Masthead - Curtis Township History
Military Records

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National Archives

     Andrew Sorter - Civil War, Co. K, 15th Mich. Infantry (WC 232131)
     Arthur Sortor - Spanish/American War, Co. M. 31 Mich. Infantry
     Daniel Sortor - War of 1812 (WC 29945 and BLWT 962-160-12)
     Edmond Sortore - Civil War, Co. H, 1st NY Dragoons (WC 587.780)
     Geroge Sortore - Civil War, Co. H, 19 NY Cavalry (SC 332.740)
     Hanford H. Sortore - Civil War, Co. E, 5 NY Cavalry (Wc 767.125)
     Henry Sorter - Revolutionary War (W2281 and BLWT 17953-160-55)
     John D. Sortore - Civil War, Co. K, 136 NY Infantry
     Justus Sortor - Civil War, Co. I, 9 Mich. Infantry (SC 423.014)
     Leroy Sortor - Spanish/American War, Co. M, 31 Mich. Infantry
     Peter Sorter - Revolutionary War (S23933)
     Richard Sortore - Civil War, Co. C, 17 Mich. Infantry (535.035)
     Samuel Wells Sortore - Civil War, Co. E. 5th NY Cavalry (MO 318.547)
     Thomas W. Sorter - Civil War, Co. I, 141 NY Infantry (WC 552.247)

Illinois Secretary of State

    James L. Sorter - Civil War, Co. L, 17th Illinois Cavalry
    James W. Sortor - Civil War, Co. E, 72nd Illinois Infantry

Kansas State Historical Society

     Elisha Sorter - Civil War, Co. K, 23 Infantry, Kansas State Militia

Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War by William S. Stryker

     Henry Sortor, Revolutionary War
     Jacob Sortor, Revolutionary War
     Peter Sortor, Revolutionary War
     Thomas Sortor, Revoutionary War

Michigan Military Records, Michigan Historical Commission

Revolutionary Soldier George Sortor 1775 - 1783 Placed by Nancy DeGrff Toll Chapter D. A. R.

     Geroge Sortor, Revolutionary War


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