My Cyber Friends

This is a fun site complete with a cyber bar and Megan is the best bartender
Visit Melisa's "Down Home" page and learn what the life of a Doula is like
This lady is really SWEET I met her in carbon based form also.
Stop by and tell her Spanky sent you!
Sandy is an excellent writer check out some of her literary pieces
Christiana makes web pages for a living. You have to stop by and see hers WOW!
Take a trip to the Cabana Beach club and say hello to my sil
Ezhmom & Ezhdad
Cookie and Greg can tell you all about life with three sons
Amy will tell you tales of what it is like to teach second grade
Cher's page has great links and resourses
If you have any links for her be sure and let her know.
SeaBee & Airsquid
This is one of PPs chatting couples, Christy will introduce you to her family
Be sure and visit Air's page. Do you think he is a big Star Wars fan or something : )
The Speer family are just starting their pages and it is fun to watch them grow
Marijke has lots of interesting things in her site everything from health links to Irish dancing
This is Denise's first attempt at a home page where you can learn all about her family
Take a good peek at susan's page they are big sports fans
This is fiveo's home page which has some great links to explore for kids or parents
If you have any breastfeeding concerns this is the gal to talk to she is a LLL leader
Stop by and meet her and her adorable family
If you are looking for insurance be sure and ask her hubby he can set you right up
(Shameless plug )
Swing on over and say hey to her and her family
Don't let her page frighten is suppose to do that *lol*
NOTE: If you would like to be included on my list please eamil me and let me know.
I didn't want
to put people up here without asking : )