Welcome to the Proud To Be
Heartland Webring. We are so glad
you landed here! Alright the Proud To be heartland ring is growing from time to time. We
already have over 200 sites in this ring and is growing almost everyday. We thank you so
much for all of your support!
Joining the ring is easy and
not to mention fun. But there is some
guidelines you will have to obey first! Here they are :
1. You MUST live in
Heartland Geocities
2. Your site MUST not violate
geocities content guidelines
3. No pornography or
profainity on your pages!
4. When joining the ring,
please upload the ring graphic to your
server! Linking will slow down the process and the ring traffic.
5. When applying, make sure
you input the url of the page
where you are going to place the HTML fragment.
*This is very important! Don't make me hunt for the ring! :(*
That's it. Easy and fun rite?
Well let's get going by filling
in the form!

Once the fragment is up, this is what you will
Remember to get the graphic and upload it to your server too!

We already have more than 200 sites
in the ring within 12 Months!
One More thing! We also now
have the fragments page.
For AOLers or if you don't like the default fragment.
Click here
to see Fragments
Wanna Edit your site?

Forgot your password? Get it
mailed to you!

Please also take time to Sign
& View The Guestbook!

All graphics on the proud to be
heartland pages are copyrighted and all rights reserved. Please do not remove them from
their respective pages. Thanks you. Last updated on saturday, November 13.
Šopyright 1999 - All Rights Reserved
