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After a 2-month maternity leave, Kay has returned to work. This fall will find her serving as Vice-Chair of UNC’s General Education Council and sitting on the University’s Academic Policy Committee and Faculty Senate as the GEC representative. She is also trying to catch up with a year’s worth of music cataloging backlog, as well as serving on the search committee to find a new Music Librarian.

Nate finished his MA in Educational Technology in December. The nice people at UNC have invited him to continue his studies at the Ph.D. level and he started that work in January. He continues to work for Catapult Software Training.

He’s built an online resume and published it here.

Elizabeth Jean: 
At 3, she’s learning the variety of expressions her face can make. She’s particularly fond of the “pickle face” and the “wide-eyed surprize” face. We've also reached the stage where we want to watch the same video over and over and over and.... We also are just tickled to death with being a big sister, but wish Jennifer could hold onto all the dinosaurs and play a little bit more.

Jennifer Blair: 
The wee one made her appearance on May 29, 1998, at 8:00 AM via c-section. She looks a lot like her older sister and has a full head of sandy brown hair. See the pictures pages for the current set of red and wrinkled baby shots.

We couldn’t do all this unless Wayne were here. He’s getting a workout lately with Kay and Nate both being tied up elsewhere with work and school, but he’s holding up under the strain better than either of us would.


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