First Generation
1 Tobias Ellingsen. Baptism 26 Jun 1869 in Aaseral, Norway. Died 23 Sep . 1900 Census, Emmett Co. Michigan ED90,SD10,Sheet21,Ward2 Grove Street note one child died between 1891 and 1900. Tobias and Amelia had two other children that died young, Arthur and Isaac Ellingsen.
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Second Generation
2 Isak Ellingsson Eikeland. Born 1824. Possibly from a farm called Oevre Eigeland, parish of Konsmo. While there are several Isak and Ellings there, it is somewhat an uncommon name. Konsmo will lead to more dead ends in research though. Jeff Wall,
3 Anne Kristine Nilsdotter. Born 1834.
Third Generation
6 Nils Nilsson. Born 1801. Died 1850.
7 Astrid Endresdotter Madland. Born 1803. Died 1856.
Fourth Generation
12 Nils Nilsson Egerab. Born 1767 . Died 1849.
13 Barbro Markusdotter. Born 1774. Died 1844.
14 Endre Larsson Flottorp-Madland. Born 1754 in4. Died 1830. According to the 1801 census he was first married to Ane Baardsdatter. Kirsten was living at the same farm at the time.
15 Anna Kristine Larsdotter Madland. Born 1773. Died 1817.
Fifth Generation
24 Nils Nilsson. Born 1737.
25 Kirsten Ellingsdotter Eikerapen. Born 1742. Died 1816.
30 Lars Osmundsson Kylland-Madland. Born 1738. Died 1800. For more information refer to the Thrane Family.
31 Astrid Ellingsdotter Eikerapen-Madland. Born 1748. Died 1787.
Sixth Generation
50 Elling Ellingsson Nerstoel-Eikerapen.
51 Ingrid Torsteinsdotter Eikerapen. Born 1721.
60 Osmund Hansson Kylland. Born 1713. Died 1783.
61 Anna Kristine Larsdotter V Sveindal. Died Circa 1754. For more information, ancestors and descendants, refer to the Thrane Family.
62 same as ahnentafel number 50
63 same as ahnentafel number 51
Seventh Generation
102 Torstein Markusson Eikerapen. Born 1699. Died 1722.
103 Astrid Eivindsdotter Madland. Born Circa 1700.
120 Hans Osmundsson Kylland. Born 1674. Died 2 Sep 1736.
121 Sidsel Nielsdotter. Probably from Aasland
122 Lars Soerensson V. Sveindal. Born Circa 1660.
123 Karen Soerensdotter Schive. Born Circa 1670. Died 1733. For more information, ancestors and decendants, refer to the Thrane Family.
Eighth Generation
204 Markus Torsteinsson Eikerapen. Born 1660.
205 Ingrid Torkjellsdotter Tveit.
206 Eivind Larsson Madland. Born 1668.
207 Anna Oeyulfsdotter Eikerapen.
240 Osmund Aanundsson Kylland. Born 1648. Died Circa 1711.
241 Bodil Hansdotter.
246 Soeren Thornsson Schive. Born 1623. Died 1705. Occupation Rector. The Bjelland parish consisted in 1600-1700 of Bjelland, Finsland, Grindheim and Aaseral. During the period of 1664-1782 there was three successive clergymen, all with the name Soeren Schive; father, son and grandson. The first one, born in 1623 was the most legendary of them all. He was a modest man, simply dressed and he lived in the same manner as the peasantry. He was very big, wearing a huge, black beard.He often worked together with his servants, and when he every autumn bought timber of the peasants, he was personally engaged in floating the timber down the river Mandalselva.
247 Anna Soerensdotter Godtzen. Born 1642. Died 1710. For more information on the Godtzen and Schive families, refer to the Thrane Family.
Ninth Generation
412 Lars Olsson Madland. Born 1637.
413 Asbjoerg Paulsdotter Verdal. Died 1705.
414 Oeyulf Tolleifsson Steinsland.
415 Astrid Torkjellsdotter Fiskland-Eikerap.
480 Aanund Torgeirsson Kylland. Born 1623. Died 1694.
481 Ingebjoerg Osmundsdotter Forgard.
494 Soeren Pedersson Godtzen. Born 1599. Died 1665. From Oct 16. 1638 he was Major of Stavanger. He also was active in trading and shipping. In 1649 and 1660 it is said that he owned 1 larger and 1 smaller ship. He owned severeal sites and farms in Stavanger and surroundings. In 1657, his properties was estimated to 2000 rdl, his business properties to 2000 rdl, and the interest to 200 rdl, all together 4200 rdl. This corresponds to the value of 1400 cows of good quality.The esqutcheon of the Godtzen family was a flower divided in three parts on the helmet, and a hand holding a skull. In the cathedral of Stavanger, there is a painting of Major Godtzen and his family. Two of their children, which died very young, is painted with wings of angels.(Rønneberg online link)
495 Elisabeth Christensdotter Thrane. Born 1613. Died 1684. (Rønneberg online link) For more information on the relationship, ancestors and descendants, refer to the Thrane Family.
10th Generation
824 Olav Eivindsson Madland. Born Circa 1594.
825 Guri Olsdotter.
830 Torkjell Torsteinsson Fiskland. Born 1604. Died Circa 1680.
831 Marit Osmundsdotter Forgard.
960 Torgeir Persson Kylland.
962 Osmund Forgard.
990 Christen Christensson Thrane. Born 1583. He was a citizen and merchant in Stavanger, and exported wood, fish, skins and tallow. He owned some ships, several houses and a few sites in the town. It was the bishop of Stavanger, Lauritz Clasen Skaboe which arranged the wedding for Christen and Anne. She was half sister to Mrs. Clasen Skaboe. King Kristian IV was in town at this time, and he was invited to the wedding. He gave the newly-married couple a silver cup. (Rønneberg online link)
991 Anna Jensdotter. Anna was born in Koege, Denmark
1648 Eivind Madland.
1660 Torstein Taraldsson Tisland. Died Circa 1620.
1661 Torlaug Fiskland.
1662 Aasmund Forgard.
1920 Per Breland.
1980 Christen Christensson Thrane. Born 1528. Died 1600. He was in 1573 bailiff in the town Stavanger, Norway, and later on he became royal bailiff above Rogaland county. Some genealogists have dated his birth to 1533. (Rønneberg online link)
1981 Karine Povelsdotter. Lists wife as Magdalena Nilsdotter daughter of Nils Jonsson.
12th Generation
3320 Tarald Tisland.
3321 Ingebjoerg Tjodgeirsdotter Sodeland.
3960 Christen Pallesen Thrane. Born Circa 1500 in Viborg, Denmark. (Rønneberg online link) By his second wife Magrethe Pedersdtr he had daughter Else and son Peder.
3961 Kirsten Pallesdtr.
13th Generation
6641 Torgjerd Aanundsdotter Galteland.
7920 Palle Christensen Thrane. Born Circa 1470. He was City Manager in Viborg, Denmark. Warren (Skip) Rønneberg has links to the Thrane family in his online database.
13282 Aanund Salvesson Galteland.
15840 Christen Toegersen Thrane. Born Circa 1430. The noble family Thrane had in its esqutcheon a golden crane (=Thrane) on red background with a golden globular in its left claw
26564 Salve Bergtorsson.
31680 Toeger Pettersen Thrane. Born Circa 1400. Died 1452. Lived in the town Viborg in Denmark
3128 Bergtor _____.
Reference Note 3
According to the 1801 census his mother was Ingebor Christofsdatter, born 1751.
Reference Note 4
According to the 1801 census his mother was Ane Baardsdatter.
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