An Unofficial Web Site for Charismatic Renewal in Cincinnati
maintained by Joe Kindel
NEW! What Must I Do to be Saved?, a book by Joe Kindel
NEW! A New Heart! by Larry Traut
Series by Father Bob Hogan, S.M.: The Charismatic Prayer Meeting and Gifts
Article: Healing:Magic or Faith?
Article: Hiding the Holy Spirit
Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part I
Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part II
Article: Overcoming Evil and the Power of the Holy Spirit: Part III
Here are some links that may be of interest:
Official Web Site for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Cincinnati
National Charismatic Renewal Web Site
You can Email me at:
j_kindel "at"
Last updated June 8, 2001.
Link to Geocities.