Image of Dove.
Charismatic Renewal

An Unofficial Web Site for Charismatic Renewal in Cincinnati

maintained by Joe Kindel


NEW! What Must I Do to be Saved?, a book by Joe Kindel

NEW! A New Heart! by Larry Traut

Series by Father Bob Hogan, S.M.: The Charismatic Prayer Meeting and Gifts

Article: Healing:Magic or Faith?

Article: Hiding the Holy Spirit

Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part I

Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part II

Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part III

1998 Notre Dame Conference

Here are some links that may be of interest:

Official Web Site for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Cincinnati

National Charismatic Renewal Web Site

Presentation Ministries

Catholic Men’s Fellowship

Couple to Couple League

Embrace the Children

Index of Charismatic Websites

You can Email me at:

j_kindel "at"

Last updated June 8, 2001.

Link to Geocities.