Child Safety

     We need to make our children aware of what the real world has in store for them. Do not shelter your kids from the reality of bads things happening in life. Make them aware of good and bad things they could encounter when mom and dad are not around. This could save your child from being kidnapped, injuring themselves, raped, or molested. I know these are hard subjects to discuss with your children, but it is best to make them aware of situations the could get into. Don't preach to them....this will turn them off and they will tune you out....resulting in nothing getting accomplished. In the following tips you will learn what to teach your children and how to go about doing it.

Teach Your Children

Information :

* Their full name, address and phone number, including area code. Your full name, place of employment and phone number. By teaching them this, they will be able to seek help and have the correct information. If by any chance they get separated from the parents, they can tell the person helping them the information they know.
* That the 911 number will get them help right away.

About Strangers :

* That a stranger is someone they do not know nor do you.
* To avoid strangers and know the right to say ...." NO Thank You ".
* If they are grabbed by anyone, to scream "HELP", kick and attempt to break free. Do not be afraid to make a scene, or ask people for help.
* That there are two strangers they can always go to to seek help : a police officer and a crossing guard. If your neighborhood has a block parent, they can also be added.
* That if they are being followed by someone in a car or on foot, they should not hide in bushes or around a corner....but run towards other people.
* Not to go with, talk to or accept any gifts from a stranger.
* Never to go to a car, even if an adult is signalling to them.
* That if they are waiting for you to pick them up from school and someone else drives up and claims you sent them, to GO BACK TO THE SCHOOL for help.
* To avoid strangers hanging around the playground....particularly an adult....who wants to play with them and their friends.
* That no one has the right to touch them on any part of their body and that they should tell you if somebody tries to do so.

About Friends :

* To go places with a friend and have a "buddy" system....Stay in a group.
* That a friend is a person who is welcomed in your home as a guest....NOT a person just delivering a package or some salesman.

About Going Out Alone :

* To avoid dark and abandoned places.
* To come home before dark.
* To scream "HELP" if they are in trouble.

About Shopping :

* If they get separated from you to go immediately to the nearest clerk and ask for assistance....but never go to the parking lot without you. Don't try to look for you, but to go seek help immdiately.

About Being At Home Alone :

* Not to relate to the funny movie "Home Alone". Make them aware that it was only a movie and not real life.
* Never to acknowledge that they are alone to a person on the phone or at the door. To tell the stranger that...."You will have to wait until my daddy gets out of the shower".
* To keep all doors locked at all times and never answer the door by opening it. Talk through a window to anyone knocking at the door. Tell a delivery person to leave the package in front of the door. After the person has left the area, then open the door and bring the package in, and only then.

Eight safety rules for the children :

1 ) Before I go anywhere, I always first with my parents or the person in charge. I tell them where I am going, how I will get there, who will be going with me, and when I'll be back.
2 ) I check first for permission from my parents before going into a car or leaving with anyone....even someone I know. I check first before changing plans or accepting money, gifts, or drugs without my parents knowledge.
3 ) It is safer for me to be with other peoplewhen going places or playing outside. I always use the "buddy" system.
4 ) I say NO if someone tries to touch me in ways that make me feel frightened, uncomfortable, or confused. Then I go tell a grown-up I trust what happened.
5 ) I know it is not my fault if someone touches me in a way that is NOT OK. I don't have to keep secrets about those touches.
6 ) I trust my feeling and talk to grown-ups about problems that are to big for me to handle on my own. A lot of people care about me and will listen and believe me. I am not alone.
7 ) It's never too late to ask for help. I can keep asking for help until I get the help I need.
8 ) I am a special person and deserve to feel safe. My rules are :
* Check First
* Use The "Buddy" System
* Say NO, Then Go And Tell
* Listen To My Feelings, And Talk With Grown-ups I Trust About My Problems And Concerns

     These rules are compliments of The National Center for Missing Children. The National Hot Line is 1-800-THE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678 ) This copyright material is reprinted with permission of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( NCMEC ), Arlington, Virginia, USA. All Rights Reserved.


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