An Index of Hymns written by Douglas D. Wood

All words are © by Douglas D. Wood

Tunes are in the public domain, with the exception of some harmonization. Copyrights are noted. If the tune is in the public domain, click on the tune name to hear it in MIDI format. Tune numbers refer to the United Methodist Hymnal. Congregations owning congregational quantities of the United Methodist Hymnal may use tunes freely; others should check copyrights carefully. Words and/or tunes that are used without express permission of the author is considered stealing. If you wish permission to use these words in worship, simply e-mail to I will reply with a full text of the words and written permission for use. There is never any charge for congregations of the United Methodist Church - and probably not for anyone else, either!

Hymn List

God of Abram

Baptism of Our Lord

Opening Chorus

Communion Days


Children Together


God of the Mountains


If I Look Up

Psalm 23

The Sower

Christians Are One

King and Friend

God, You Walk Among Us

Come Holy Spirit

Signs of God's Promise

Sarah and Abraham

The Cry

Transition Hymn (Designed for saying goodbye or greeting new pastors)

God of Abram - an Advent Hymn

Tune: Holy Manna 87.87 D (#150)

God of Abram, Sarah, Isaac

Saints of old awaited you.

Freedom from oppression seeking

Many thought You overdue.

Armies of avenging angels

They hoped would pour from the skies;

You instead sent them a baby,

Angel song; to their surprise.

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Baptism of Our Lord - based on Matthew 3.

Tune: St. Denio (#103 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise)

Folk came to the Jordan, were baptized by John.

When he raised his eyes he saw God's only Son.

"Lord why come Thou here to be baptized by me?

'Tis I should receive and be baptized by Thee."

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Opening Chorus

Tune: Woodworth LM (Just as I Am - # 357)

Children of God, we come to share;

Trusting in love our souls laid bare.

As each loves each, we are set free,

Dead through our sin, we're raised by Thee.

(This is the complete text)

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Communion Days

Tune: "Promised Land" CM with Refrain #724

Communion days would come and go,

I'd sit ashamed in sin.

I felt unworthy to partake,

Filled by my grief within.

Made worthy by Your call, O Lord,

Made worthy by Your call.

As one we come to share Your meal,

Made worthy by Your call.

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Duke Street (LM) #157 - "Jesus Shall Reign"

The Wise Men came as they followed the star,

God's own light led them from afar

When the star stopped they knelt and gave

Treasures untold to Mary's Babe.

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"Children Together" Based on Galatians 3:28

Tune: Sine Nomine 10.10.10 with Alleluias ("All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine #166)

We all are one in Jesus Christ our Lord,

Through Him God's grace is full upon us poured;

We walk together, chanting one accord:


All children together,


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Tune: Lasst Uns Erfruen 88.44.88 with refrain

Adapt. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

Let us with one voice praise our God!

Creator from Whom all things come!

God forever! Alleluia!

Redeemer, God-with-us Who saves,

And Holy Spirit Who sustains!

Three Who were and are and shall be

God forever! Alleluia! Alleluia!

(This is the complete text)

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"God of the Mountains"

Tune: Morecambe "Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart" #500

God of the Mountains, God of the Valleys

Of highs and lows, to You we pour our pleas.

Give us Your Presence in all planes of life

Upon the peaks, and in the times of strife.

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Tune: Spanish Hymn 66.66 D (Come, Christians, Join to Sing - # 158)
Harm. © 1963 Austin C. Lovelace

We come into this place, We will praise forever!

To find Your peace and grace; We will praise forever!

To find Your strength and pow'r, we gather for this hour,

To move from bud to flow'r; We will praise forever!

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"If I Look Up" (loosely based upon Psalm 121)

Tune: Gift of Love (LM) #643
Tune © 1972 Hope Publishing Co.

If I look up, and see the hills

And only them, but not Your will,

How shall I find help for my need?

You are my strength, Your Word and Deed.

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Psalm 23 - for communion days

Tune: Picardy 87.87.87(#626 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence)

Ever-giving Lord, Go-od Shepherd

I will ask no more of Thee.

Soft green grass You give for bedding,

To the pools of peace, leadeth me.

You prepare a feast, before my enemies,

In Your Presence I break the bread.

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"The Sower"

Tune: Eventide (Abide with Me - #700)

Help me to plant Lord, help me sow Your seed,

Broadcast Your call, "Come here, My child, be freed."

Prepare the soil and courage give to me.

Planting I live out hope; my work for Thee.

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Christians Are One

Tune: Dove of Peace CM # 617
Harm. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

Christians are one through all the earth,

We serve a risen Lord

Show us your path of righteousness

And teach us with Your Word.

And teach us with Your Word.

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"King and Friend" For Christ the King Sunday

Tune: Diademata - SMD - "Crown Him with Many Crowns" #88

You left Your place in Heav'n, and came with us to live;

A homeless Babe, a helpless life, You came Your pow'r to give.

Help us to take that gift, and spread your life abroad,

You are a King and yet a Friend; Your kin-dom bring, O God.

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"God, You Walk Among Us" - a Christmas Carol

Tune: Cranham. Irr. "In the Bleak Midwinter" #221

God, you walk among us, come from Heav'n above,

Sent as babe to Mary, sent to grow in love.

Love you give us, love to share; love to share;

We would share You, Jesus; in this season fair.

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"Come Holy Spirit"

Tune: Dove of Peace CM #617

Harm. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove

Come give your power to me.

Come fill my life with God's own love,

And from my sin set free,

And from my sin set free.

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"Signs of God's Promise"

From Mark 1:9-15; lectionary reading for Lent 1B

Tune: St. Denio "Immortal, Invisible" #103

Signs of our God's promise, Jesus was baptized;

A dove then descended, was seen by all eyes.

The Babe was now grown and his service began,

That service, a sign too, through ages still stands.

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"Sarah and Abraham"

Tune: Restoration (#340) 87.87 with refrain (Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy)
Harm. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House

God, You called to Abram; Sarai

Promised them through covenant.

A great nation You would make them

Through a child who was Heaven-sent.


My laughter rings aloud with Sarah's

Disbelieving; feel alone.

With Your love You reach out to me;

Lord, You name me as Your own.

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"The Cry"

Tune: French Carol (#237)
Harm. Oxford University Press

Joseph paced the floor, while Mary cried in pain.

Jesus Christ was born, and so began His reign.

Emmanuel; come from the great I AM.

Mary cried in childbirth, Your love was proclaimed.

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"Transition Hymn"

Tune: For the Bread 87.87 #331 (C) Hope Publishing Company 1988

In our comings and our goings

In our joy and in our pain,

God we find You, ever-present,

Ever-changing, yet the same.

(Stanza 4)

Pastors come to plant and water,

Others come to hoe and weed,

Others come in time for harvest;

God You give us who we need.

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Want more hymn tunes? A special THANKS to BANDIT for doing all this work for me! Bandit's Methodist Hymns.

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