--> Rev. Benjamin FOLLETT 1789-1870

Rev. Benjamin FOLLETT

ca 1789-1870 Maine

is one of my 3rd great-grandfathers.
If you have information about him, his wife Janet MITCHELL, or any of the children,
PLEASE e-mail me!
I will share all info I have. I have a ton of FOLLETT data, especially
those not related (as far as I know) to my Rev. Benjamin.

          HUSBAND  Reverend Benjamin FOLLETT
          BORN:   13 Dec 1789         PLACE: Augusta,Maine (per obituary)
          CHR.:                        	PLACE:
          DIED:   23 Jul 1870         	PLACE: Gravesville, Calumet Co., WI
          BUR.:  Jul 1870               PLACE: Hayton Hillside (Charlesville) Cemetery, Calumet Co., WI
          MARR:  25 Aug 1812            PLACE: St. Stephens, NB, CAN
          MARR: 2) Elizabeth M. White 1855 PLACE: Biddeford, York, ME

WIFE Janet "Jane" Patton MITCHELL BORN: 27 May 1794 PLACE: ME or NB CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 11 Jul 1855 PLACE: Milo, Piscataquis, ME BUR.: PLACE: Milo Cemetery FATHER: Thomas MITCHELL b. 1758 Scotland MOTHER: Katherine REED
M 1. NAME: Levi H. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 30 Mar 1813 PLACE: St. Stephens,New Brunswick,Canada CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 22 Oct 1882 PLACE: Gardiner,,Maine BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Harriet N. SMITH Par: Samuel King SMITH & Rhoada RUSSELL MARR: 8 Nov 1840 PLACE:
F 2. NAME: Catherine R. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 19 Jan 1816 PLACE: St. Stephens,New Brunswick,Canada CHR.: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: MARR: PLACE:
F 3. NAME: Sarah J. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 26 Jul 1818 PLACE: St. Stephens,New Brunswick,Canada CHR.: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: UNKNOWN MARR: Sep 1840 PLACE:
M 4. NAME: James M. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 24 Nov 1821 PLACE: St. Stephens,New Brunswick,Canada CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 2 Jun 1889 PLACE: Harrington,Washington,Maine BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Mary R. DAKIN MARR: 20 May 1849 PLACE:
F 5. NAME: Elvira L. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 20 Apr 1823 PLACE: CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 24 Mar 1844 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: MARR: PLACE:
M 7. NAME: Henry B. FOLLETT BORN: 29 Sep 1826 PLACE: Moscow,Somerset,Maine CHR.: PLACE: DIED: PLACE: New Zealand BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: UNKNOWN perhaps Clarke? 2) Margaret Hynes MARR: 4 Jul 1850 PLACE: Moscow,Somerset,Maine
M 8. NAME: William T. FOLLETT-4876 BORN: 19 May 1830 PLACE: ,,Maine (Family in Ripley, ME 1830 Census) CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 14 Aug 1900 PLACE: Newfane,Niagara Co.,NY BUR.: PLACE: Corwin Cemetery,Newfane,Niagara,NY SPOUSE 1: Juliann9 MERRILL Par: Silas8 & Deborah KELLEY MERRILL MARR: 2 May 1852 PLACE: (resided New Sharon ME until aft. 1856) SPOUSE 2: Adelaide "Addie" BIXLER Par: Jacob & Jeanette Coulter BIXLER MARR: 1875 PLACE: Newfane, Niagara Co., NY
F 9. NAME: Elizabeth FOLLETT-5878 ---- BORN: 23 Oct 1833 PLACE: Ripley,Somerset,Maine CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 25 May 1834 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: MARR: PLACE:
M 10. NAME: Wilbur F. FOLLETT ---- BORN: 7 Mar 1836 PLACE: Moscow,Somerset,Maine CHR.: PLACE: DIED: Abt 1865 PLACE: St. Louis, MO on way home from Libby Prison BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: MARR: PLACE:
M 11. NAME: George Bishop FOLLETT ---- BORN: 15 Nov 1839 PLACE: Moscow,Somerset,Maine CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 15 Mar 1919 PLACE: New Sharon,Franklin,Maine BUR.: PLACE: New Sharon,Village Cemetery,Franklin,Maine SPOUSE: Elizabeth Mary LONGLEY Par: Richard LONGLEY & Mary Ann HERSOM MARR: 23 Mar 1864 PLACE: New Sharon,Franklin Co,Maine

The Chilton Times (Chilton, Calumet, WI) July 30, 1870, Vol. 13, No. 6, page 1:


At Gravesville, Calumet County, on the 23rd inst., Rev. Benjamin T. Follett,
aged 80 years, 7 months and 10 days.
One of the most intelligent ladies in the county
furnished the foregoing
item to us and sent the following obituary notice:
"The deceased was a native of Agusta [sic.]
Me. and experienced religion when
he arrived at the tender age of 11 years and
subsequently saw light through the "Mystic Tie."
He forgot the substitute for the "Word" but
remembered enough the entitle him to the
regard, confidence and respect of all who
had the pleasure of his acquaintance.
He has held the position of pastor at Phillips,
Showhegan, Norwich, (or Norwood) Carnville,
Salem, Industry, Mercer, New-Portland,
Chancelorville, Harmony, Madison, Dover,
Stark, Lebec and Milo, in his native State.
He settled at Neenah, Wis. in 1858, but removed
to Gravesville in June of the following year.
He advocated the cause of the Savior, as a
Baptist clergyman, for 47 years and his death
is universally regretted."

Descendants of Rev. Benjamin and Janet Follett

Will share GEDCOM file which includes ancient, U.S.A. and Devonshire, England FOLLETTs.

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Page created by: Lillian Follett-Hall lilhall@mpinet.net
Changes last made on: 4 Jan 2001

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