1. Harriet N. Smith, born 14 Dec 1816 in Maine; died in California.
She was the daughter of 2. Samuel King Smith and 3. Rhoada Russell.
She married (1) Levi H. FOLLETT 28 Oct 1839 in Moscow, Somerset,
Maine. He was the son of Benjamin FOLLETT and Janet "Jane" Patton
More About Levi H. FOLLETT:
Birth: Katherine R. Follett, film #10003573, LDS
Death: Katherine R. Follett, film #10003573 LDS
Census/year: 1850, Census - Pittston, Kennebec, ME (144)
Census/year: 1840, Census - Moscow, Somerset, ME (099):P99 Line 11
Other: Suspect middle name is Harold: dau. Lucy Dana named son Edwin Harold.
Children of Harriet Smith and Levi FOLLETT are:
i. Mary J. FOLLETT, born in Pittston,
Kennebec, Maine; died 17 Jan 1847 in Randolph, Kennebec, Maine.
ii. Ephraim C. FOLLETT, born 27 Aug 1839 in Gardiner, Kennebec, Maine;
died 31 Dec 1920 in Fayette, Fayette, Iowa; married Elizabeth Jane HUGHES
23 Jan 1873.
iii. Charles E. FOLLETT, born 14 Feb 1843 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine;
died 15 Mar 1849 in Randolph, Kennebec, Maine.
iv. Harriet F. FOLLETT, born 14 Feb 1843 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine;
died 21 Aug 1851 in Randolph, Kennebec, Maine.
v. Axa Elvira FOLLETT, born 3 Jul 1850 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine.
vi. Lucy Adeline FOLLETT, born 15 Feb 1853 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine;
died in of San Francisco, CA (1917); married George Wesley DANA 4 May 1869
in Gardiner, Maine.
More About Lucy Adeline FOLLETT:
Other: Lucy was named for her Smith aunt and great-aunt
More About George Wesley DANA:
Occupation: orange grower
vii. Levi Edwin FOLLETT, born 22 Aug 1856 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine;
died in of Tacoma, Washington in 1900; married Ada J. BUFFIN 6 Oct 1879
in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine.
More About Levi Edwin FOLLETT:
Residence/date: 1900, KRF, LDS film 10003573 Tacoma
2. Samuel King Smith, born 1780 in of Richmond, Moscow, Gardiner,
Maine; died 16 Nov 1861. He was the son of 4. Thomas Smith. He married
3. Rhoada Russell Abt. 1814.
3. Rhoada Russell, died 30 Aug 1872.
More About Samuel King Smith:
Birth: info from Paul Smith lloydpc@ix.netcom.com
Marriage: posted on GENNAM-L 20 Jun 1995
Death: 8/1/96 contacted Paul see notes
Children of Samuel Smith and Molly Smith are:
i. Betsey Smith, born 6 Sep 1802; married
William Cates.
ii. Rivarious Hooker Smith, born 5 Apr 1805 in of Moscow, Maine; married
(1) Polly Hale; married (2) Sylvia Whitcomb.
iii. Jemima Smith, born 10 Apr 1807; died 1825.
iv. Mary Smith, born 20 Mar 1809; married Enoch Hawes.
v. Samuel Smith, born 23 Mar 1811; died 10 Nov 1889; married Sarah Longley.
Children of Samuel Smith and Rhoada Russell are:
i. Amasa Smith, born 5 Nov 1814 in
of Gardiner, Maine; married Elizabeth Steward.
1 ii. Harriet N. Smith, born 14 Dec 1816 in Maine; died in California?;
married Levi H. FOLLETT 28 Oct 1839 in Moscow, Somerset, Maine.
iii. Wellington Smith, born 9 Nov 1818; died 23 Apr 1890 in Augusta,
Maine; married Mahala Longley.
iv. Eliphalet Smith, born 28 Oct 1820; married (1) Annie Stewart; married
(2) Emeline Longley.
v. Rhoda Ann Smith, born 19 Nov 1822; died 26 Jan 1886; married William
vi. Sarah Fletcher Smith, born 15 Apr 1824; died Abt. 1845.
vii. Thomas Smith, born 5 Jun 1827; died in d.y..
viii. Achsah Holman Smith, born 14 Mar 1829 in of Farmingdale, Maine;
died Feb 1852; married Samuel Beal.
ix. Lucy Smith, born 3 Mar 1831; died in Victoria, Illinois; married
Sanford Russell.
x. Josiah P. Smith, born 14 Aug 1833 in rem to Onawa, Iowa; married
(1) Joanne Kirby; married (2) Margaret Lee.
xi. Alfred Smith, born 26 Oct 1835 in rem to Onawa, Iowa; married Vesta
L. Smith.
4. Thomas Smith, born 2 Feb 1754; died 1836 in Litchfield.
He was the son of 8. Joseph Jr. Smith and 9. Susannah Williams.
More About Thomas Smith:
Military Service: Orderly Sergeant RW
Child of Thomas Smith is:
2 i. Samuel King Smith, born 1780 in
of Richmond, Moscow, Gardiner, Maine; died 16 Nov 1861; married (1) Molly
Smith Abt. 1802; married (2) Rhoada Russell Abt. 1814.
8. Joseph Jr. Smith, born 1729. He was the son of 16. Joseph
Smith and 17. Mary Shaw. He married 9. Susannah Williams
21 Nov 1751.
9. Susannah Williams, born in of Georgetown (now Bath), ME.
Children of Joseph Smith and Susannah Williams are:
4 i. Thomas Smith, born 2 Feb 1754;
died 1836 in Litchfield; married (2) Mehitable Baker.
ii. Samuel Smith, born 10 Oct 1756; died 4 Aug 1824 in Litchfield; married
Lydia Bunker 24 Oct 1756.
iii. Molly Smith, born 22 Mar 1758.
iv. Susannah Smith, born 19 Apr 1759.
v. Lucy Smith.
vi. Joseph III Smith.
16. Joseph Smith, born 16 Apr 1694. He was the son of 32.
James Smith, Jr. and 33. Martha Bragdon. He married 17. Mary
Shaw Abt. 1726.
17. Mary Shaw, died Bef. 1745.
Child of Joseph Smith and Mary Shaw is:
8 i. Joseph Jr. Smith, born 1729; married
Susannah Williams 21 Nov 1751.
32. James Smith, Jr., born 1672 in of York etc., ME. He was
the son of 64. James Smith and 65. Martha Mills. He married
33. Martha Bragdon 1693 in Kittery, York, ME.
33. Martha Bragdon. She was the daughter of 66. Thomas
Bragdon and 67. Martha Moulton.
More About James Smith, Jr.:
Birth: data from Paul D. Smith
Marriage: see scrapbook for Smith data
Death: blacksmith
Occupation: founder of Scarborough church 1728
Education: sold Salmon Falls prop. to Joseph Prey 24 May 1703
Military Service: 1720 Lines Island
Residence/date: 1727 Scarborough, Martha may have gone earlier
Census/year: prob moved back to Berwick
Children of James Smith and Martha Bragdon are:
i. John Smith, born 1693.
More About John Smith:
Birth: prob b. before parents' marriage
16 ii. Joseph Smith, born 16 Apr 1694; married (1) Mary Shaw Abt. 1726;
married (2) Patience Wood 25 Oct 1745.
iii. James Smith, born 10 Nov 1697.
iv. Daniel Smith, born 2 Nov 1705.
v. Mary Smith, born 13 Jul 1707.
vi. Martha Smith, born 22 Jul 1710.
vii. Ebenezer Smith, born 30 Mar 1713.
64. James Smith, born 18 Sep 1637 in Berwick, York, Kittery,
ME; died Abt. 1687. He was the son of 128. Thomas Smith and 129.
Mary Knapp. He married 65. Martha Mills.
65. Martha Mills, born 18 Jun 1653. She was the daughter of
130. Thomas Mills and 131. Mary Wadleigh.
More About James Smith:
Birth: blacksmith
Marriage: bought 50 ac Salmon Falls from Wm. Pile
Death: willed SF land to James Jr. 1687
Occupation: Christpher Grant witnessed will
More About Martha Mills:
Birth: Martha & 3 youngest ch. captured by Indians shortly aft James
d., released 1693
Children of James Smith and Martha Mills are:
32 i. James Smith, Jr., born 1672 in
of York etc., ME; married Martha Bragdon 1693 in Kittery, York, ME.
ii. Mary Smith.
iii. Elizabeth Smith.
iv. John Smith, born 26 Jul 1685.
66. Thomas
Bragdon, born 1640 in York, ME; died 16 Oct 1690 in Cape Neddick, York,
ME (Source: Noyes, Libby, Davis: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New
Hampshire.). He was the son of 132. Arthur Bragdon. He married 67.
Martha Moulton.
67. Martha Moulton.
Children of Thomas Bragdon and Martha Moulton are:
i. Daniel Bragdon, died 16 Oct 1690
in Cape Neddick..
33 ii. Martha Bragdon, married James Smith, Jr. 1693 in Kittery, York,
iii. Elizabeth Bragdon, married Josiah Bridges 1704.
iv. Bethia Bragdon, married (1) Thomas Kimball; married (2) Charles
v. Deacon Arthur Bragdon, born 1666; married Sarah Came.
More About Deacon Arthur Bragdon:
Education: weaver
128. Thomas Smith, born 1600 in England; died 10 Mar 1691/92
in Watertown MA. He was the son of 256. Simon Smith and 257. Martha
Oldfield. He married 129. Mary Knapp.
129. Mary Knapp. She was the daughter of 258. William Knapp
and 259. Judith Tue.
Children of Thomas Smith and Mary Knapp are:
64 i. James Smith, born 18 Sep 1637
in Berwick, York, Kittery, ME; died Abt. 1687; married Martha Mills.
ii. Judith Smith.
iii. John Smith, born 1639.
iv. Thomas Smith, born 26 Aug 1640.
v. John (again) Smith, born 10 Dec 1641.
vi. Joseph Smith, born 10 Jun 1643.
vii. Mary Smith.
viii. Ephraim Smith.
ix. Jonathan Smith, born 1659.
x. Sarah Smith.
More About Sarah Smith:
Birth: had issue, d. before father
Thomas Mills, born in Exeter, England; of Saco, ME. He married 131.
Mary Wadleigh.
131. Mary Wadleigh.
Children of Thomas Mills and Mary Wadleigh are:
i. John Mills, born Abt. 1645.
ii. Mary Mills, born Abt. 1646.
iii. Sarah Mills, born Abt. 1647.
iv. Susannah Mills, born Abt. 1650.
65 v. Martha Mills, born 18 Jun 1653; married (1) James Smith; married
(2) Christopher Grant.
Arthur Bragdon, born 17 Jul 1586 in Stratford-on-Avon, Worchester,
England (Source: Noyes, Libby, Davis: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and
New Hampshire.); died 2 Oct 1678 in York, ME. He was the son of 264.
Thomas Bragdon and 265. (Bragdon).
More About Arthur Bragdon:
Birth: the immigrant
Education: planter
Children of Arthur Bragdon are:
66 i. Thomas Bragdon, born 1640 in
York, ME; died 16 Oct 1690 in Cape Neddick, York, ME; married Martha Moulton.
ii. Arthur Bragdon, born 1645 in York, ME; died 14 Oct 1690 in York,
ME (Source: Noyes, Libby, Davis: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New
Hampshire.); married (1) Lydia Twisden; married (2) Hannah Main / Maynes
13 Nov 1667.
iii. Samuel Bragdon, born 1647 in York, ME; died Dec 1712 in York, ME
(Source: Noyes, Libby, Davis: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New
Hampshire.); married Mary Moulton 1671.
256. Simon Smith, born 1583 in Stepney, Curry, England; died
1665. He married 257. Martha Oldfield.
257. Martha Oldfield.
Children of Simon Smith and Martha Oldfield are:
128 i. Thomas Smith, born 1600 in England;
died 10 Mar 1691/92 in Watertown MA; married Mary Knapp.
ii. Simon Smith, born Abt. 1602.
William Knapp, born in England; died 30 Aug 1659 in Watertown MA.
He married 259. Judith Tue.
259. Judith Tue.
More About William Knapp:
Birth: indentured to Sir Wm. Saltonstall, emig. 1635
Marriage: d. Watertown VR p. 21
Child of William Knapp and Judith Tue is:
129 i. Mary Knapp, married Thomas Smith.
Thomas Bragdon, born in Worcester, England. He married 265. (Bragdon).
265. Unknown wife of Thomas Bragdon, born in Stratford upon
Avon, England.
Child of Thomas Bragdon and unknown is:
132 i. Arthur Bragdon, born 17 Jul
1586 in Stratford-on-Avon, Worchester, England; died 2 Oct 1678 in York,
ME; married in York, ME.