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Regina - 10/07/00 05:08:05 My Email:buddy.buddy@gte.net | Comments: Neat how you put your pictures on the site. I was wondering about your tree. I came to a site that had you listing Nelson as a surname. (Don't ask me where) been everywhere tonight. (HA HA) I am trying to find info on my great grandmother Sinda Nelson. Her father was Larkin Nelson. ANy info please e-mail me at buddy.buddy@gte.net Thank you, Regina |
Kathleen McRae - 05/25/00 20:48:13 My Email:katmcrae@sympatico.ca | Comments: Hello! Just wondered if we were related. I married a McRae whose grandfather was born in England. Take Care. |
mick.nelson - 05/19/00 00:34:15 My Email:mickjn@powerup.com.au | Comments: nice pages,especially liked the kids meeting for the fist time best wishes, mick, golden beach, queensland, australia behold the turtle he only makes progress when he sticks his neck out |
Kathryn McDonell Nelson - 04/16/99 20:40:59 My Email:k_g_nelson@msn.com | Comments: Hello - Surfing the web, looking for geneology info relating to Mary Ann McDonell and Findley McRae or Catherine McDonell and Faglar McRae(1829-1951). Long lost McDonell clan in California trying to re-connect. Can you help? |
Dr. BB (LaVoie) - 03/05/99 16:50:51 My Email:K_lavoie@foma.wsc.mass.edu | Comments: Boy, do I have cute nieces or what? That Grampy guy is pretty nice, too. Love, your baby sister. |
April Neibauer - 01/29/99 14:54:26 My Email:neibauer@greeleynet.com | Comments: All I have to say is...what a studly picture.(not to mention the cool websites....guess I'll be learning to do that, yea??? :) OK.....What's the last thing they give "Tickle-me-Elmo" for he leaves the factory??? ................................... Test-Tickles |
Kathy Elliott - 01/23/99 01:38:06 My Email:bke@ecentral.com | Comments: GREAT website Nate! I love your photos and the resume is outstanding! Both content and presentation/format. I almost gave you a voice mail today to get your website address as Pam Golden had stated you had a site w/GeoCities in a FP class I sat in on. |
Bixby - 11/05/98 14:22:48 My URL:http://www.wam.umd.edu/~pwads My Email:jcontino@axent.com |
Comments: What HO! John |
John Bell & Alice Cash - 10/09/98 00:30:45 My URL:http://www.zaboo.com My Email:acash@usm.maine.edu |
Comments: Hi Folks: Thanks for keeping us posted on your beautiful daughters! We're enjoying the grandparenting of little Shelby. John says he knew grandkids were so much fun, that's why he had them first! Take care now! *hugs & kisses* |
Nate - 09/24/98 10:29:19 My Email:nlowell@world.std.com |
Comments: Hi, Folks. I hope you're enjoying the photos and I'll try to update them more frequently. Feel free to leave notes here. We'll check them every so often. |
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