"Butterfly Kisses"
My first and only child arrived in October, 1981, full head of long dark hair included. I call her a miracle because, first of all, every child is, and also because, according to the doctors, she shouldn't be here today. God said different...*smile. When she was only 2 1/2 months old, she had spinal meningitis and was very ill. She spent two weeks in the hospital, one in intensive care, not expected to live. Even when she was moved to regular care, fluid began collecting around her brain. Poor thing had to have half that hair shaved when they put an IV in her head...:( After they drained the fluid, after seizures because of the fever and the pressure of the fluid, she improved enough to come home. When we left, I had no idea if she'd be able to walk or to function normally. They couldn't tell me what the long-term effects were going to be.
Just look at her now!...*smile...
she's an honor student, running is one of her talents, was on the regional basketball team a couple years ago, plays clarinet, sings in the high school chorus, and is an all-around pretty good kid...*proud and thankful 'mom' smile*...and has enough hair for about 3 people..LOL
update Oct. 2001:
She is now, of course, approaching 20 and in her second year of college. We have a great relationship and rarely have cause for conflict. She is one of the greatest blessings in my life. :)
update Dec. 2007:
MY CHILD IS NOW A COLLEGE GRADUATE!! *happy dancin* :):) This past summer, she earned (and I do mean EARNED..LOL) a degree in Business Administration. I'm incredibly proud of her and all her effort in achieving this goal in her life.
Our dogs don't always wanna pose for pics,
but that's Paco on the left and Elvis on the right,
so named 'cause he ain't nuthin' but a hound dog..LOL
...and...she DOES have a more feminine side..:):) See?
(the one on the left is on canvas and didn't scan as well)
Can you tell this one's Mom's favorite?...*grin
Thanks to chains for his photo magic..:):)
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