School, Swing,
And Other Things
Incase that you misstyped the URL that you wanted, which I'm sure you did since you wound up here, this is Jonathan Edwards' homepage. But before you click the back button on your browser, go ahead and take a look around.
As some of my return visitors, yes I do have a few (a very few) might notice, I've just totally reorganized this page so that the front page wasn't as cluttered as the previous one was. I think that it makes it more neat and somewhat easier to navigate, not that there are so many branches. Enjoy!
Other parts of my page.
A little about me. Self-explantory. What I like, like to do, blah, blah.
Swing Band Reviews. I'm into the swing music scene and here are what I think about some of the bands that make that up. And if there's one thing you look at on my page, make it this.
Space Calendar. Stay up and watch these, it will be worth it. Note: not updated yet.
Random Facts: The Kiwi. Being on the academic team, I have acquired a knack for useless trivia. Here is a dose of on a completely spontaneous topic.
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