Papa Art's diversion

.......... My name is Art Urdal ...........

If you are from Conneaut, Ohio, possibly from the CHS Class of "69", drop me a note!

If you are an Urdal (or Urdahl), you may find The Story of Vral interesting.
According to legend, Urdahl's (Urdal's) are descendants from The Troll, Vral.

Up to this point, little interest has been shown in the family name of Urdal (or Urdahl) so I am suspending my plans of building a family tree at this time. I would, however, still be intrested in any communication regarding the topics of the family name of Urdal (Urdahl) or the ledgend of Vral.

LAST UPDATED, 11/23/2000 scamp.jpg

This reminds me of my old dog, Prince

Links to other sites on the Web

My dog Darla!

This one was a life saver for me!

The Story of Vral

Strange Pictures

Scarlet Mom

A look in to your future?

One of my sisters home page! (the other hasn't started one YET!?)

LOOTSOD (take a look. You may want to participate)

"Just look at the thousands who are interested in URDAL (URDAHL)"......

By the way, it appears a lot of people have looked at this page but not many have signed my guestbook. Please take a moment to sign.
Thank You,
Art Urdal

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