Willy Elmo and I would like to dedicate the Haunted House in memory of the Sweetest Cat:
Our very wonderful feline friend, Annie.
A Frightful "Tail" : by Kitten K Boodles
On Halloween, a frightful night, A Lioness of gray and white,
Will hunt for hours in the house, with hope to find a tasty mouse.
Her shadow sleek, with twitchy tail, and claws that puncture and impale.
She'll wait for unsuspecting prey, with fleeted foot, she'll pounce away.
Be it a bird or mommy's shin, the execution shall begin.
She launches from behind the stair, her fangs and claws will rip and tear.
The carnage is beyond compare, when kitty springs from God knows where.
By jack o'lanterns flick'ring light, I came upon a gruesome sight.
The Huntress caught her evening meal, (Appeared to be a human heel).
Now, to write the epitaph, for mommy's freshly shredded calf.
Alas, the mouse she claimed to see was mommy's leg, below the knee.
The loudest shriek I've ever heard, followed by some dirty words,
Had filled the musty midnight air, As Kitty hid beneath the chair.
She'll wait for yet another chance, to rip apart her mommy's pants.
All Hallowed Eve, the perfect night to spread an all consuming fright,
That Kitty might wake from her sleep, and in the shadows she will creep.
And when the killing time arrives, she will claim a few more lives.
A filthy vermin or a fish, or Fancy Feast in supper dish,
She'll earn the name or carnivore, and then retire to sleep some more.
No greater horror will you find, in the corners of your mind,
Than living with a savage beast, who sleeps with you, to say the least.
And what's she thinking in her dreams?
This gory passage, it would seem:
With fangs and claws, I scratch and bite,
My slotted eyes can pierce the night.
The added stealth of padded feet, insures a dinner I will meet.
For if a mouse should dare to pass,
I'll pounce on him and slay his ass.
So now depart, this Halloween, witness to the hunting queen.
No mercy shown that I can see, inflicting painful injury.
Don't sleep tonight, but if you do,
Remember, kitty's watching you...
Kitten K Boodles - copyright - 1997*****
And now, without further ado, Boo and Willy 's Hauted House!
you go through the door, brave Kitty?
What will you see?
Or....what won't you see?????
There are wonderful treats awating you in some of the rooms, Kitties!
The Red Paw will guide you to your treats,
It will either turn on the lights, or, send you to the next room.
You will have to find it, Only the first hint is free.
ha ha ha ha ha ha