????in' | any verb ending in 'ing'...we drop 'g's like Canadians add u's...LOL...they're extraneous
beadwood | small tree; leaves can be collected, dried and sold...many of my school clothes came as a result of this effort...:)
branch lettuce | type of leaf lettuce that grows wild, usually found near streams
britches | pants
conniption | fit; overreaction--'He's gonna have a conniption if he don't find that coon dog 'fore long.'
corn crib | storage area, usually made of wood slats, where corn or other feed was kept
cornshock | corn stalks bound together in a sheaf
creasy greens/creases | small, edible, wild plant which is gathered, boiled and 'killed' (see below) name perhaps a variation on 'cress'???
creek/crik/branch | small stream
dabber | moth--I hesitate to put this one...think it's kinda unique to maybe even my family?....all I know is that I'm scared to death of 'em...yeah, go on and laugh...LOL
dinner bucket | lunch box/lunch pail
'fore | before--'Y'all be home 'fore dark.'
givin' rain | predicting rain; said of the weather forecast--'They're givin' rain (snow, etc.) for tomorrow.'
grinnin' like a mule eatin' briars | not certain why mules eat briars...LOL...but when they do, lips are pulled back in something resembling a smile; statement of contentment/happiness
grits | hominy which is ground up finely enough to make a thick mush when cooked. Butter and salt are usually added when served. And no, we don't have them with every meal...*grin
high-water britches | pants that are too short
holler | hollow; valley; fairly long road to someone's house that's off the 'main' road (main road being perhaps a gravel road...LOL) thought everyone knew this one, but found I was mistaken, so I'm adding it
'I ain't never seen the like!' | never seen anything like it; said in surprise and anger (as with a child dirty from head to toe) or in surprise and disappointment (as in wondering over someone's behavior).
'I wish I'm a-never!' | exclamation of surprise; was used by an older lady in our community whom all referred to as 'Granny'...:)
idjit | silly, idiotic, or foolish person...not as strong as 'idiot,' though...spelling may vary...I normally use it in a teasing manner--'You idjit! Why'd you tell 'em about me gettin' lost?'
kill | no, not murder..*grin..something done to greens such as branch lettuce. Oil/grease and vinegar are heated and poured over the greens to 'kill' (wilt?) them.
lightnin' bugs | fireflies
mooney-eyed | infatuated.--'He's all mooney-eyed over that Becky Jane.' usually said in a teasing or hopeless manner...*grin
mountain tea/teaberry | small wild plant that grows close to the ground, usu. w/3 leaves per stem; leaves have a spearmint flavor and can be chewed or used to make tea
notion | whim--'I'll go to the store if I take a notion.'
painter | panther
peeniewinkle | periwinkle; small black-shelled snails found on rocks in freshwater streams...not too sure how widely used this one is, but I've said it a few thousand times...*grin
poke | paper bag
prize | to pry, usually using leverage--'Lemme try to prize the lid open (off; up) with a crowbar.'
spell | while--'Come on in and sit a spell.'
sprig | small piece of hair, grass, etc--'You have a sprig of hair stickin' up.' 'There's just a few sprigs of grass come up so far this spring.'
Sunday-go-ta-meetin'-clothes | best outfit/fancier clothes--'He must be goin' courtin'. He's got on his Sunday-go-ta-meetin' clothes.'
take on | complain--'Don't take on so, it's just a splinter!'
y'all/you'uns/yourn | you all/you ones/yours...many variations on these
yonder | as in 'over yonder,' 'in yonder,' 'up yonder,' 'out yonder'; any place where you aren't; flexible because it can indicate great distance or a few yards.--'The cow is out and I see her way over yonder'; 'He's in yonder doin' his homework.'