Victorian Alphabet by Harlan Wallach ©1996
Graphic by my Cuz, Bob Sollars.

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Hello, and WELCOME to my home page. My name is Lillian Guinn Follett-Hall. My given names are those of my paternal grandmother, Lillian Martin Follett, and of my maternal grandfather, James William Guinn. FOLLETT is my maiden name, and my second surname is that of my late husband, Dr. Thomas Mayfield Hall (1934-1976). My favorite escape is into the past, researching my


Some of the SURNAMES in which I am interested - all are found in my own ancestry. I will share my data for any of them. Please e-mail me if you are interested in any of these families. The links on the individual names will lead you to more information about them.

  • BARRINGER, Maude c1884-1964 b. Co. Cork, Ireland m. Ephraim HALL c1910 d. 1964 San Antonio, TX Their parents?? When did they get to Texas?
  • BOOTHBY, Eunice 1755-1813 Maine FOUND! 8/30/96 Thanks to Clete Boothby of Cornish, Maine.
  • CARROLL, Elizabeth, m. John JONES prob. TN c1870 -> AR. Her parents?
  • CHASE, Aquila 1618-1670, m. c1648 Ann WHEELER. First Mariner of Newbury MA. Are you a CHASE descendant? I'll look up your ancestor in the book Seven Generations of the descendants of Aquila and Thomas Chase.
  • CLOUGH, John 1614-1691 m. Jane -?-. Sailed from England to Charlestown, MA on the Elizabeth 1635. Settled Salisbury,Essex, MA
  • COIL, Jonas b. c1814-1844/6 Grandfather of my g-gm Helen Coil , who was adopted by Capt. James & Mary Aston JORDAN Found Jonas may be a descendant of Valentine "Felty" COIL/Kile and wife Margaret who came to USA 1728 from Rotterdam.
  • FOLLETT, Rev. Benjamin ca 1789-1870 ME & New Brunswick Desparately need his parents!
  • GUINN, John B. m. Mary Jane JONES (widow T.J. JACKSON, she m. 3] John NORWOOD) John B. Guinn came to Conway Co., AR from TN c1870? Where & when did he die?
  • HATHAWAY, Mary c1799 VA m. James SPROULS/SPROWLS Her parents?
  • JONES, Ezechiel Union Army vet in Conway Co. AR, m. Harriet Victoria GRIFFIN, dau. of Andrew Breakthru: Father Abram C. JONES, Mother Frances SLINKARD (from immigrant SCHLENKER, FREDERICK)
  • KELLEY, Jacob, in Belmont, NH 1760 m. Deborah PAGE Where did he come from?
  • MARTIN, Robert b. c1840 m. Margaret ROLSTON lived Caledonia, Ontario, Canada - their roots?
  • MERRILL, Thomas signed his Will 1464 Suffolk Archdiocese, England; ancestor of the immigrant from Suffolk, England, to Newburyport, Mass. Bay Colony, Nathaniel1.
  • Crest MESERVE, Clement to Portsmouth, NH c1673 from Gorey Grouville, Isle of Jersey, Channel Isles, England. (Click on MESERVE to visit Fred MESERVE's HomePage, & view a beautiful photo of Gorey complete with castle.)
  • MITCHELL Thomas b. 1758 Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland,in NYC 1788, lived Waldoboro (Union?), Lincoln, ME 1794 Breakthru 11/3/99 = Father of Thomas is John, Mother Mary _?_, fled NYC to Canada as Loyalists to the Crown, ca 1781.
  • SMITH, Harriet m. Levi FOLLETT 1840 ME Click the link to view Harriet's ancestry. Thanks to Paul D. Smith!
  • SMITH, General (Yep, that's his given name) m. Hannah SOLLARS (Ignatius) 1813 par. of Olive, below His parents?
  • SMITH, Olive "Lovey" m. Jonas COIL 9 Feb 1834 Eugene IN d. 29 Sept 1895 Potomac, IL
  • Crest SOLLARS, Ignatius c1769-1833 Frederick Co. VA; 1799/1800 to Ross Co., OH. Who are parents? Wife Elizabeth's surname?
  • WHEELER, Dominick b 1565 Wiltshire, England m. Mercye JELLYE 3 Jun 1588 St. Edmund's Parish, Salisbury, England. Their son:
  • WHEELER, John c1589-1670 emigrant to Newbury, Essex, Mass. m. Agnes YEOMANS, had 12 children. Will share data.

  • My direct ancestry in AHNENTAFEL format.

    I publish a Newsletter for the MERRILL surname. If you're interested in details,
    send a note to me, and please visit
    The MERRILL Newsletter Home Page for detailed information.

    My Favorite LINKS

    Please bookmark this page before leaving! Thanks!
    The FOLLETT Freesite Bonnie Follett's excellent effort
    Andy's Art Attack!
    Yvon Cyr's Acadian Genealogy HomePage
    Morgan Robertson's Pictou, Nova Scotia Page
    Where To Write for Vital Records - U.S.A.
    Perpetual Calendar Form
    U.S. GenWeb
    Robert C. SOLLARS, Keeper of the Name
    Fred MESERVE's HomePage
    GENUKI - United Kingdom Genealogy Helps
    Yorkshire Passenger Lists to Fort Cumberland
    My Genealogy Webrings Page

    Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites
             on the Internet Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
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