If you wish to use these graphics on your personal homepage, I ask only credit for my work in the form of a link back to my page.

Commercial users, please contact me for prices. Services include an original design for your site or an update to your current design and/or regular maintenance of your website, if desired.

These designs are not to be included in any other collection without my permission.

Click on any design to see the full set. If you would like a set with a specific theme or color, or if you would like an adaptation to one of the sets you see here, e-mail me and I'll see what I can come up with.

I'll be adding more designs as time permits, so stop back by occasionally to check out what's new.

All designs best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0


If you use one of the left border sets, RIGHT click inside the box
to download the transparent image used to move your data to the right and off the border. Right click on the background of any of the actual design pages (not the thumbnails) and choose 'view source' to see the HTML code needed to properly insert the image.

Page 1
LightningSpeckleTerryclothBubblesHeartBlue Weave
Green DiamondPurple RainbowGreen BlurPeachRag RugWarm Yellow
GossamerCougarPewterGold Leaf

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

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