oct. 20, 1876; Hyrum b. July 24, 1858, m. Martha Bitter April 1, 1880; Heber b. April 27, 1860, m. Mary Ann Nelson Jan. 13, 1881; Brigham b, April 27, 1860, m. Clara Josephine Larson Jan. 13, 1881; Mary Elizabeth b. Aug. 19, 1861; William b. Sept. 25, 1863, m. Sarah Ellen Harris April 14, 1886; Alice b. Aug. 20, 1866; James b. Dec. 30, 1867, m. Lucretia H. Arrowsmith Oct. 3, 1894; Samuel b. Feb. 20, 1870, m. Ada Turner 1897; George b. Jan. 2, 1876, m. Hattie Secrist March 15, 1899. Family resided Centervtlle, Farmington, Logan, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. Married Tamer Loader March 27, 1857, who was born Sept.
RAMSDELL genealogy at http://www5.pair.com/vtandrew/jacqui/i0000304.htm#i307 : VARNUM Ramsdell was born in Newton, Middlesex, MA about 1840.
REDFIELD, Charles VARNUM (12 Jun 1870-24 Jun 1905) http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4544/idxr.html
ROGERS: email eldriverd@aol.com looking for info on VARNUM ROGERS b. 23 Oct 1840 d. 17 July 1907 Augusta/Gardiner/Richmond M. Mary Lucinda ADLEY ?? Also Son, Jacob Henry ROGERS, Sr 2 wives, first unknown Sarah E. HUTCHINSON, 2nd wife b. 9 Jan 1879 d. 4 Dec 1943 Would like any info on any of these Particularly first wife
ROUNDS, VARNUM Clark Wichita Genealogy Society, Wichita, Kansas email wardm@mail.dec.com Researcher: LINN; ROUNDS, George Benum 30 May 1830 04 Feb 1854 23 May 1907 ROUNDS, Sadie Frances 08 Jul 1895 29 Jun 1912 15 Jun 1982 ROUNDS, VARNUM Clark 13 Aug 1863 03 Mar 1901 SIMERS, Maude
SARGENT, Bradley VARNUM, (1863- ) 2 letters, 1914 Inventory of the William Denman Papers, [ca. 1900-1959] http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC
Mary SHARP http://home.dwave.net/~skeeter/genealogy/g0001132.html •BIRTH: ABT 1779 Father: Richard Notes Likely she married a man named VARNUM or VERNON.
VARNUM Paine SIMMONS and Gertrude Elizabeth Burleigh Simmons from Danielsonville, CT to Atlantic Highlands, NJ then central Polk County, FL circa 1884 and descendants by Mary Alice Moser Alligood http://members.tripod.com/~Langford_2/alligood.htm
SHELDON, VARNUM J http://members.aol.com/sheldons2/myguests.htm Looking for information on: William Hanemann Sheldon From New Orleans, LA. Was married twice, first to Dora Francis Kops b1884 then to Arta Sims b1891. His siblings were: George Alpha, Marie Antoinette, Stella, Josephine, Maria Anais, Varnum J., and Maria Bevette Sheldon. Thank you! Sincerely, Suzette Segar moderncom@cajunnet.com
SLOANE/NEELEY genealogy at http://www.gendex.com/users/fmitchel/sloan/D0007/G0000025.html : Joe VARNUM BIRTH: ABT 1906 DEATH: AFT 1984, Bismark, ST. FRANCIS Co. MO married Faye E. SLOAN BIRTH: 11 Jan 1908, Graniteville, DEATH: ABT 1984, Bismark, ST. FRANCOIS Co. MO. Sources: 1. 1984 research of Joe VARNUM, 1161 Cedar Rt. 2, Bismark Mo. 63624
SMITH CLOSE, Belinda VARNUM contact Pamela Close Douglas pdouglas@carrollsweb.com IL Looking for info. on the decendents and relatives of my GGrandfather William R. CLOSE born in Madison IN. in 1816. He and his wife Belinda VARNUM SMITH went to the Fort Desmoines in 1847. He was in the brickmaking business and also a farmer. They had 9 children. WILLIAM b.1842 died in the Army James Norman, b.1844 wife unknown their children EVA. b.1882 and GUY b.1883. Mary F. CLOSE-JOHNSON b.1886; Napoleon b.1851 wife MARTHA, their childen Clara b.1886, Jesse b.1888, Ethel b.1891, Ruth b.1892 and Elvira b.1894. Sarah Parilla CLOSE-THOMPSON, b.1854, Hettie b.1856, Belinda V. CLOSE-WILLIAMS b.1859, Samuel died young. William R. CLOSE married twice second wife Priscilla LONG, my GGrandmother. I have no info. on the LONG family, I do know that she had a sister living in DesMoines. Any info on the LONG family would be appreciated. William and Priscilla moved to Kansas abt. 1881. They had 9 children: Sherman, Rosaltha, Annie Elizabeth, Erastus, Meada, Lula, Arthur, A.P. and Oliver Tom. I have info. to share. Pamela Close-Douglas 1520 Road S Emporia, KS 66801
SMITH, Edward Gideon b. April 26, 1831 d. May 27, 1865 married Sarah VARNUM on Aug. 13, 1854 in or near Marietta, Georgia Children:SMITH, Camilla b. 1856, SMITH, James E. b. 1858; email deytons@acad.winthrop .
SPALDING/SPAULDING genealogies at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4613/spauldg.htm
SPAUDLING in Everyname Index to Bond's Watertown http://sml.simplenet.com/kinnexions/bond/bondaz.htm
SPAULDING, Dr. 177; Jason 84; Sophia 482; Susan 84; Abigail 350 572; Ashur 350; Clarrisa 255; Dorothy M. 843; Edward Leland 84; Emeline 350; Hannah 479; Helen Trask 84; Isaac 832; Jason C. 84; John Franklin 475; Joseph 479; Julia 84; Laura Ann 475; Levi 255; Mary 524 831; Melvin L. 843; Simeon 843; Simeon D. 843; Susanna 832; Thirza 834; VARNUM 475.
STEER, Joseph 1709 1795 VARNAM, Grace March 1745/46; VARNAM, Grace April 21, 1717 March 14, 1794 STEER, Joseph March 1745/46; VARNAM, Hattill ;VARNAM, Henry at Bloemker/McDonnell Whole Family Database http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/b/l/o/Mary-D-Bloemker/index.html
STILES papers: Series C. William Henry Stiles Papers, 1811-1867 and Undated at http://www.upapubs.com/guides/swmna5.htm W. M. VARNUM, Marietta, some sort of difficulty he was involved in with the Treasury Department. 1860
SAUNDERS genealogy at Caleb VARNUM SAUNDERS BIRTH: ABT 1793, Charlestown,Washington Co.,Rhode Island DEATH: BEF 10 DEC 1867, or near,Providence,Rhode Island Father: Nathan SAUNDERS Mother: Sarah TAYLOR Family 1: Lydia NOYES MARRIAGE: 1815/1816, Charlestown,Washington Co.,Rhode Island Children:Mary Noyes SAUNDERS, Martha N. SAUNDERS
Harriett VARNUM TENNEY at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4813/manuscripts/mitchell.html Walter Miles Hunt ("of Boston" per Wyman), m. 6 Aug 1851 Harriett VARNUM Tenney and had children: Paul Miner Hunt b. 27 Jan. 1853; Harriett Hunt b. 5 April 1855 and died the next day; William Foran Hunt b. 23 Oct 1856; Walter Miles Hunt b. 6 Oct 1858.
VARNUM THURSTON was born in 1773 in Troy, MA from the TRIPP family page at http://www.users.hockinghills.net/~bobt email bobt@ohiolinks.com VARNUM Thurston and his family lived in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts. He was married to Mary GARDNER (daughter of Peleg GARDNER and Lydia SIMMONS) on 29 Dec 1797. Mary GARDNER b 8 Feb 1780 d 5 Jul 1862, children: Peleg Gardner THURSTON. Amy Barton THURSTON b 3 Apr 1801 d 10 Jun 1826, Jonathan Gardner THURSTON b 14 Nov 1802, Edward THURSTON, Samuel THURSTON, James THURSTON, Susan Gardner THURSTON b 11 Dec 1810, 12 Dec 1810. Abraham Gardner THURSTON. Vernon THURSTON, Mary Gardner THURSTON b 4 Jan 1817, 8 Oct 1819, William Barton THURSTON, Henry Gardner THURSTON b 8 Sep 1820 d 22 Apr 1857, Amy Diadema THURSTON b 29 Jul 1824 d 6 Jul 1846.
Aaron Daniel VARNUM, email Jerome VARNUM < sep@cybertron.com Aaron Daniel VARNUM was born in 1828 in N.C. (Stokes Co ?) need to know birthday and name of parents. Aaron Daniel VARNUM, U/C: = Confederate Unit: = Alabama Cemetary Name: = Shiloh (Bean Station) Location: = Shiloh e-mail = DVARNUM@aol.com comments = I know this ancestor died at Bean Station, TN. I have heard he is buried at Shiloh. Any help would be welcome
Andrew J. VARNUM m. Susan E Keyes 7 b. Aug. 26, 1835
Anne M. VARNUM, attorney and town clerk, ANKENY, IOWA 1956-1981 at http://www.ci.ankeny.ia.us/other/history.htm
VARNUM ARRIN, VARNUM REDDIN in 1855 State Census of Henry County, Alabama at http://members.aol.com/GenWebLisa/hnry1855.htm
VARNUM, Catherine Marriage: 1783 Mendenhall, Phineas Birth : 20 Dec 1741 Pennsylvania, Death : 1804 NC Father: Mendenhall, James Mother: Griffith, Martha at http://www.kennet.demon.co.uk/html/dat0.htm#11
VARNUM, CLARK M CHEYENNE, WY in unclaimed property list at http://www.state.wy.us/~sot/text_list.htm
David VARNUM baritone selection at http://nashotah.edu/library/compdiscs.html
Roger Walwick, William Fenn and E.B. VARNUM passed through Murphysboro … JACKSON CO. IL, http://usgennet.org/~iljacksn/obits2.htm
Florence VARNUM, Strathroy, Ontario, 8 July 1908 at http://www.ptbruce.kanservu.ca/Genealogy/HJohnson.html
VARNUM, Frank B. Kansas State Historical Society at http://kuhttp.cc.ukans.edu/heritage/kshs/library/vf285287.htm
Hannah VARNUM Trask: Some time during the 1820's Thomas Putnam Trask moved west and joined his older brother Marvin Warner in Webster (Palmer today) at the lead mines in Washington County, Missouri. Josiah married Hannah VARNUM on March 1, 1822 in Illinois. He joined his brothers in Missouri sometime after Hannah's death around 1842. Josiah Trask, b: 1801 Stafford, CT, d: before 12-2-1865, buried Crawford Co., MO, Liberty Township sp(1). Hannah VARNUM, from IL on 3-12-1822, d: 1842; Children Sara Trask b: 1833 from IL, William Trask, b: 1835 from IL, John Trask, b: 1837 from IL, Evaline Trask, b: 1839 from IL, d: before 1833 Cook's Station, married George Washington Sanders, Samuel Trask, b: 1842 Crawford Co., MO at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8860/8860-5.html
James Edgar VARNUM at http://www.rootsweb.com/~hcpd/norman/FRAME.2 Tacy Thompson Frame, a daughter of Aaron and Talitha (Thompson) Frame, was born in Belmont County OH August 5, 1848 and died in Pasadena, CA January 2, 1927. She married Milton Starbuck in Belmont County December 30, 1868. Milton, a son of George and Lydia (Bailey) Starbuck, was born May 27, 1843 and died in Ca January 29, 1890; children - Melissa b.Apr 7 1872 m.Frank Erwin, Mabel Dickerson b.Oct 28 1876 d.Sep 28 1930 m.James Edgar VARNUM Feb 22 1894, Viola C b.Jul 28 1880 m.Frank C. Robinson, Joseph Earl m.Mabel Bradley
VARNUM, JAMES MITCHELL. Gardner, Asa Bird. "General James M. VARNUM of the Continental Army." Magazine of American History, 18 (September 1887), pp. 185-193. VARNUM, James Mitchell (1848-1907). A Sketch of the Life and Public Services of James Mitchell VARNUM of Rhode Island. Boston: D. Clapp & Son, 1906. The Thirteen Days of August by Helen H. Gemmill at http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/reference/revbib/go.htm and http://www.voicenet.com/~pstav/thirdays.htm ; PERRY/DEWOLF ties to Mrs J M VARNUM at ,
James W. VARNUM of the Enoch and Mary Mechling line above at http://www.hrdi.com/members/VARNUM.htm
Joe VARNUM •BIRTH: ABT. 1906 •DEATH: AFT. 1984, Bismark, ST. FRANCIS Co. MO at http://www.gendex.com/users/fmitchel/sloan/D0009/G0000092.html
Young John VARNUM was buried yesterday (April 13, 1861) … HISTORICAL LETTERS FOR UPPER WARREN COUNTY, NY written by Julia Hill and sent to Juliette Baker, possibly her cousin … http://www.rootsweb.com/~nywarren/histletters.htm
Joseph B. VARNUM, 1750(1)-1821 Manuscript & Archival Collections at http://clerkweb.house.gov/histrecs/history/members/VARNUM/archives.htm : Boston Public Library Papers: 1 item. Detroit Public Library Papers: In VARNUM family papers, 1788-1935. 1 box. Dracut Historical Society Papers: In collection of newspaper clippings and documents concerning the VARNUM family. Library of Congress Manuscript Division Papers: A few letters scattered in various collections. Massachusetts Historical Society Papers: ca. 1787-1822. 35 items in VARNUM family papers and other collections. University of Michigan William L. Clements Library Papers: 1811-1860
Dred/Scott Opinion at http://www.alaska.net/~winter/dred_scott_cambell1.html and http://www.mm.mtu.edu/~pecampbe/doc/dredscot.txt with. VARNUM quote.
Martha VARNUM, at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp Gozzaldi, Mary Isabella. History of Cambridge, Massachusetts 1630-1877 with a Genealogical Register: Supplement and Index. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Historical Society, 1930 p.217 Dickson, Gilbert (Ed., John, Wm.) bap. 18 Nov. 1744, m. Martha [VARNUM (Jonas)] res. Pepperell, [Acton 1789], Camb., d. 15 Sept. 1818, w. d. 20 June 1800, 536 [p.218] Hannah (Wm.) bapt. Camb. m. (1) Stephen Francis (Rd.) 16 Sept. 1683 [(2) Isaac Amsden, 1725, 479, W. Chs.], 535, 550
Capt. Miles VARNUM /Vernan's Co, TN War of 1812 email palace@brightok.net : Onys VARNUM m. Kim RENTZ, dau. Maggie RENTZ Rentz genealogy at http://genealogy.traveller.com/genealogy
Logan VARNUM, Scullyssis@aol.com wrote:I have been looking for information on a Logan VARNUM and his wife Lydia > Lovina Rawson VARNUM who were married July 31, 1909 in Murphysboro, IL. The only other information I have is that they had a son named Earl born in 1910 and he died in 1925. Monica Carpenter; Rawson genalogies at http://www.feist.com/~rawsond/d0000/g0000060.html and http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/r/a/w/David-R-Rawson/GENE2-0001.html Lydia Lovina RAWSON BIRTH: 8 Apr 1893, Mead, Williamson Co., Ill Father: Oscar Zebina RAWSON Mother: Olive DEASON Family 1: Logan VARNUM MARRIAGE: 31 Jul 1909, Murphysboro, Ill write or email David Ralph Rawson 11319 W. Murdock St.Wichita, KS 67212, 316-721-6774 rawsond@feist.com ; Social Security database for VARNUMs in Murphysboro: Illinois SS:Frank, b. 8/12/1908, d. 7/1986, lr. Murphysboro, Jackson, IL;Howard, b. 8/22/1915, d. 8/1986, lr. Murphysboro, Jackson, IL; Minnie, b. 2/23/1886, d. 4/1967, lr. Murphysboro, Jackson, I; Flossie, b. 7/6/1898, d. 4/1986, lr. Murphysboro, Jackson, I; Florence, b. 5/24/1904, d. 2/2/1988, Murphysboro, Jackson, I; WALTER VARNUM 10 Sep 1906 22 Aug 1997 62966 (Murphysboro, Jackson, IL)
Olive VARNUM b Mar 1741 and Samuel VARNUM at http://al7fl.abts.net/PUTMAN/putman-indx.html/index/ind1210.htm
VARNUM, Phineas F 310. (Portland Maine Manuscript Diary). At http://www.lucasbooks.com/manuscript.html Diary of Phineas F. VARNUM for the Year 1888. Portland, ME, 1888. Tall, narrow 12mo, approx. (385)pp, full calf over flexible boards, a.e.g., qpprox. (150)pp completed in manuscript (July to Nov. 23 a long section with very few entries, Mr. VARNUM's wife was very ill and may have been the reason for the few entries during this period), Binding soiled, paper label on binding with year 1888, VG $85.00 An interesting diary of an upper middle class family with many rental properties in Portland and with many interesting comments on local and national politics and economics and social happenings. One member of the family owns an orange grove in Jacksonville, Florida and brings boxes of oranges north to sell, Mr. VARNUM read many different newspapers and orders clothing from a Macy's catalogue and there are some comments on the blizzard of 1888. A few excerpts: "Democrats voted to support Neal Dow for mayor, a very great mistake in bringing into politicks party measures to carry the election and saying the Republican party had made bargans with the Democrats rum sellers to voe for the Republican if they would not prosecute them, they would vote their ticket for mayor...if Dow is elected will not make Portland a Democratic City...Meeting of temperance women. Neal Dow was spoken as a great man papers say he is 85 years old...gave my vote for J.P. Baxter for mayor...the connection of Cromwall & Heam by the Court at Bangor are now proven to be innisent of the murder of Barron...RR blocked by the great storm 20 ft snow on the rails Springfield Mass also at Hartford, Connecticut Passengers filled the hotels, cots brought into the R.R. Stations, street block ing New York, travel on the cars in New York City stopped by the heavy snow...5 trains stopped near Biddeford, passengers have gone into private houses...how the Rag Baby is getting along, it is expected the play will be brought out in Portland soon...Mr. Joseph Dugnal from Paris, France who has been engaged by Mr. Vanderbilt as his principal manager of his house...he will get six thousand a year he says people must eat very slow, he thinks americans eat too fast...sent $4 for Harper's Weekly by registered letter by Mr. Wilson...Registered letter to Macy Co. for shirts, draws,thread, pins, needles, registered letter to Peter Henderson grass seed, tomato plants, sweet corn, beans, rhubarb...G.A.T. called he sings tonight Negro church...City filling up for next week, a large number of people expected to see Mr. Blain who is to leave England August1 in the great Steamer New York...large party to go down the bay and meet the steamer to have grand reception in New York, also at Portland..."
VARNUM, Solomon, ALTON, ILL, MEXICAN WARILLINOIS SOLDIERS at http://www.lumarmall.com/mexv.htm
The VARNUMs of Dracut, Ma. Hist. of Geo. VARNUM, his son Samuel &grandsons Thomas, John & Joseph, & their desc., by J. VARNUM. 314p. 1907.$49.50 at http://www.higginsonbooks.com/v.htm Pawtucket Cemetery: Varnum, Eleanor 07/05/1796 Varnum, Eleanor 02/24/1801 Varnum, Prescott 11/06/1825 Varnum, Susannah 10/26/1800 Varnum, Susannah 10/31/1822 Woodbine Cemetery: Varnum, Abiah 09/17/1825 Varnum, Anna 02/24/1795 Varnum, Charles 01/31/1798 Varnum, Dolly 05/21/1796 Varnum, Dorcas 03/10/1787 Varnum, Dorcas 04/29/1800 Varnum, James 11/18/1870 Varnum, James B. 02/17/1832 Varnum, Luretia 02/21/1852 Varnum, Mary 02/10/1818 Varnum, Parker 12/18/1824 Varnum, Phebe 01/31/1786 Varnum, Phebe 06/12/1810 Varnum, Polly 08/17/1798 Varnum, Samuel 00/00/1698 Varnum, Thomas 09/07/1739 Varnum, Thomas 09/01/1748 Varnum, Thomas 04/27/1825 Varnum, Thomas 07/22/1805
VARNUM in Blount County Surname List at http://www.usit.net/tngenweb/blount/blou1860.htm#look taken from 1860 Blount County Census TRANSCRIBED by David Templin & Cheryl Bolin Henderson of Maryville, TN 1981 (FHC microfishe #6,048,575)
VARNAM/VARNHAM/VARNUM 1790 Census at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp
Connecticut Census -- 1790, p.134 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Wm Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 3
Maine Census -- 1790, p.50 Varnam, Stevan1 Maine Census -- 1790, p.73 Name of head of family: Varnham, Jona Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Maine Census -- 1790, p.30 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Mathew Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 Maine Census -- 1790, p.31 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Gershom Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Maine Census -- 1790, p.34 Name of head of family: VARNUM, John Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 VARNUM, John, Jur1 VARNUM, Wanton Jnr1 Maine Census -- 1790, p.35 VARNUM, John1 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Samuel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 6 Maine Census -- 1790, p.39 Name of head of family: Chace, VARNUM Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Maine Census -- 1790, p.72 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Jona Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 2
Maryland Census -- 1790, p.112 Name of head of family: VARNUM, William Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 1
Massachusetts Census -- 1790, p.140 Name of head of family: Varnam, Thomas Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Varnam, Parker Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 9 Name of head of family: Varnam, James Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: Varnam, Jonas Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Varnam, Joseph Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Varnam, Bradley Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 4 Free white females, including heads of families: 5 All other free persons: 1 Name of head of family: Varnam, Jonan Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 6 Name of head of family: Varnam, Joseph B Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 4 Free white females, including heads of families: 6 Name of head of family: Varnam, Daniel Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Name of head of family: Varnam, Benjn Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 Name of head of family: Varnam, Saml Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Maine Census -- 1790, p.72 Name of head of family: Varnham, Jona Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Massachusetts Census -- 1790, p.85 Name of head of family: Hall, VARNUM Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 5 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Moses Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Massachusetts Census -- 1790, p.151 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Jonas Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: VARNUM, John Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males of 16 years under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 2
New Hampshire Census -- 1790, p.88 Name of head of family: Varnam, Benjamin Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 3 Varnam, Ebenz1
New York Census -- 1790, p.57 Name of head of family: VARNUM, James Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 New York Census -- 1790, p.76 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Thomas Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 2 Free white females, including heads of families: 2 New York Census -- 1790, p.173 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Eliab Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 4 Free white males under 16 years: 4 Free white females, including heads of families: 3
Pennsylvania Census -- 1790, p.104 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Jno Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 4
Rhode Island Census -- 1790, p.22 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Barney Free white females, including heads of families: 2 Name of head of family: VARNUM, Cudgo Free white females, including heads of families: 3
Vermont Census -- 1790, p.32 Name of head of family: Varnham, Abraham Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white females, including heads of families: 1 Vermont Census -- 1790, p.29 Name of head of family: Varnam, Benjamin Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families: 1 Free white males under 16 years: 3 Free white females, including heads of families: 4 Vermont Census -- 1790, p.35 Varnam, Ebenezer1
Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Births, p.67 MACOMBER, Lydia A., w. Dennis, d. VARNUM and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1829, gravestone record, Westport Point Cemetery Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Births, p.99 WAINER, Uriah VARNUM, child Paul, June 16, 1811. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.148 DAVIS, Lydia and VARNUM Macomber [publishment of intention of marriage Maccomber], Sept. 17, 1812. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.152 DEVOL, Samuel, 24, meriner, son Jo[h]n and Hannah, and Julia A. Macomber, 18, d. VARNUM and Lydia, Mar. 19, 1848. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.171 HART, James R., 34, mason, of New Bedford, born Dartmouth, son Benja[min] and Delila of Dartmouth, and Lydia Ann Macomber, 18, d. VARNUM and Lydia [Lydia written above Abigail crossed out], Sept. 28, 1845. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.190 MACOMBER, Julia A., 18, d. VARNUM and Lydia, and Samuel Devol, 24, meriner, son Jo[h]n and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1848. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.190 MACOMBER, Lydia Ann, 18, d. VARNUM and Lydia [Lydia written above Abigail crossed out], and James R. Hart, 34, mason, of New Bedford, born Dartmouth, son Benja[min] and Delila of Dartmouth, Sept. 28, 1845. Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, Marriages, p.192 MACOMBER, VARNUM [publishment of intention of marriage Maccomber] and Lydia Davis, Sept. 17, 1812.
National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.140 GEORGE WASHINGTON VARNUM, San Diego, Cal. (3584). Son of Jacob Butler and Catherine (Dodemead) VARNUM; grandson of Joseph Bradley VARNUM, Captain Mass. Militia.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.409 VARNUM RICHARDSON FOSS, died March 3, 1896 (6423). Son of Thomas Clarkson and Elizabeth Loring (Cobb) Foss; grandson of Ebenezer and Isabella Parsons (Millett) Cobb; great-grandson of Zebulon Millett; great2-grandson of Thomas Millett, private Mass. Militia, marine Continental ship "Hancock," prisoner, pensioned; grandson of Walter and Dorcas (Morrison) Foss; great-grandson of Uriah and Sally (Goodrich) Foss; great2-grandson of Levi Foss, Corporal Mass. troops.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.472 CLARENCE GILMAN COBURN, Lowell, Mass. (11153). Son of Jos. B. V. and Lydia (Carter) Coburn; grandson of Ephraim and Hannah (VARNUM) Coburn; great-grandson of Ephraim Coburn, 2d, Lieutenant Mass. troops. GEORGE BANCROFT COBURN, Lowell, Mass. (13009). Son of George Washington and Mary (Bamford) Coburn; grandson of Simon and Mary (VARNUM) Coburn; great-grandson of Joseph Bradley VARNUM, Captain Seventh Mass. Regt. JOSEPH BRADLEY VARNUM COBURN, Lowell, Mass. (11154). Son of Clarence G. and Annie (Blanchard) Coburn; grandson of Joseph B. V. and Lydia (Carter) Coburn; great-grandson of Ephraim and Hannah VARNUM (Dracut) Coburn; great2-grandson of Ephraim Coburn, 2d, Lieutenant Mass. troops.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.486 WALTER VARNUM FLETCHER, Dorchester, Mass. (5273). Son of Warren and Martha (Lewis) Fletcher; grandson of Walter and Matilda (Rust) Fletcher; great-grandson of Joseph and Frances Grant (Keys) Fletcher; great2-grandson of Pelatiah Fletcher, Captain Sixth Middlesex County Regt.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.505 DANIEL AMES KIMBALL, Stockbridge, Mass. (4845). Son of Daniel and Mary Ann (Ames) Kimball; grandson of David Tenney and Dolly VARNUM (Coburn) Kimball; great-grandson of Peter (and Elizabeth Poor) Coburn, Jr., private, Bridge's Mass. Regt; great2-grandson of Peter Coburn, Sr., Captain, Bridge's Mass. Regt; great2-grandson of Daniel and Hannah (Frye) Poor; great3-grandson of James Frye, Colonel Mass. Militia.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.511 JOHN McDUFFIE, Cambridge, Mass. (12246). Son of John and Mary Ann (VARNUM) McDuffie; grandson of Peter and Susannah (Jones) VARNUM; great-grandson of Nathaniel Jones, private Mass. troops. [p.512]
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.512 JOHN MACDUFFIE, Springfield, Mass. (12247). Son of John and Hannah Elizbeth (Givens) McDuffie; grandson of John and Ann (VARNUM) McDuffie; great-grandson of Peter and Susannah (Jones) VARNUM; great2-grandson of Nathaniel Jones, private Mass. troops.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.535 JOSEPH ROSSITER, East Boston, Mass. (9952). Son of Joseph and Lydia C. (VARNUM) Rossiter; grandson of Peter and Susannah (Jones) VARNUM; great-grandson of Nathaniel Jones, private Seventeenth Mass. Regt, privateersman, prisoner in England. [p.536]
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.551 WILLIAM PARKER , died August 26, 1896 (5083). Son of William Parker and Mary (Park) ; grandson of Jonas and Mary (Parker) ; great-grandson of John , Sergeant Mass. Militia.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.551 JESSE ALBERT VILES, Lowell, Mass. (9958). Son of Albert and Hannah Elvira () Viles; grandson of Jesse and Sally (Jones) Viles; great-grandson of Eli and Anna (Brown) Jones; great2-grandson of Abijah Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel Mass. Continental Service.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.652 LEONARD FREEMAN BURBANK, Nashua, N. H. (8248). Son of Leonard E. and Frances Ann (Huggins) Burbank; grandson of Leonard and Margaret (Hills) Burbank; great-grandson of Caleb Burbank; great2-grandson of John Burbank, Corporal Mass. Militia; great-grandson of Jeremiah and Margaret (Davidson) Hills; great2-grandson of James Davidson, Sergeant New Hampshire Militia; grandson of Freeman and Dorcas Ann (Stearns) Huggins; great-grandson of Oliver and Dorcas () Stearns; great2-grandson of Josiah Stearns, Captain Mass. Militia; great2-grandson of Parker , Sergeant Mass. Militia.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.778 CHARLES E. GORTON, Yonkers, N. Y. (9553). Son of Thomas Rogers and Prudence (Treat) Gorton; grandson of and Hannah (Rogers) Gorton; great-grandson of Samuel Gorton, Captain Rhode Island Militia.
A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.799 RUFUS LEIGHTON MACDUFFIE, New York City (12289). Son of John and Hannah Elizabeth (Givens) McDuffee; grandson of John and Mary Ann () McDuffee; great-grandson of Peter and Susannah (Jones) ; great2-grandson of Nathaniel Jones, private Mass. troops. A National Register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution, p.933 HARRIS SMITH INMAN, Providence, R. I. (7985). Son of Harris and Elizabeth Margaret (Greene) Inman; grandson of Jacob and Patience (Randall) Greene; great-grandson of Jacob Greene, Member of Kent County Committee of Safety, Commissary Rhode Island troops.
DC Marriages Pease, Mary married VARNUM, James M. on 05 Mar 1811 in National Intelligences, District of Columbia
VARNUM researchers at Jackson County Florida genealogy at http://members.aol.com/BettyMaeS/index.html genemom@aol.com spelham@aol.com I'm researching my Jackson County, FL families. The line begins with the arrival of John M. Pelham (Pellum) and son Ab (Henry Albert). I don't know when they arrived, but they came from Henry Co. AL. Ab married Lila Byrd Varnum. I am seeking any information on the Varnum family, as all I have is what is on her headstone at the Old Collin's Mill cemetery. I'm also researching the GLASS family; they were in Jackson Co., at least long enough for my grandmother Myrtis to meet and marry grandfather J.C. Pelham!
Georgia Marriages to 1850 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Bell, William married VARNUM, Mary Ann on 12 Sep 1833 in Jackson County, Georgia VARNUM, Emaly married Yarborough, Thomas N. on 19 Oct 1847 in Jackson County, Georgia
VARNUM, Jones County, Iowa History & Genealogy Record at http://www.rootsweb.com/~iajones/diana.htm http://www.idea.edu/staff/hanson/jones/surnames.htm
VARNUM, Kentucky marriages to 1850 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Foster, Hugh married VARNUM, Betsy on 02 Jun 1803 in Fayette County, Kentucky
Pope, Charles Henry. The Pioneers of Massachusetts at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : p.469 VARNHAM, VARNUM
VARNUM Michigan Land: COCHRAN, VARNUM 1880/12/10 HELMS, VARNUM 1833/11/05, 1833/12/02 LUFKIN, VARNUM 1837/04/10 LAMPHERE, VARNUM 1835/10/15 MATHER, VARNUM 1843/02/01, 1848/05/10 PETTYES, VARNUM 1874/04/10 TEFFT, VARNUM 1837/03/16 1837/03/18 VARNUM, PHINEAS 1839/05/01 VARNUM, RICHARD 1861/12/03 WILCOX, VARNUM 1835/10/28, 1837/04/01
VARNUM, Michigan Marriages Russell, Julia married VARNUM, William N. on 31 Oct 1847 in Lapeer County, Michigan
VARNUM, Minnesota Land records at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : BLOOD, VARNUM, DULUTH 1903/03/17 BURDICK, VARNUM, HENDERSON 1859/08/09, JACKSON 1870/09/10 VARNUM, MARK, DULUTH 1873/09/15
VARNUM, Missouri Marriages to 1850 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Dixon, Sarah Ann married VARNUM, Justus B. on 31 Oct 1830 in Jefferson County, Missouri Lewis, VARNUM married Wood, Mary on 18 Jun 1848 in Holt County, Missouri
VARNUM, North Carolina Marriages to 1850 http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp :Broocks, Mordaca married VARNUM, Polley on 25 Mar 1807 in Stokes County, North Carolina Lutrell, John married VARNUM, Armin on 09 Sep 1814 in Stokes County, North Carolina
VARNUM, Pennsylvania Marriages Record of Pennsylvania Marriages, Prior to 1810,Vol.1,p.262 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : 1749, June 4, VARNUM, Edward, and Elizabeth Crawford.
VARNUM, Texas Marriages to 1850 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp :Mallard, Susan J. married Ozment, VARNUM on 17 Sep 1850 in Cherokee County, Texas
VARNUM, Virginia Marriages to 1825 at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : Gibson, Rebecca married VARNUM, Daniel on 19 May 1794 in Loudoun County, Virginia
VARNUM, Wisconsin Land records at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : BURNS, SAMANTHA 1880/05/15 REMARKS: WIDOW OF WILLIAM O VARNUM EASTMAN, VARNUM P 1854/10/02 KITTEL, VARNUM 1859/05/02 PARKHURST, VARNUM 1848/04/01, 1848/08/01, 1849/11/01 VARNUM, GEORGE 1857/03/10, 1858/01/15 VARNUM, JOSIAH 1856/04/01 VARNUM, MARK 1848/09/01 VARNUM, MARTHA 1859/06/15 VARNUM, PHILIP 1855/04/19 VARNUM, WILLIAM 1843/03/03 VARNUM,444, San Mateo County Library, 25 Tower Road, San Mateo, California at http://genealogy.org/~smcgs/surname.html
VARNUM, Ohio early pioneers bio/history at http://www.hht.com/bus/secure/platte/microot.html
VARNUM first names from the SS Database at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp : NameBorn Died Residence Last Benefit SSN Issuing State VARNUM BABCOCK 28 Mar 1877 Jun 1968 55808 (Duluth, Saint Louis, MN) (No Location Given)470-07-0219 Minnesota VARNUM BABCOCK 18 Aug 1908 Jun 1982 55808 (Duluth, Saint Louis, MN) (No Location Given)470-07-0223 Minnesota VARNUM BARBER 16 Apr 1911 Sep 1975 33568 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)039-10-6084 Rhode Island VARNUM BRANCHEAU 13 Feb 1914 25 Sep 1991 (No Location Given) (No Location Given)374-14-1737 Michigan VARNUM BULLARD 23 Jun 1906 Nov 1984 01075 (Holyoke, Hampden, MA) (No Location Given)016-18-1962 Massachusetts VARNUM BUTLER3 Dec 1885 Jun 1972 97045 (Beavercreek, Clackamas, OR) (No Location Given)540-07-4990Oregon
VARNUM: sdlium@ix.netcom.com : Witherbee, Wood, Dennis, Studley, Buckland, Bruce, Simpson, Dasher, Shelly Edwards, Anderson, Mills, Smith, Lewman, VARNUM, Brewer, Wells, Allen, Tallman, Porter, and Flynn lines
VARNUM in Union Colored Infantry of Civil War: VARNUM, Ben 79th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry and 84th Regiment, United States Colored InfantryRank In:Private Rank Out:Private Company:H NARA Film#: M589 roll 89; VARNUM, John 82nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry Rank In:Second Lieutenant Rank Out: Captain Company:CD NARA Film#: M589 roll 89; VARNUM, Lawrence P. 79th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry Rank In:Quartermaster Sergeant Rank Out:Second Lieutenant Company:I NARA Film#: M589 roll 89; VARNUM, William 102nd Regiment, United States Colored Infantry Rank In:Private Rank Out:Private Company:H NARA Film#: M589 roll 89. UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS 79th REGIMENT INFANTRY.-(OLD.) Organized April 4, 1864, from 7th Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864. SERVICE.-Post and garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till April 17, 1864, and at Fort Pike and Fort Macomb, Defences of New Orleans, till July, 1864. Broken up July 28, 1864, and transferred to 75th United States Colored Troops. A new 79th United States Colored Troops ordered organized by consolidation of 80th and 83rd United States Colored Troops at New Orleans, La., July, 1864, but not completed. 82nd REGIMENT INFANTRY. Organized April 4, 1864, from 10th Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864. Consolidated with 80th United States Colored Troops July 6, 1864, to form new 79th United States Colored Troops. Reorganized July, 1864, by consolidation of 97th and 99th United States Colored Troops. Attached to Pensacola, Fla., District of West Florida, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, District of West Florida, to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, District of West Florida, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, District of West Florida, to May, 1865. Pensacola, Fla., District of West Florida and Dept. of Florida, to muster out. SERVICE.-Duty at Port Hudson, La., till April 17, 1864. Moved to Fort Barrancas, Fla., and duty there till March, 1865. Expedition toward Pollard, Ala., July 21-25, 1864. Camp Gonzales, Fla., July 22. Near Pollard, Ala., July 23. Expedition from Fort Barrancas August 15-19. Expedition to Marianna September 18-October 4. Euchee Anna Court House September 23. Marianna September 27. Expedition up Blackwater Bay October 25-28. Near Milton October 26. Expedition to Pollard, Ala., December 13-19. Mitchell's Creek December 15-16. Pine Barren Ford December 17-18. March from Pensacola to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 1, 1865. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty there till May. Moved to Mobile, thence to Barrancas, Fla., May 23. Expedition to Appalachicola May 31-June 6. Duty at Appalachicola and in District of Florida till September, 1866. Mustered out September 10, 1866. Predecessor unit:CORPS DE AFRIQUE.-UNITED STATES COLORED VOLUNTEERS. 10th REGIMENT INFANTRY. Organized at Port Hudson, La., September 1, 1863. Attached to Ullman's Brigade, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, to April, 1864. SERVICE.-Garrison duty at Port Hudson, La., till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 82nd United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864 (which see). 84th REGIMENT INFANTRY. Organized April 4, 1864, from 12th Corps de Afrique Infantry. Attached to 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, United States Colored Troops, Dept. of the Gulf, to May, 1865. Northern District of Louisiana, Dept of the Gulf, to March, 1866. SERVICE.-Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Advance from Franklin to Alexandria March 14-26. Retreat from Alexandria to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Near Moreauville May 17. Yellow Bayou May 18. Duty at Morganza till May, 1865. Action near Morganza November 23, 1864. Duty in Northern District of Louisiana and Dept. of the Gulf to March, 1866. Mustered out March 14, 1866. Predecessor unit:CORPS DE AFRIQUE.-UNITED STATES COLORED VOLUNTEERS.12th REGIMENT INFANTRY. Organized at Port Hudson, La., September 24, 1863. Attached to Garrison, Port Hudson, La., to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1864. SERVICE.-Garrison duty at Port Hudson till April, 1864. Expedition to Grand Gulf February 15-March 6, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 84th United States Colored Troops April 4, 1864 (which see). 102nd REGIMENT INFANTRY. Organized May 23, 1864, from 1st Michigan Colored Infantry. Attached to District of Hilton Head, S. C., Dept. of the South and District of Beaufort, S. C., Dept. of the South, to August, 1864. District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to October, 1864. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Coast Division, Dept. of the South, to February, 1865. 2nd Separate Brigade, Dept. of the South, to March, 1865. 1st Separate Brigade and Dept. of the South to September, 1865. SERVICE.-Garrison at Port Royal, S. C., till June 15. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., and garrison duty there till August 1. Moved to Jacksonville, Fla., August 1-3. Picket duty at Baldwin till August 15. Attack on Baldwin August 11-12. Raid on Florida Central Railroad August 15-19. At Magnolia till August 29. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., August 29-31, and duty there till January, 1865, engaged in outpost and picket duty on Port Royal, Lady and Coosa Islands. (A Detachment at Honey Hill November 30, 1864. Demonstration on Charleston & Savannah Railroad December 6-9. Deveaux's Neck, Tillifinny River, December 6 and 9.) Detachment at Beaufort; rejoined other Detachment at Deveaux's Neck, S. C., January 24, 1865. Moved to Pocotaligo February 28. Advance on Charleston February 7-23. Skirmish at Cuckwold Creek February 8 (Cos. "B," "E" and "I"). Duty at Charleston Neck till March 9. Moved to Savannah, Ga., March 9-16. Moved to Georgetown March 28-April 1. (Right wing of Regiment, under Chapman, moved to Charleston April 7-9, thence march to join Potter at Nelson's Ferry April 11-18.) Potter's Expedition from Georgetown to Camden April 5-29. Statesburg April 15. Occupation of Camden April 17. Boykin's Mills April 18. Bradford Springs April 18 (right wing). Dingle's Mills April 19. Singleton's Plantation April 19. Beech Creek, near Statesburg, April 19. Moved to Charleston April 29, thence to Summerville May 7-8; to Branchville May 18; to Orangeburg May 25, and provost duty there till July 28. March to Winsboro July 28-August 3, and duty there till September. Moved to Charleston and muster out September 30, 1865.
VARNUM, Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949; at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/library.asp RICHARDSON, William Merchant, a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Pelham, Hillsborough County, N.H., January 4, 1774; was graduated from Harvard University in 1797; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Groton, Mass., in 1804; elected as a Federalist to the Twelfth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Joseph B. VARNUM; reelected to the Thirteenth Congress and served from November 4, 1811, to April 18, 1814, when he resigned; moved to Portsmouth, Rockingham County, N.H., in 1814; United States attorney in 1814; appointed chief justice of New Hampshire in 1816 and served until his death; died in Chester, Rockingham County, N.H., March 15, 1838; interment in the Old Cemetery.
VARNUM, Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949; at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/library.asp VARNUM, James Mitchell (brother of Joseph Bradley VARNUM), a Delegate from Rhode Island; born in Dracut, Middlesex County, Mass., December 17, 1748; was graduated from the College of Rhode Island, Warren, R.I. (later Brown University, Providence, R.I.), in 1769; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1771 and commenced practice in East Greenwich, R.I.; served in the Revolutionary Army, and was colonel of the "Kentish Guards" in 1774 and of VARNUM's Rhode Island Regiment in 1775; commissioned colonel of the Ninth Continental Infantry in 1776; brigadier general of State troops December 12, 1776; brigadier general in the Continental Army February 21, 1777, and was honorably discharged March 5, 1779; appointed major general of State militia in May 1779; resumed the practice of law in East Greenwich, R.I.; Member of the Continental Congress 1780-1782, 1786, and 1787; appointed a judge of the United States Court in the Northwest Territory in 1787; moved to Marietta, Ohio, in 1788, and died there January 10, 1789; interment in Mound Cemetery.
VARNUM, Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949; at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/library.asp VARNUM, John, a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Dracut, Middlesex County, Mass., June 25, 1778; was graduated from Harvard University in 1798; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Haverhill, Mass., in 1802; was elected as a Federalist to the State senate in 1811; moved to Lowell, Mass.; elected to the Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-first Congresses (March 4, 1825-March 3, 1831); returned to Lowell, Mass., and later moved to Niles, Berrien County, Mich., where he died July 23, 1836; interment in Silverbrook Cemetery. VARNUM, Joseph Bradley (brother of James Mitchell VARNUM), a Representative and a Senator from Massachusetts; born in Dracut, Middlesex County, Mass., January 29, 1750; completed preparatory studies; served in the Revolutionary Army; member of the State house of representatives 1780-1784; served in the State senate 1786-1788 and in 1795; commissioned colonel of the Seventh Regiment of Massachusetts Militia April 4, 1787, brigadier general November 22, 1802, and major general June 12, 1805; delegate to the State convention that ratified the Federal Constitution in 1788; justice of the court of common pleas; chief justice of the court of general sessions 1811-1815; elected to the Fourth and to the eight succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1795, to June 29, 1811, when he resigned, having been elected Senator; Speaker of the House during the Tenth and Eleventh Congresses; elected to the United States Senate in 1811 to fill the vacancy in the term commencing March 4, 1811, and served from June 8, 1811, to March 3, 1817; elected President pro tempore of the Senate December 6, 1813; delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1820; again a member of the State senate 1817-1821; died in Dracut, Mass., September 21, 1821; interment in VARNUM Cemetery.
VARNUM in Every name Index to Bond's Watertown : Dorcas 488; Elizabeth 761; J. B. 488; John 928; John Jay 928; Jonas 761; Lydia 761; Mary Cooke 928; Nathaniel Saltonstall 928; Richard Saltonstall 928; Sallie 928.
VARNUM Marriages in MA, 1700s publication at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/library.asp Willard,VARNUM & Patty Tompson,Sept. 9, 1779;Willard VARNUM & Hannah Walkup,Feb. 15, 1781; John VARNUM & Elisabeth Colburn,May 26, 1724; VARNUM Gardner & Mitchell Tuttle,1794
VARNUM, "History of Old Chester NH from 1719 to 1869" 1869 by Benjamin Chase and reprinted by Heritage Books in 1992. VARNUM, NYC 1825 DUDLEY B. FULLER, manufacturer, born in Rutland, Vt., Dec. 22, 1800, died in New York city, May 18, 1868. He was a direct descendant of Samuel Fuller, a Pilgrim in the Mayflower. About 1825 he came to New York city and entered the firm of VARNUM, Fuller & Co., dry goods merchants, at 165 Pearl street. In 1831, he married Mary, daughter of Luman Reed, an eminent merchant and art patron. In 1846, he engaged in iron manufacturing, and in 1852 became the principal owner of The Boonton, N.J., Iron Works, which his firm of Dudley B. Fuller & Co., and Fuller, Lord & Co., operated successfully up to the time of his death. Mr. Fuller was one of the founders and original members of the Century club, having been a member of the Sketch club, from which, in 1846, arose the Century. He was also a member of the Union club and a director of various institutions. Elected in 1863 a trustee of The New York Life Insurance Co., he served until his death. His uprightness of character, genial disposition and cordial manners won for him the love and respect of all. His wife and several children survived him. VARNUM place names from 1854 New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States and the new
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM (subdivision)Residential Area County:District of Columbia State:DC VARNUM Hotel (historical)Building County:District of Columbia State:DC History:constructed 1796 by Washington real estate speculator Thomas Law; possibly named for Joseph B VARNUM, a Masssachusetts Congressman and Speaker of the House who lived at the hotel for many years
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM CreekWaterway County:Kootenai State:ID
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM PondLake County:Franklin State:ME
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM StreamWaterway County:Franklin State:ME
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM BrookWaterway County:Middlesex State:MA Variant Names:VARNUMs Brook Description:heads at 4240'17'N, 7135'47'W, flows E to the Nashua River at East Pepperell; Town of Pepperell.
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM Brook Middle SchoolSchool County:Middlesex State:MA
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM Cemetery Cemetery County:Middlesex State:MA
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM School School County:Middlesex State:MA VARNUMResidential Area County:Brunswick State:NC
American Genealogical Gazetteer at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/AllDBList.asp VARNUM Church Church County:Seminole State:OK VARNUM School School County:Seminole State:OK
Heitman, Francis B. Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution. Rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: The Rare Book Shop Pub. Co., 1914. at http://www.ancestry.com/ancestry/library.asp James M. VARNUM, 21st February, 1777, to 5th March, 1779. Colonel James M. VARNUM, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776; Colonel James M. VARNUM, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775; Colonel James M. VARNUM, 1st January, 1777, to 27th February, 1777; Corliss, Jonathan (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 23d May to December, 1775; volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General VARNUM in 1778. (Died 1814.); VARNUM, Benjamin (Mass). Surgeon's Mate of Frye's Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; VARNUM, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Bridge's Massachusetts Regiment, April to December, 1775; VARNUM, James (Mass). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant of Bridge's Massachusetts Regiment, April to November 1775; 1st Lieutenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain, 10th August, 1776; Captain 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 10th August, 1776; resigned 6th October, 1780. (Died 2d December, 1832.); VARNUM, James Mitchell (R. I.). Colonel Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Colonel 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 27th February, 1777; resigned 5th March, 1779; was also Major-General Rhode Island Militia. (Died 10th January, 1789)
VARNUM (Yuba County,CA 1854), 8:204-7 passim, 337 CA history references at http://www.calhist.org/Support_Info/Publications/QuarterlyIndex.htmld/v.html
VARNUM, Wisconsin Land Records at http://searches.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/wisconsin/wisconsin.pl VARNUM,GEORGE 1857 Jackson; VARNUM,OSIAH 1856 Buffalo or Pepin; VARNUM,MARK 1848 Dodge; VARNUM,MARTHA 1859 Buffalo or Pepin; VARNUM,MEHITABLE 1846 Jefferson; VARNUM,PHILIP 1855 Buffalo or Pepin; VARNUM,WILLIAM 1843 Dane
VARNUM, Isaac S. 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery Archives- The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive: CWMiscColl-VARNUMFamily
Jacob VARNUM: b. 1788 Papers, 1811-1860 at http://www.clements.umich.edu/Webguides/Arlenes/UZ/VARNUM.html
[INDIAN TRADING ESTABLISHMENTS]. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS, IN RELATION TO THE EXECUTION OF THE ACT OF LAST SESSION, ABOLISHING THE INDIAN TRADING ESTABLISHMENTS. Wash., HR104, 1823. 29pp. dbd. First edition. Contains the testimony of John Cox, Col. McKenney, Jeremiah W. Bronaugh, A. B. Lindsey, Jacob B. VARNUM, etc., on improprieties supposedly done by Thomas L. McKenney. Shaw 14690, locates 2.
VARNUM V VAUGHN, 53d Massachusetts Infantry, The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive: Vaughan, VARNUM V. - CWMiscColl
VORNEHM family research at http://www.ece.neu.edu/~jvornehm/vornehms.html
VARNUM WATSON: WHEELER genealogy at http://www.angelfire.com/wa/familyhistory/wheeler.html William D. WHEELER b. 9-Sep-1788, Dutchess Co., NY, m. Prudence Betts, b. 1788, (daughter of Zopher Betts) d. 1854. William died 1866, dau. Anna WHEELER m. VARNUM Watson Queries from cmeltzer@aol.com :Looking for the parents of VARNUM WATSON, born 17 October 1792 RI, and died 17 November 1876 Ft. Ann, Washington Co., NY. VARNUM and his wife Polly (Mary) lived in Greenwich from c1820 until shortly before VARNUM died. Also need the parents of Polly, whose surname was possibly BARBER, born 1799 Sandgate, Bennington Co., VT, and died 16 November 1858 Greenwich, Washington Co., NY. looking for descendants of VARNUM WATSON and Polly (BARBER) WATSON (c1799-1858); 2 sons, Lewis (1822-1885) and William (8137-1910) and 4 daughters Susan, Mary Jane (1829-1887), Nancy (1831-1873) and Malvina (1834-1912).
WHITHAM genealogy email sww2@cornell.edu : VARNUM, Lilbourne, Northamps? Eng. (1592)Ipswich,MA(1634)NH
WHITCOMB VARNUM William WHITCOMB was born on 30 Aug 1843 in STOCKBRIDGE, VT. Worked as a bookeeper. He was married to Ella Susan HARKNESS on 13 Jun 1866 in NORTH GRANVILLE, NY. Ella Susan HARKNESS was born on 31 Aug 1846 in MENDON, VT. ; son VARNUM Edward WHITCOMB was born on 9 Dec 1878 in RUTLAND, VT
WHITNEY: Bodwoin, ME VRs at http://www.erols.com/rlward1/whitney/maine/bowdoin.html Marriages Volume III, Pages 192-193 Whitney, Benjamin, Jr., of Little River Plantation and Polly VARNUM of B., int. Nov. 12, 1795, T.R.3. Shirley, MA VRs at http://www.erols.com/rlward1/whitney/mass/shirley.html Page 172 Marriages WHITNEY, Artemas of Bolton and Rebecah Smith, Apr. 4, 1816. [Rebecca, B.R.] Pages 93-94 Births VARNUM Whitney, ch. Artemas and Rebecah, May 26, 1818. [May 25, B.R.] Pepperell, MA VRs Pages 238-240 Marriages at http://www.erols.com/rlward1/whitney/mass/pepperell.html Anna Whitney, Mrs., and John VARNUM, Feb.16,1826. Lowell, MA, Vital Records to 1850 at http://www.erols.com/rlward1/whitney/mass/lowell.html Marriages Vol. 2, Page 387 WHITNEY VARNUM, and Abigail C. Parker, both of Lunenberg, Dec. 26, 1844. (Intention not recorded) Dracutt VRs Marriages Page 253 at http://www.erols.com/rlward1/whitney/mass/dracut.html WHITNEY, Rufus B., 28, butcher, s. Tim[othy] and Lucy, and Jane C. VARNUM, 22, d. Jeremiah and [Mehittable], Aug. 28, [18]48
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