A couple of summers ago one of my projects was building a bedroom and bathroom in our basement. Part of the project was adding an egress window to escape through in case of fire. During the construction the window was wide open with no screen. So this cat would visit me on a daily basis. He would hop in the window and head to our other cat's food. He would have his fill and leave. After this went on for a couple of weeks we asked around the neighborhood if anyone knew whose cat it was. Nobody seemed to know. In the mean time Courtney named the cat "Stripie" as he has stripes. Daa. We finally found the owner and asked if it was her cat. She said yes that it was one of the kittens from her cats litter. The visits continued and sometimes he would even spend the night. So he finally grew on us and we adopted him, or should I say he adopted us, from the person down the street. We all love Stripie and he is now part of the family. The moral of the story is, if you do not want stray critters moving in, keep them windows closed.
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