Paul Crouch, speaking to Kenneth Copeland, said: "Somebody said--I don't know who said it--but they claim that you Faith teachers declare that we are gods. You're a god. I'm a god. Small 'g' now, but we are the gods of this world. . . . Well, are
you a god--small 'g'?" To this, Jan Crouch, referring to Copeland, enthusiastically exclaimed: "He's gonna say, 'Yes.' I love it." "Praise the Lord" program on TBN [5 February 1986]
The Kansas City Prophets by Bob Hunter, 1995
An expose' of the Kansas City Prophets including Paul Cain, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson and other false prophets. Their prophesies catapulted the Toronto "Blessing" and subsequent Pensacola "Outpouring" into existance. These men are revered as prophets by these movements who view themselves as Joel's Army.
"I want to say something this morning to Hank Hanegraaff.... If you want to keep any kind of a semblance of a ministry, you better back off from this revival and what God is doing. You better back off, because I am going to prophesy to you that if you don't, and you continue to put your tongue in your mouth on this move of God, within 90 days the Holy Ghost will bring you down. I said within 90 days the Holy Ghost will brin you down.
False Prophesy by Dean & Laura VanDruff, 1996
"As spiritual adultery increases in the church, false prophets will flourish as highly sought after speakers, and as Christians accept more of these false teachings indiscriminately, many will fall away, believing in a phony "faith". Since we have been warned, it might be wise to seek insight into how to discern false prophecy - what are false prophets likely to say? What are they like?"
False Prophets by Dr. Kenneth Johnson
"When a false prophet is caught he will say "OK. But I've repented and the LORD has restored me to the office of the prophet or 'The Prophetic'. You have to obey me again now." This is why the LORD said you shall never be afraid of (listen to) him again. Yes, the LORD will forgive him if he repents. He may become a fine Bible teacher. The LORD is merciful, so that you will not be constantly fooled by false prophets, Because He will never use him in that way again. "